When I buy a Stanley plane out of your booth, I take it to the cash register to pay. They will enter your booth number and a short description of the item into the computer, along with the price you have on the tag.
Your sales report will read:
Booth 718 Stanley 55 wood plane $45.50
Booth 718 Stanley Bailey plane #3 $25.00
Booth 718 Vintage silver spoon $22.00
You get paid when the mall cuts checks, which is usually one day a month.
When I buy a Stanley plane out of your booth, I take it to the cash register to pay. They will enter your booth number and a short description of the item into the computer, along with the price you have on the tag.
Your sales report will read:
Booth 718 Stanley 55 wood plane $45.50
Booth 718 Stanley Bailey plane #3 $25.00
Booth 718 Vintage silver spoon $22.00
You get paid when the mall cuts checks, which is usually one day a month.