Difficult to sell, Do I destroy it?

We played them dozens of times at Grandpa's house when I was a kid, but the adults got them out, and they were always supervising.

It seemed like we all had more common sense 40 years ago, now if someone gets hurt with ANY device, it was not their fault, it had to be the manufacturer's.

A baseball bat can do far more damage, they might as well outlaw hot dog sticks, pointy scissors....the list is endless.

Fond memories playing Jarts at my grandparent's during the summer. I just don't know how I ever survived childhood with out the nanny state protecting me.

Jarts. Lawn darts.
jarts jartsindex.webp
How big brother sees it.

Didn't have car seats either. AND, there were rifle clubs back then, but no school shootings. Go figure.

They were always fun until the kid that was eating Cotton candy and had really sticky fingers took his turn. Inevitably a dart went straight up, which way do you run? Choose your destiny!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Didn't have car seats either. AND, there were rifle clubs back then, but no school shootings. Go figure.

we have a trap team...(i'm an RSO)...we have merry go round, stainless steel slides, and those bouncy animals mounted on an old strut spring, and swings...(shhh dont tell big brother)

while there is a 0 tolerance policy for weapons on school grounds, since i live close to the school, and my garage isn't locked, the kids just leave their shotguns in there, and i take them to the range for em.

gotta love really small town america.

What you could do is .. In our local paper they have what is called bargain ad's … ..Any item that you have for sale $100.00 or less they put in for free … Then there is the shopper or swapper papers that is put out in most city & towns you could put it in.. That is what i would do…..

What you could do is .. In our local paper they have what is called bargain ad's … ..Any item that you have for sale $100.00 or less they put in for free … Then there is the shopper or swapper papers that is put out in most city & towns you could put it in.. That is what i would do…..

of course If a self appointed protector of the world sees it,
It could still get reported though. but yes less likely.

my suggestion would be to keep and perhaps one day sell it to friends,
who want it for a party game at a keggar.

or simply as a collectable .

Seller, beware: Feds cracking down on garage sales


Last I heard even busybodies wanna make a career out of looking at yard sales

Seller, Beware: the New Yard-Sale Rules


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I remember bb guns wars ............... we all still have are eyes.................

I remember bb guns wars ............... we all still have are eyes.................

i still have my BB gun, and my granddaddy's BB gun...and his jarts :D but what will i ever do without the watchful caring eye of big brother to ensure my safety....after all i've only ever...

1. put leaded gas in my car as a teenager.
2. owned and driven a truck for which seatbelts werent even an option and the gas tank was behind the seat.
3. ridden on the package shelf in moms 72 dodge.
4. ridden my bike down i dont know how many hills, wiped out, gone home crying only to have ma patch me up and send me back outside.
5. cant remember everything else LOL.

and now i gotta search every .gov website for dangerous products before i have a yard sale? ummmmmmmmm no.

Being a city kid before pooper scooper laws, a lit firecracker placed in a pile would make everyone scatter.

1. put leaded gas in my car as a teenager. (tens of millions of people suffer the effects of Lead Poisoning from this one).
2. owned and driven a truck for which seatbelts werent even an option and the gas tank was behind the seat. (The auto industry fought tooth and nail against having mandatory seat belts, to say nothing about air bags... Even with these safety items tens of thousands are killed every year on the highway. Without them, it would be hundreds of thousands).
3. ridden on the package shelf in moms 72 dodge. (Yes, your mother has about as much common sense as a rabid racoon... So did mine).
4. ridden my bike down i dont know how many hills, wiped out, gone home crying only to have ma patch me up and send me back outside. (yeah, pretty normal here).
5. cant remember everything else LOL. (concussions do that, you know :)

I tried to list a set I got at a GS and CL sent me a notice saying that they could not list it due to having contraband material in The listing

I tried to list a set I got at a GS and CL sent me a notice saying that they could not list it due to having contraband material in The listing

What about on the garage sale section on Facebook. And don't listed as jarts just put vintage toys.....

What about if you list them on eBay in a junk drawer lot. Don't write anything as to what they are just show pictures. Throw some other stuff in them or with the listing some other toys or random things with it. And then if somebody emails you asking what they are... Say you don't know....

There is a website that will buy them but I don't remember what site it was. I have two sets I picked up at a garage sale years ago. I still have them not sure what I will do with them. It is rather fun to say I own a set.

10 times more likely to cause cancer and birth defects in California

The set I had listed fine on Craigslist.. No pic tho..

Please keep the politics statements out of the threads...

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison
The Constitution of the United States of America

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