Deus 2 upgrade


Jr. Member
Sep 29, 2021
north west U.S.
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800
garrett 400
Hello everyone,
I'm considering a Deus 2. I've been using a Minelab 800 for several years now and want to upgrade. I tried a 900 but didn't at all like the way the target ID bounced all over the place compared to the 800. I'm wondering if the Deus 2 does the same thing and also how it might compare with the Manticore which i'm also considering .
Any help is much appreciated and thanks in advance!!

Upvote 2
Hello everyone,
I'm considering a Deus 2. I've been using a Minelab 800 for several years now and want to upgrade. I tried a 900 but didn't at all like the way the target ID bounced all over the place compared to the 800. I'm wondering if the Deus 2 does the same thing and also how it might compare with the Manticore which i'm also considering .
Any help is much appreciated and thanks in advance!!
If I'm understanding what you mean, I've noticed this, but only in trashy ground or with a lot of targets to bounce off of, and I haven't found it particularly annoying/troublesome.

For record-keeping, I either:
  1. annotate bouncing with a slash/solidus (/) and a range with a hyphen/minus, or
  2. prefix with low, mid, or hi (e.g. "mid 70s", "low 90s")

My final choice was between the Dēus II and Manticore. I'm completely satisfied with the Dēus II, but I think I would also be completely satisfied with the Manticore. Comparisons have been--and will continue to be--made, but IMO most have been really nitpicky. IMO, the two machines are so close, it comes down to aesthetics rather than functionality.

Can we assume you're familiar with Merrill's comparison/reviews?

(And many many more comparison vids of these two machines)

One difference that mattered to me is that the Dēus II is completely wireless, and the Manticore is not. Changing coils on the fly takes seconds instead of minutes, and no PITA cables.

Manticore has the color screen, which would have been nice, but I'm not losing sleep or having buyer's remorse over it.

I don't recall if the Manticore has (as many) configuration options, though I believe it has more coil options. I have the largest & smallest Dēus II coils (9", 13" x 11") and I'm quite satisfied with those.

It's been said (by others) that the hardest thing about the Dēus II is learning the interface; it's quite different than Minelab or even the Dēus I. I can't speak to that; I keep a copy of ColonelDan's
Dēus 2 Menu Trees in my kit, and I'm learning as I go. I enjoy learning new/different things. 😉

I have both the DEUS I and II, I use the DEUS I for playgrounds and use the Elliptical coil, and the DEUS II for old places with coins and trash mixed, my friend has a Minelab 800 and I dig circles around him on small coppers (wheats, ect)
Depth is almost the same / Deus II and Minelab 800 DEUS I does NOT go as deep...
I don't know ANYTHING about the Monticore ... Can't say ...
But I would not trade what I have for anything else... No cords and wireless and chargeable ...

If I'm understanding what you mean, I've noticed this, but only in trashy ground or with a lot of targets to bounce off of, and I haven't found it particularly annoying/troublesome.

For record-keeping, I either:
  1. annotate bouncing with a slash/solidus (/) and a range with a hyphen/minus, or
  2. prefix with low, mid, or hi (e.g. "mid 70s", "low 90s")

My final choice was between the Dēus II and Manticore. I'm completely satisfied with the Dēus II, but I think I would also be completely satisfied with the Manticore. Comparisons have been--and will continue to be--made, but IMO most have been really nitpicky. IMO, the two machines are so close, it comes down to aesthetics rather than functionality.

Can we assume you're familiar with Merrill's comparison/reviews?

(And many many more comparison vids of these two machines)

One difference that mattered to me is that the Dēus II is completely wireless, and the Manticore is not. Changing coils on the fly takes seconds instead of minutes, and no PITA cables.

Manticore has the color screen, which would have been nice, but I'm not losing sleep or having buyer's remorse over it.

I don't recall if the Manticore has (as many) configuration options, though I believe it has more coil options. I have the largest & smallest Dēus II coils (9", 13" x 11") and I'm quite satisfied with those.

It's been said (by others) that the hardest thing about the Dēus II is learning the interface; it's quite different than Minelab or even the Dēus I. I can't speak to that; I keep a copy of ColonelDan's
Dēus 2 Menu Trees in my kit, and I'm learning as I go. I enjoy learning new/different things. 😉

If I'm understanding what you mean, I've noticed this, but only in trashy ground or with a lot of targets to bounce off of, and I haven't found it particularly annoying/troublesome.

