Calabash Digger

Gold Member
Apr 18, 2016
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What do you do when the signal disappears after you cut the plug? BTW this happens with all detector brands. DSCN1887.jpg

Not sure why, but the etrac does this on purpose. When it happens with my F75 and AT Pro it is usually a dime or small piece of jewelry. Thats where my pin pointer comes in.

Now the video is pretty cool, i like to see machines in action and no 30 second intro. Just pure detecting for me. So answer me this, how long did it take to get used to that mouse squeak on the Deus? It was like finger nails on a chalk board to me.

Deus doesn't usually do this. Normally what I have done is thrown something tiny out of the hole. It is usually within a foot of the hole and I do find it. Stupid barrell swivels...

There are two types of disappearing signals to me. There are deep actual signals, then there is "iron bleed" or mineralization signals (coal hot rock etc) . When I get a deep signal I check it 90 degrees and in pinpoint I make sure there is really something where I am getting the actual signal. My detector has a slow recovery so it can generate an imaginary target between two equidistant iron targets or off the point of a large iron target. If indeed there is something down there you pop the plug and the signal disappears in both pinpoint and regular mode. This is because the signal does not carry as well through the air. Then you dig to china and keep checking with the pin pointer every few inches. I find some super deep stuff like this but give up on some of the targets out of frustration. While many of these signals are square nails and bent nails that are deep and slightly off to the side of the hole creating the " iron bleed" phenomenon I find large cents 15+" and deep silver dimes 10+" others have overlooked as well. I try and only chase these signals if they are in easy dirt not around roots and rocks because they take a considerable amount of time to recover. My machine also has a rough time IDing these deeper targets so anything that rings above iron on more swings than not and deep (at the 12" mark bottom of the depth meter) is likely a good target.

Not long believe this or not I started off in the thickest iron I could find in Garys sifter program and the audio respon was on 3 and he had said in one of his videos listen for the deep target <squeaks and that how I learned my machine backwards ! lol The squeak hasn't bothered me though... like the chalk board does...
Not sure why, but the etrac does this on purpose. When it happens with my F75 and AT Pro it is usually a dime or small piece of jewelry. Thats where my pin pointer comes in.

Now the video is pretty cool, i like to see machines in action and no 30 second intro. Just pure detecting for me. So answer me this, how long did it take to get used to that mouse squeak on the Deus? It was like finger nails on a chalk board to me.

Great recovery
I've gave up on those more times than I want to remember...
Always thought it was a tiny scrap that I tossed out and couldn't find in the spoils.
Not anymore!
Eye opening video..

I am really intrigued with this pitch program that you and Keith have been using. I live in SW Ohio and have a lot of iron invested areas. I forget which video it was but you posted your altered pitch program and I tried that but still seem to get a lot of iron. After watching your earlier videos and then getting my deus a year ago I became a lover of full tones but I would really like this pitch program you use to add to my arsenal. You said in an earlier video that you and Keith were still woking on this pitch program and once you have it where you like it you would post the settings. I assume you are using V4 when tweaking the pitch program. Any idea how soon before you post those settings? My wife happen to stop and watch your videos recently and she even commented that you really knew what you were talking about and she could see how you videos would really help people. Keep the videos coming....Thanks!

Usually I'm chasing a BB or VSI (very small item) when it disappears like that. Awesome score on the button.

I have chased signals, the china hole syndrome and given up. also had a few that I couldn't find after the "plug" was dug, got up and used the detector again and it was gone. Twice my target was still sticking to my shovel, a few other times it managed to flip way out of the hole. but several were never found. always makes me wonder if I was hearing things. glad to hear I'm not the only one.

wont be long and I will post a video on the pitch program.

Calabash - the disappearing signal syndrome happens to me while digging if in the process of target recovery I put a round target edge on. In the old v3.2 software, sometimes the GB tracking algorithm would make a ferrous or near-ferrous signal disappear as it would readjust the GB in response to the conductivity of the target. You could get the target to disappear just by sweeping your coil over the target a few times. V4 tracking does not do this.

BTW - Love that button you pulled!

Calabash - the disappearing signal syndrome happens to me while digging if in the process of target recovery I put a round target edge on. In the old v3.2 software, sometimes the GB tracking algorithm would make a ferrous or near-ferrous signal disappear as it would readjust the GB in response to the conductivity of the target. You could get the target to disappear just by sweeping your coil over the target a few times. V4 tracking does not do this.

okay that might explain why Sometimes when I sweep over some targets several times trying to listen more closely, I lose them. it is as if the the detector says it doesn't want to see it again. I am in 3.2 and use tracking most of the time. it doesn't seem to do it all the time but I have noticed it. I usually go on to another target because it doesn't register any more. I have been trying to check targets with multiple programs or frequencies to see if the target sounds better or worse but can't swear that I have done that with these targets. seemed like one time, the target got fainter and fainter until it just disappeared.

The machine basically ground balances the target out at that point...

so, you need to make up your mind quicker then. was this because I have it in tracking? this area is bad about changing ground balance.

yes its because of tracking.

thanks, in this one area, the GB changes so quickly and I just plain forget to keep tabs on it. There is a lot to remember about what affects what and hopefully I will get better at it. There are many things that someone who has mainly used a turn it on and go machine is ignorant on because they never really understand how the machine works.

I usually find its a dime the color of dirt lol. Hate spending more than a few seconds on a plug.

yes because of tracking. I sometimes have to move the coil away and find a target and then go back over the original target... or , just trust that what you heard is a good signal and keep digging until you can get a response from the probe. Trust the Deus... what you first heard is there.

so, you need to make up your mind quicker then. was this because I have it in tracking? this area is bad about changing ground balance.

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