Dig Em Small


Hero Member
Aug 29, 2005
Eastern UP, Michigan


  • Me n MD 77.JPG
    Me n MD 77.JPG
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Re: Dig 'Em Small


Re: Dig 'Em Small

Cool Pic, DIgEmAll...
You look like you were very pround of those finds, as should be...
I think my hair cut was about the same at that time, only thing is, I was already out of high-school... ;D
Good luck & Happy hunting~

Re: Dig 'Em Small

your dad did not hide them, unless you found them under the carpet,,,lol tnks for pic....rj

Re: Dig 'Em Small

Well what a little cutie pie you were!

Congrats on those finds too!!!


Re: Dig 'Em Small

DigEmAll ]
This is me and my first detector... a Mustang! It was 1977 and I was three. I guess that means I have been at this for about 28 years now! Notice the "finds" down by the coil? Could they have been plants by my dad?!?!?! Nahhhh.... ;D ;D ;D


A&) Geeze, so this is what we are entrusting the security of our borders to? sigh ! No wonder I have to wait 3-5 hrs to get through the border when I go to Tucson.


Till Eulenspiegle de la msancha

Re: Dig 'Em Small

30 years ago probably it was possible to make surprising finds 8)

Re: Dig 'Em Small

It is still possible to make surprising finds today, if you know where to look!  I recently discovered that Moscow is a good place to look to find a friend.  (Especially when he comes with a group of hot chicks!)

;D ;D ;D

Re: Dig 'Em Small

I remember the Mustang..Made by Jetco or something like that..I saw them in the cowboy history mags...My dad bought me a make your own type around 1975 that was a piece of junk when we got done.. Anyway, Had to wait till I got on my own and got my next MD around 1983 after I was married..the old push button retinues....then got to Okinawa and it was hundreds of coins after that...I guess thousands now... I think those were BFO...Saw one in action once..
Anyway, Thanks for the picture...brought back some nice times!

Re: Dig 'Em Small

I must say, you do look cute!

Re: Dig 'Em Small

1977????????? Well, dang....you are still so wet behind the ears :)...I just completed my first tour in the Navy then LOL ... Now I am feeling very very old LOL

You look so cute there. Have you and your Dad enjoyed lots of MD'ing together since then? Sure do hope so!!

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