For record-keeping, I either:
  1. annotate bouncing with a slash/solidus (/) and a range with a hyphen/minus, or
  2. prefix with low, mid, or hi (e.g. "mid 70s", "low 90s")

My final choice was between the Dēus II and Manticore. I'm completely satisfied with the Dēus II, but I think I would also be completely satisfied with the Manticore. Comparisons have been--and will continue to be--made, but IMO most have been really nitpicky. IMO, the two machines are so close, it comes down to aesthetics rather than functionality.

Can we assume you're familiar with Merrill's comparison/reviews?

(And many many more comparison vids of these two machines)

One difference that mattered to me is that the Dēus II is completely wireless, and the Manticore is not. Changing coils on the fly takes seconds instead of minutes, and no PITA cables.

Manticore has the color screen, which would have been nice, but I'm not losing sleep or having buyer's remorse over it.

I don't recall if the Manticore has (as many) configuration options, though I believe it has more coil options. I have the largest & smallest Dēus II coils (9", 13" x 11") and I'm quite satisfied with those.

It's been said (by others) that the hardest thing about the Dēus II is learning the interface; it's quite different than Minelab or even the Dēus I. I can't speak to that; I keep a copy of ColonelDan's
Dēus 2 Menu Trees in my kit, and I'm learning as I go. I enjoy learning new/different things. 😉

Thanks bucket Lister for all the great information. Wow, looks like the Deus menu tree is enough to scare someone off. I’m guessing the Manticore is completely different than the Equinox menu as well. The Equinox 900 target ID numbers typically bounce 2 or 3 digits on either side of the target ID, even in clean ground. I know I shouldn’t pay a lot of attention to the numbers but that drove me nuts :)( maybe an update is in order).

The D2 will bounce too, as many others with a long numbering system. I actually find that useful as many good target don't bounce. I find it curious that Bucket Lister liked the "completely wireless" D2 system as being easier. I found it annoying when it came to water hunting. You then had to add a hokey wire setup to get it to work. Also, the coil batteries don't have the greatest life. If you hunt all day, better bring a charger with you. The octopus charging cable for all three components is more of a pain to me than the Minelab idea. Coils are more expensive on the D2 compared with Equinox and Manticore, and there are more options with the Minelab detectors. Don't even get me started on that goofy menu tree.

The D2 will bounce too, as many others with a long numbering system. I actually find that useful as many good target don't bounce. I find it curious that Bucket Lister liked the "completely wireless" D2 system as being easier. I found it annoying when it came to water hunting. You then had to add a hokey wire setup to get it to work. Also, the coil batteries don't have the greatest life. If you hunt all day, better bring a charger with you. The octopus charging cable for all three components is more of a pain to me than the Minelab idea. Coils are more expensive on the D2 compared with Equinox and Manticore, and there are more options with the Minelab detectors. Don't even get me started on that goofy men
The D2 will bounce too, as many others with a long numbering system. I actually find that useful as many good target don't bounce. I find it curious that Bucket Lister liked the "completely wireless" D2 system as being easier. I found it annoying when it came to water hunting. You then had to add a hokey wire setup to get it to work. Also, the coil batteries don't have the greatest life. If you hunt all day, better bring a charger with you. The octopus charging cable for all three components is more of a pain to me than the Minelab idea. Coils are more expensive on the D2 compared with Equinox and Manticore, and there are more options with the Minelab detectors. Don't even get me started on that goofy menu tree.
Thanks Cudamark, are you familier with the Manticore? If so is the Menu configuration anything like the Equinox?

The Equinox 900 target ID numbers typically bounce 2 or 3 digits on either side of the target ID, even in clean ground.
From personal experience and many different machines in 30+ years of hunting, ALL machines will have their numbers bounce somewhat on targets, ESPECIALLY if the targets are deep, and can't be seen by the machine very well.
Deus I and II do VERY good with target ID even at depth, but you must learn your machine and know what a target is LIKELY to be by the way it sounds and by the numbers it gives you... Then you will be successful at treasure hunting !!

I find it curious that Bucket Lister liked the "completely wireless" D2 system as being easier. I found it annoying when it came to water hunting. ....
That's because I don't hunt in the water. :dontknow:

Also, the coil batteries don't have the greatest life. If you hunt all day, better bring a charger with you.
That's partly why changing coils on the fly can be handy, but how long do you hunt for? 12 hrs. isn't enough? A charge is usually good for 2-3 hunts for me.
The octopus charging cable for all three components is more of a pain to me than the Minelab idea.
Can't help there. I LIKE being able to charge the whole shebang (coil, RC, pinpointer) at once if/when I need/want to.
Coils are more expensive on the D2 compared with Equinox and Manticore, and there are more options with the Minelab detectors. Don't even get me started on that goofy menu tree.
Yup, coils are more expensive; that's where the brains are, and why I don't have the 11"; for me it would be superfluous.

