Deus hears good targets below iron - first time Ive seen this...

All the settings are spelled out in this new video below; instead of assuming my CTX is not set up correctly, why don't you share your settings and I'll plug them in my CTX?. This time I used a smaller coin and tried hearing it about 2" from the coil. I only tested the Deus vs the CTX.

My setting are on post reply number 8.

I would like to know what setting you are using.

My reason for thinking you did not have the CTX set up properly only comes from you not being able to hit the quarter. I went out again this am and tried your test again and other than still not knowing what spacing you have on the middle nails I used 5" and hit the quarter with ever swing with good ID numbers. 12-44/45 and 13-43/45.

Once again I am not knocking the Deus as I think it is one hell of a machine. I kept the CTX and sold my Deus but it was only having used both that I decided to keep the CTX.

My heartburn with the video is that it shows the CTX not hitting a target that I know without doubt it will and most likely will Id it better than the Deus when it does.

Please provide your setting and distance between the nails.

vid states nails are 4.5"

I had to do this test again using the 4.5" nail spacing and using nails more like the ones in the vid.

Anyway, my result were quite different than yesterdays attempt. My At Pro (5x8) would give a med tone every time in both directions. Def a dig signal when I'm working iron.
Just curious as to what the iron readings on the ATP of the nails you are using are?

The Compadre was giving dig signals today too with this spacing.

The CZ (8" concentric) on the other hand was coming up goose egg until I threw it in AM. Iron gives a scratch in AM and is undetectable 5-6" over the iron but with the coin under it…a sweet zip zip sound that I'd dig all day.

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TL and Fella, with different size nails in different positions, your results will vary on all machines. The idea here is put the nails in place where the CTX and other machines will not hear the target below the iron level and then try the Deus. That's all I did and the Deus was able to hear what all of the other machines could not. Picture the "line and circle" below being "nails and a coin"

First, try the nails and the coin in this position | 0 |

Then try it again with one of the two nails positioned on a 45 degree angle | 0 /

Then try it with one of the two nails at 90 degrees like this | 0 ----

Keeping the coin below the iron level, please let me know what you hear...


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Good question. At 12kHz it was no more than an occasional crackle. At 8kHz and 4kHz not a sound.

Another question for the Deus you think in this test scenario the responses in 4K, 8K and 12K would better reveal the coin if they were in the ground and not in the air?

Another question for the Deus you think in this test scenario the responses in 4K, 8K and 12K would better reveal the coin if they were in the ground and not in the air?

High conductive targets (silver coins) seem to read very well at the 4kHz and 8kHz frequencies. Add in years of a "halo effect" and it might ring through surface iron clearly. I plan on taking the Deus to some old foundations sites and doing some testing. One thing I really like about the Deus is the ability to change custom programs with one press of the "+ or -" buttons. A signal that I hear at 18KHz, I will also check at 12kHz, 8kHz and 4kHz. I'll post some results once I get out there.


I really like the test setup in the video. However it was not executed evenly. At around the 4 minute area when the Deus is tested the coil gets centered between the two inner nails. The other detectors vary a lot between 2-3-4 nails. The swings are very inconsistent. That said, I think doing a similar test but using Monte's nail board test and also doing it against soil and dropping the coin into a recess in the soil would be even more telling.

I have a BIG problem with bottlecaps. I've tried some of the tricks: wiggle back, angles, 4Khz, Silencer, etc. Sometimes these techniques work, but I still dig way too many 5-6 inch bottlecaps at the park. Any chance someone with a video camera is willing to create a setup like CarterNY did in his videos...and use rusted bottlecaps of different flatness and shapes instead of rusted nails? I'd think the bottlecaps would pose a much bigger problem than nails, but I'm hoping someone will prove me wrong :-)

I believe you will hear a quarter with the CTX and other machines if you move the nails 5 1/2 inches apart. In my test, the block of wood I removed was 3" wide. Moving the nails farther apart makes a huge difference on the iron masking effect.

What also makes a difference is the size of your nails. With very thin/smaller nails, the quarter will read through the iron.

The whole purpose of the test was to see if the Deus's claims were true. I have known for a long time about the phenomena of not being able to hear good targets below iron so I set the nails wide enough apart to the point where the other machines could not hear the quarter. Once I got to this point, I tested the Deus and their claims were true! They have some serious processing speed!

In the video, when testing the Deus with the iron volume on, I was only swinging between the nails but when I turned the iron volume off, I was swinging beyond the nails and was still able to hear the quarter "chirp" regardless of the swing speed. Start watching at the 2:40 point in the video and you'll see I slowed the CTX down. The quarter was about 4" away from the coil and the screen was wide open (to hear everything), Deep was OFF, Fast ON, Ferrous-Coin.

Regarding your comment "the test you showed is not a accurate representation of the CTX" ; The good thing about these sort of tests is that they are very repeatable. I encourage what you have done by doing the test yourself but I think when you try the test again with the nails closer as in my video, you will see the CTX simply does not have the processing speed of the Deus.

Different machines (like the CTX) have advantages over the Deus in other areas, but regarding hearing good targets below iron, the Deus works.


I hit on the ring on the right (10K gold woman's class ring) 2" below a 3/8th's X 1 1/2" Galvanized bolt. The bolt was about 2" below the ground & the ring was about 2" below that and sightly to the right.

XP DEUS, All Metal Mode, Reactivity set to 4, 12khz, 9" coil, ground was red iron dirt, manual GB. (Though sometime I do use tracking, due to constantly changing soil conditions here.)

Discovered early October, 2012 in Charlotte, NC

Since this site won't allow me to update in Chrome, I'll add, the other ring (Ring on left) is marked 925 (anodized gold I'm sure) and was found about 2" below the surface with the same settings.

Sorry, I tossed the bolt. Not really into saving junk. The area where I was hunting, condos were built in 2005.

Made a similar test with my deeptech vista gold. know that the condicions are different, nails ..., but think was a good result. US quarter was 2' down and about 3' apart at the end of video.

Good job Ron. The DT Vista Gold is as good as the Deus, for 1/3 the price, under this type of condition: lots of iron. I have extensively tested them side by side...

That being said, my go to machine has been the Deus for about 3 years. I was one of the first 10 people in the USA to get the Deus.

I'm really surprised that Carter NY did not use the DeepTech Gold for this test (when he has one) but instead used the DeepTech Smart (15kHz vs 25kHz for the Gold)???

Made a similar test with my deeptech vista gold. know that the condicions are different, nails ..., but think was a good result. US quarter was 2' down and about 3' apart at the end of video.

I am really surprised from something different, Barry :icon_scratch: - that OUR unit Vista SMART have IRON VOLUME ( check 2.55 in the video ) ??? After two years in production how was possible for me to miss this:BangHead::icon_scratch:
But the most tragicomic in this situation is the fact that after selling eight months Vista
SMART and Vista GOLD in USA, DetectorComparisons "don't know" that Vista SMART DON'T HAVE IRON VOLUME.
Maybe must see again the forty videos made in USA the last year to remember :laughing7:

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