Directionally challenged 911 attendants


Jul 5, 2009
Whiting, NJ
Detector(s) used
Ace 250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Directionally challenged people should not be working at a 911 call center :laughing9:

Today upon finishing my last stop and heading for the depot, I came across that was struck, laying in the middle of a pretty busy highway. Actually the majority of roads in this area of NJ are all highways come to think of it :laughing7:

I had originally past the deer and made a U-Turn to block other drivers from hitting it. Well, the deer was able to get up and hobble to the side of the road. But as soon as I saw the deer I called 911, and got the first of 2 hooples on the phone. The first guy was more concerned if I was the person that struck the deer, and I told him no.. Now he's asking for my name... SO I give it to him.. I'm a bit peeved becuase now I'm sitting in the way of traffic.. I gave him my location and direction of travel... Now he asks again, were you the driver that struck the deer. :BangHead: He asked what town I was in, I replied I was uncertain if 1 of 2 townships, and gave him the major cross street for reference. After about 2-3 minutes he advises this is not his area, but he will connect me to another party.

Now I have a woman, asking the same questions.. I told here I am on route 626 heading EB, about 1/2 mile from intersection hwy 639.. I also told her that mile miles west of 639 is route 9... Everyone in NJ knows route 9, a decent sized highway.. I then said, can't you trace my call using the GPS... Uh, no, I can't do that :icon_scratch: I could have sworn that was one of the reasons that GPS is required in phones. Anyway, I have to go through the whole routine with her and she's asking where I was coming from.. She is trying to find a landmark.. I told her yea, there are a bunch of trees on the side of the road, with a fence :laughing7: You already have the nearest intersection and my direction travel.. What else did they need :dontknow:

The best part I was trying to call the local police and the operator gave me the 911 and connected me. You know what I got :dontknow:

A RECORDED MESSAGE asking me to hold on :laughing9: You can't make this stuff up

Anyway, 2 quad cars showed up about 15 minutes later, about the same time I was placing the next call... What is sad, not only the deer about to lose its life, but the very high potential for a fatal car accident..

I would think that if you are answering he phones in an emergency, you should know, as most people do highways ending in even numbers run E-W, and odd numbers run N-S... Once you have given your direction of travel, it should be pretty easy to pinpoint you. :laughing7:

And that's why I'll run for El Presidente' :headbang:

I was standing on shore and called in a capsized boat this past summer, after giving them the general location and a close landmark, which only took a minute or two, sea rescue called me back on my cell phone and then they showed up right away. From start to finish, maybe 20 minutes, tops. :thumbsup:

This was my first bad experience in this situation.. Being put on hold :dontknow: They didn't even have elevator music to listen to :laughing7: I tell you, you can't make this stuff up :laughing7:

When I was living in northern NJ, someone from my office dialed 911 instead of 411 for information. They barely had time to hang up the phone and the police were there :tongue3:

spartacus53 said:
This was my first bad experience in this situation.. Being put on hold :dontknow: They didn't even have elevator music to listen to :laughing7: I tell you, you can't make this stuff up :laughing7:

When I was living in northern NJ, someone from my office dialed 911 instead of 411 for information. They barely had time to hang up the phone and the police were there :tongue3:

Spart Ol Buddy, I Don't feel so bad now! :tongue3: Years ago When I was Peddling Pizza, I had a delivery going to the 911 call center here.. I knew the general area where it was, But not the particular street it was located on.. Well! how to get ahold of them to varify the address.. :dontknow: Only 1 thing to do.. Call 911.. They asked if I was hurt, I said no "I am trying to deliver your pizza .. When will you be here he said.. I then said where are you located "The 911 call center.. :BangHead: Well finally I find it, and deliver it.. Guess what! No Tip.. :BangHead: %^^&%*&^*&^*&%&^%&^^%$%^# :angry5:

poorhunter78 said:
spartacus53 said:
This was my first bad experience in this situation.. Being put on hold :dontknow: They didn't even have elevator music to listen to :laughing7: I tell you, you can't make this stuff up :laughing7:

When I was living in northern NJ, someone from my office dialed 911 instead of 411 for information. They barely had time to hang up the phone and the police were there :tongue3:

Spart Ol Buddy, I Don't feel so bad now! :tongue3: Years ago When I was Peddling Pizza, I had a delivery going to the 911 call center here.. I knew the general area where it was, But not the particular street it was located on.. Well! how to get ahold of them to varify the address.. :dontknow: Only 1 thing to do.. Call 911.. They asked if I was hurt, I said no "I am trying to deliver your pizza .. When will you be here he said.. I then said where are you located "The 911 call center.. :BangHead: Well finally I find it, and deliver it.. Guess what! No Tip.. :BangHead: %^^&%*&^*&^*&%&^%&^^%$%^# :angry5:

I wonder how fast they would have shown up if you would have told them, "I'm lost, this is where I'm at, and your pizza is getting cold!" :laughing9:

bigscoop said:
poorhunter78 said:
spartacus53 said:
This was my first bad experience in this situation.. Being put on hold :dontknow: They didn't even have elevator music to listen to :laughing7: I tell you, you can't make this stuff up :laughing7:

When I was living in northern NJ, someone from my office dialed 911 instead of 411 for information. They barely had time to hang up the phone and the police were there :tongue3:

Spart Ol Buddy, I Don't feel so bad now! :tongue3: Years ago When I was Peddling Pizza, I had a delivery going to the 911 call center here.. I knew the general area where it was, But not the particular street it was located on.. Well! how to get ahold of them to varify the address.. :dontknow: Only 1 thing to do.. Call 911.. They asked if I was hurt, I said no "I am trying to deliver your pizza .. When will you be here he said.. I then said where are you located "The 911 call center.. :BangHead: Well finally I find it, and deliver it.. Guess what! No Tip.. :BangHead: %^^&%*&^*&^*&%&^%&^^%$%^# :angry5:

I wonder how fast they would have shown up if you would have told them, "I'm lost, this is where I'm at, and your pizza is getting cold!" :laughing9:
The Swat team, Firetrucks, Amulances, News reporters.. They would have mobbed me, Like I robbed a bank... And all for a $10 Pizza :laughing9:

911 Dispatcher: Hello, what is your emergency?

911 Caller: Help!!!! I gotta big sonofabitch trying to smash my door in, he's trying to kill me!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!

911 Dispatcher: Sir, what is your emergency?

911 Caller: (Loud commotion, banging in background) There's a guy with a gun trying to break in my door and kill me!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh! Help! Ahhhh hes gonna kill me help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

911 Dispatcher: What is your name sir?

911 Caller: Dead!!!!! Help!!!!!

911 Dispatcher: What does he look like?

911 Caller: Send the police, this guy is gonna kill me!!!!!!!!!!! Help please!!!!!!!!!!

Dispatcher: What is your name sir?

Caller: My name is Fred Flintstone help please please send help please!!!!!!!!.

Dispatcher: Okay sir relax we will get a patrol over there as soon as possible.

Caller: Help please!

Dispatcher: Can I have your address where the emergency is taking place?

Caller: dead

Dispatcher: Do you have pets, what is your credit score? What is your favorite color?

I am holding your Pizza Hostage...Tip me $10 or your Pizza gets it....Capice!


not to worry,the 911 call center will soon be privatized and there will be a ten dollar usage fee charged to the phone where the call is made from. I think that here in sunny Florida they are renaming it the "Call Gary 911 Emergency Center" but don't quote me on that.

Here in the Bay Area of FL, it used to be if you called 911 then called for a pizza delivery, you'd be full by the time the law showed up. It's gotten better, thank God

911 is a Joke


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