Here is a free lead for you snake lovers! Somewhere in Texas there is a dusty town. At the time I saw it it was a large bar in the middle of nowhere. Yet when you go there it is always full of people. They had a large sign painted outside. See the Rattlersnake pit! The only way you will get to see the pit is if you buy a beer and ask him about it. Depending on how dumb of a Yankee he thinks you are dictates the price.
You must understand this bar itself has dangers. It is a very dangerous crowd so be respectfull of all people.
Anyway this helper takes over the bar and he takes you out to this place about three acer out. He owns all the land for miles. With him it is shoot first as far as trespassers and he has plenty of people watching the area.
Anyway We walk up to the area and we hear them before we see them. There was over 100 snakes sunbaithing on this large out cropping.
I am done with snakes forever even before that.
The point is this cavern was made over a natural underwater spring. But if you look closer the rocks over it,you can tell that the large flat rocks are stacked so that the snakes have tunnels.
The point is is someone would have to climb in the cavern. The treasure is in a large pool of water.I estrimate there is a few hundred pounds of gold. The pool is about 15 to 20 feet deep. There would very limited room to move around.
I visited this place about 15 years ago. Even if the bar closed the local will tell you of a rattlesnake pit on a outcropping.
I know of 2 more places in Texas like this. The Treasure is there,but I am a scaredy cat.