Digging every target in a forgotten gold mining town (gold coin)


Silver Member
Sep 4, 2004
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Hi folks

Merry Chistmas

Over the last year, I've been metal detected in the main street of a forgotten mining town.

Most of the buildings in the main street were freestanding wooden structures that were removed in the 1930s. The town is located on the shale bank between to gold anticlines. There was a hotel, a church, several general stores and a chemist shop. At the end of the main street was an orchid. Mostly built of the side of a hill with good drainage.

Over the last six months I've been there numinous times and dug every target and inched my way through heavy mineralized ground. Often only covering 100 square meters in a whole weekend.

Interesting collection of relics which include a half gold sov. 1904 with surrounding chain, Caledonia society fob from 1890, WWI British peace medal civil, some gold and aprocrathy weights including a rare crowned British weight and two American and a few pins and badges. Best of all I found an Australian coat of arms wreath buckle tongue. Detector used GPX - 4500 with a 12 by 7 monocoil.

Thanks for viewing



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Upvote 69
Boy, that's some nice stuff there! I love ghost towns!


Personally I hate those Sov. mounts & I would free it from there & scrap the chain & frame. But thats just me.


Personally I hate those Sov. mounts & I would free it from there & scrap the chain & frame. But thats just me.

Hi , The chain and holder are gold too .Anyway my wife now claimed it and as I speak she fixing the broken chain linkage . Good now I can refund on her xmas gift . lol TP

STUBBORNNESS is one of the most important thing for any metal detecting guy/gal to have, and you have it, and did it ever pay off or what. Really nice items you've found there tinpan, really nice.

STUBBORNNESS is one of the most important thing for any metal detecting guy/gal to have, and you have it, and did it ever pay off or what. Really nice items you've found there tinpan, really nice.

Well said and Thanks The natural conductivity of metal and the return response signal back to the Metal detector is conductivity different . You allow enough time for the detector to respond ,Timing and motion are very important. So this run , run swing to quickly works has got me. Bet a few miss a lot of targets . With pulse induction I have more depth and mineralization and charcoal and hot rock are not problem . T P

Hi , Most notable person born in this town was John James Bray crewmen of the WW 1 submarine AE1 which found off the coast of New Guinea last year. After been missing for a 100 years TP

Personally, I'd rather be called persistent versus stubborn.

Hi, Some times I stay at one location to long just hoping for one good relic .TP

Congratulations on the nice finds.:icon_thumright:

I love ghost towns. There is a very well preserved ghost town with a great story here in California. It is called Bodi if anyone wishes to google. It is preserved in it original state of decay by the state parks so zero MD opportunity, and has been protected since the early 1960's. When I walk the streets I have visions of sugar plums.

Some really nice bits of history !

Killer dude!!!! I’d be camping out there

Congrats on the gold coin and other nice finds.

Hi, wow, awesome hunt with amazing finds. Congrats:occasion14: i bet there is still allot more to find in that old ghost town

Sweet finds, big congratulations! :notworthy:

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