Digging so much trash give me motivation.


Jr. Member
Jan 11, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So 2 weeks ago I decided I was going to count how many pull tabs and bottle tops it took to find a gold ring. Ive been hunting a park with all sports to do. Well I've found 317 pull tabs, 52 bottle tops, 25 nickels, countless foil and junk I throw away. I'll be updating everyone till I find it. What are your stories of finding gold and how many tabs did it take? I'm not going to stop digging them but hearing others stories might get me more excited.

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Totals are 587 now and found 2 nickels. Dug 62 today. It feels like you just can't make a dent in the tabs they are everywhere even after digging 587 there's still way more

Totals are 587 now and found 2 nickels. Dug 62 today. It feels like you just can't make a dent in the tabs they are everywhere even after digging 587 there's still way more

So I save all of my pulltabs...actually I save ALL of my trash. Kinda "hoarder" status, but that's okay. My last gold ring was about a year ago now..I've dug 5 gold rings total, a few pendants and earring pieces and one beautiful 1925-D $2.5 gold coin! Those are my gold totals. I keep all my pulltabs in a big plastic cookie container and as of now, my guess is there is close to 2,000 in there. I didn't save them the first year I detected and I've been at it about 3.5-4 years or so. So I'd say "on average" I pull a gold ring for every 500-700 pulltabs! However, 2 of my first gold rings were both found in the same day at some schools. So, again, "on average" I pull one every 600ish pulltabs, but that doesn't mean tomorrow you won't find 3 gold rings! Hell, there was guy that made a Banner find on here not too long ago that found a pouch FULL of gold and silver rings...and I believe he said he had NEVER found a ring before in 20 something years of searching! So you never know. I'd recommend opening up your search to other spots. It's not a guarantee there's a ring at that park you are searching! I hope there is...but you just don't know. What machine are you using BTW?

Keep the faith and you shall be rewarded!!!

Totals are now 687. Dug a lot more older beer tops. Starting to slowly get bored of this experiment .

How many pull tabs would you have to recycle to buy a gold ring?

I should do the same.
Ever since I have dug my first gold ring and it hit a 48 (pull tab range), I dig every tone in that range. Of course I have dug countless pull tabs, I now have 4 gold rings (one is a return) in 2 years of hunting. And this is parks hunting, Not permissions or beaches.
My advice, as long as your back and knees hold out, keep digging those pull tabs.

Update total pulltabs count is 801 now. Have found a gold plated medallion and a 44 wheat penny. I'm getting really irritated. I see all you bums saying you find 10 in one hunt but you're liars; who get pride from people actually believing you found that stuff. To be honest this opened my eyes to all the fake post there are here.

Update total pulltabs count is 801 now. Have found a gold plated medallion and a 44 wheat penny. I'm getting really irritated. I see all you bums saying you find 10 in one hunt but you're liars; who get pride from people actually believing you found that stuff. To be honest this opened my eyes to all the fake post there are here.

Wait! Don't go there! Unless you were there, you don't know!
In 2013, I found 9 gold rings and a 10K gold bracelet and I didn't go anywhere near a beach. Was it luck? ABSOLUTELY. I do have a positive frame of mind and 13 has always been a lucky # for me. I haven't done better than 2 gold rings per year since and 2016 I didn't find any gold. This year I have one small 14K band.

You keep at it and I guarantee that you will surprise yourself. You will be rewarded. Try thinking outside the box.

Have you tried shooting the pathways, or major walk areas to and from the bathrooms?

I was talking about 10 gold rings in one hunt that's unbelieveable. I know it's possible but I'm getting crapped on

I've found 4 gold rings in the wild. I've never counted my pulltabs but it's probably a lot. Maybe 1000+.

For the ten or so gold rings that I have found in the last three years, I have 10 Mason jars FULL of destroyed Lincoln cent coins. (those too chewed up to redeem) They are always fun to dig, right? On an ATPro, small silver and large gold jewelry signals hide among the Lincoln cent signals, which vary due to erosion or copper content. So, I dig all cent signals... Many detectorists refuse to dig cents, and they are missing out. Keep on keeping on, your trial will be fun to follow! Sub 8-)

Well I'm pausing to figure out an equation for an estimate.

Same person say... is married twice and say has a wedding ring and an engagement ring both times so has four possible rings to lose. I'm presuming you're talking about ring-pulls so lets call that a ten year span. They drink two sodas a day five days a week or ten tabs a week for 500 or so a year. The ten year span of pull tabs x 500 = 5,000 life time pull tabs vs. 4 lifetime possible ring losses. Now they won't throw every pull tab nor will they lose every ring but this is a place to start. For every 1,250 pull tabs a ring may be available.

Sound about right to y'all?

Hahaha way too much time on your hands! :D

Already you hogs, here's the update 60 more tabs bringing the totals to 861. No more to say

Good luck, you are due for one at this point. So far I have only found one gold ring in 5 years of metal detecting. It was in the middle of the woods, in the same hole as a 1965 quarter and 1963 cent. Let us know what the ratio is when you find one, and once again, good luck!

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Just wanted to update everyone and tell them I am still digging. I have been digging all signals and my ratio of pulltabs is around 1500-0. That’s the reality of metal detecting but I still have fun with it and did other old stuff. Now at the park I have been pulling older targets under the layer of tabs and some bottle tops. Im sticking with it and still having fun so I’ll keep going.

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