Dig in the well?(update)

Kentucky Kache said:
nova treasure said:
I can't say it's location, but I know of a well that was at a large 1700's tavern and than later a hotel. We had found many of great finds around the place, I mentioned the fact to the landowner that it may be very possible that the old well could have been treated as a wishing well, because of it's design. So we rigged up a spot light and shined the well to see if we could see anything, There wasn't much water but the whole bottom shined with what looked to be silver. We was told that we would make arrangements to excavate, but that day never came and he kept the well to himself. I heard later that he brought a bunch of great coins and other relics out.

A well is a major role in the history of a site, so anything is possible, just be very careful as natural springs and age of the well can be very dangerous when digging around in it.

Nova Treasure

This is why you never give away your ideas.

I agree, but this paticular incident, the guy I was hunting with was the owner of the property. So I was just glad to detect the area and share the idea.


nova treasure said:
Kentucky Kache said:
nova treasure said:
I can't say it's location, but I know of a well that was at a large 1700's tavern and than later a hotel. We had found many of great finds around the place, I mentioned the fact to the landowner that it may be very possible that the old well could have been treated as a wishing well, because of it's design. So we rigged up a spot light and shined the well to see if we could see anything, There wasn't much water but the whole bottom shined with what looked to be silver. We was told that we would make arrangements to excavate, but that day never came and he kept the well to himself. I heard later that he brought a bunch of great coins and other relics out.

A well is a major role in the history of a site, so anything is possible, just be very careful as natural springs and age of the well can be very dangerous when digging around in it.

Nova Treasure

This is why you never give away your ideas.

I agree, but this paticular incident, the guy I was hunting with was the owner of the property. So I was just glad to detect the area and share the idea.


I know what you mean. Sometimes there's no way around it...you just have to take a chance.

hello,all just want you to keep in mind that some of them old wells are very unstable so be very carefull.but if it were me i would have shovel and pick in hand lol.i lived in the desert of california and i have heard many stories of people hiding there money in wells and burried under a fence post.good luck and keep us posted.it sound's very interesting."god bless"

Here is a paragraph from "True and Candid Compositions: The Lives And Writings Of Antebellum Students at University of North Carolina by Erika Lindemann. In addition to worrying about the safety of relatives fighting or living in the path of Sherman's army, local citizens had to determine how to secure their valuables from both Confederate and Union soldiers, especially the "bummers" who followed Sherman's army but were not under his command. Silver, watches, and important papers were stashed in wells or hidden in walls and under floorboards. A bank cashier concealed $20,000 in one of the stone walls surrounding the campus. Here is the web site for the full article also. http://docsouth.unc.edu/true/chapter/chp06-01/chp06-01.html

As you can see there are documented stories of items buried in wells. Enjoy the reading!

Yes, during many wars in our country, people hid their money in wells. Best of luck to all of you.

Yes, caches have been found in wells. I've read about them, but cannot instantly provide documentation.

I know personally of at least one cache found in WA in a wishing well. Father told his son that his coin collection was there. Son found it after father died. Proves not all rumored caches are "lost", too.

Other things are discarded in wells. Some were filled with trash, old bottles, junk, etc. Some bodies.

I once lost something out of a shirt pocket while leaning over a well. It wasn't a gold coin or anything of great value, but I doubt I was the first to loose something in that way. I wonder how many things have been dropped into wells accidentally.

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