Did the Spanish ever put rattlesnakes in a treasure cave?............

Wether the spanish put rattlesnake inside the mine or not I can't tell you, but I can tell you that a good portion of the mines I entered when I was in Arizona had rattlesnake just inside the mouth. I never understood this because I thought rattlers liked the sun, but they were there.

Wild Boulder

Here is a free lead for you snake lovers! Somewhere in Texas there is a dusty town. At the time I saw it it was a large bar in the middle of nowhere. Yet when you go there it is always full of people. They had a large sign painted outside. See the Rattlersnake pit! The only way you will get to see the pit is if you buy a beer and ask him about it. Depending on how dumb of a Yankee he thinks you are dictates the price.

You must understand this bar itself has dangers. It is a very dangerous crowd so be respectfull of all people.

Anyway this helper takes over the bar and he takes you out to this place about three acer out. He owns all the land for miles. With him it is shoot first as far as trespassers and he has plenty of people watching the area.

Anyway We walk up to the area and we hear them before we see them. There was over 100 snakes sunbaithing on this large out cropping.

I am done with snakes forever even before that.

The point is this cavern was made over a natural underwater spring. But if you look closer the rocks over it,you can tell that the large flat rocks are stacked so that the snakes have tunnels.

The point is is someone would have to climb in the cavern. The treasure is in a large pool of water.I estrimate there is a few hundred pounds of gold. The pool is about 15 to 20 feet deep. There would very limited room to move around.

I visited this place about 15 years ago. Even if the bar closed the local will tell you of a rattlesnake pit on a outcropping.

I know of 2 more places in Texas like this. The Treasure is there,but I am a scaredy cat.


What's the basis for your gold estimate?

The proper clothing, a stick,and a bag is all we need! Ok, some mules to tow the gold and some hot chicks to buy beer at the bar to keep those boys busy!

The gold I speak of is actually one of 8 caches of a very powerful Mexican family of Spanish descent. I estimate in the bottom of the pool is a small footlocker packed with gold coins. It would likely need two men to lift the chest out of of the spring.

But remember this is a cavern that in order to get to the springs requires following a small tunnel that goes about 30 feet deep into the outcropping. We are talking crawling like worms.

I have faith someone out there in Texas can figure this out. To many risks for me. The people in that bar are loco.


I used to go caving quite a bit in my younger days (in Texas) and most caves we went into did NOT have snakes. The ones that did usually (but not always) only had snakes near the entrance. The reason that I know is because the crazy guy I caved with would still crawl in even when he heard snakes. We saw more snakes on the surface, sunning, than we found in caves.

But he once went into a cave called Litter Barrel Cave down near Del Rio. Crawled down a passage and into a room. This was a cave known to have snakes. He came out and went and got his camera saying in the room was a ledge all the way around with rattlesnakes on it and one of them was the biggest rattler he had ever seen. He went back and took a picture of it (told you he was crazy) I saw the picture and he said the snake was as big around as a one pound coffe can.

Anyway I would say we only found snakes in caves maybe once every 30 caves or so. I always beat around the entrance with a stick and listen for rattles. If I hear them I don't go in.

I would try to smoke them out or get some think leather welding gear and a good stick and go in after em. But you do bring up a good point it is an excielent place to hide stuff cause you know no one is going to be crazy enough or very willing to go in there.

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