No interface is going to be perfect/please all the people all the time, but the more I learn the machine and its capabilities, the more sense the menu tree makes.

Maybe you'd be happier with a Manticore, and sell your Dēus II to tinner? 🤨

Thanks Cudamark, are you familier with the Manticore? If so is the Menu configuration anything like the Equinox?
I don't own one, but, several of my hunting buddies do. It's similar, but, not the same. If you're familiar with the Equinox system, there won't be too much of a learning curve to go with a Manitcore.

That's because I don't hunt in the water. :dontknow:

That's partly why changing coils on the fly can be handy, but how long do you hunt for? 12 hrs. isn't enough? A charge is usually good for 2-3 hunts for me.

Can't help there. I LIKE being able to charge the whole shebang (coil, RC, pinpointer) at once if/when I need/want to.

Yup, coils are more expensive; that's where the brains are, and why I don't have the 11"; for me it would be superfluous.

No interface is going to be perfect/please all the people all the time, but the more I learn the machine and its capabilities, the more sense the menu tree makes.

Maybe you'd be happier with a Manticore, and sell your Dēus II to tinner? 🤨
When I hunt in England, (or even the desert or other out of town sites) it's a full day of hunting for me. Usually 7am to about 6pm +- with a half hour for lunch. I've seen coils go dead before then....sometime mid-afternoon. I can charge all my items at one time too, just with separate cables. You have a problem with the tri-cable and nothing will charge. XP only gives you the one. Minelab at least gives you least they did me. That tiny plug that goes to the remote is a pain to get aligned with the socket. I guess I could paint a white line on it though. The charging clip almost needs pliers to spread it onto the coil....and it only works clamped on one way. I have the 9" and 13" too, but, a 5 X 10 would be nice for tight areas like stubble or bushes. I've also been a fan of 6" coils for real trashy areas. Those aren't currently available, and the 6" probably will never be since they need the room for all the electronics to get rid of the cable. Sure, most people can get used to just about any menu system, but, it sure seems oddball to me.

From personal experience and many different machines in 30+ years of hunting, ALL machines will have their numbers bounce somewhat on targets, ESPECIALLY if the targets are deep, and can't be seen by the machine very well.
Deus I and II do VERY good with target ID even at depth, but you must learn your machine and know what a target is LIKELY to be by the way it sounds and by the numbers it gives you... Then you will be successful at treasure hunting !!
I agree, but the injoyment is another factor that must be considered. The equinox 900 bounced around way more than I personally could tolerate.

I don't own one, but, several of my hunting buddies do. It's similar, but, not the same. If you're familiar with the Equinox system, there won't be too much of a learning curve to go with a Manitcore.
Thanks, this is my 4th year with the 800. I tried out a 900 for a week and it was really easy to switch over to that so shouldn't be to much of a leap to the Manticore.

That's because I don't hunt in the water. :dontknow:

That's partly why changing coils on the fly can be handy, but how long do you hunt for? 12 hrs. isn't enough? A charge is usually good for 2-3 hunts for me.

Can't help there. I LIKE being able to charge the whole shebang (coil, RC, pinpointer) at once if/when I need/want to.

Yup, coils are more expensive; that's where the brains are, and why I don't have the 11"; for me it would be superfluous.

No interface is going to be perfect/please all the people all the time, but the more I learn the machine and its capabilities, the more sense the menu tree makes.

Maybe you'd be happier with a Manticore, and sell your Dēus II to tinner? 🤨
I don't know lol, after looking at the menu tree for the Deus 2 I have my concerns. :)

I don't know lol, after looking at the menu tree for the Deus 2 I have my concerns. :)
Here's what I will tell you, you will set it at something you like and something that works well for you and you probably won't change it much... that's the way it is with most machines.. you will learn what you like, and then tinker with it here and there and nothing more...
Sometimes you will see a video or something and change those setting to see how or if they are better...
but most of the time you won't be dicking with all those settings...

I don't know lol, after looking at the menu tree for the Deus 2 I have my concerns. :)
What--exactly--are your concerns? 🤨

Wow, looks like the Deus menu tree is enough to scare someone off.
Looking at it out of context... sure.

When used in conjunction with the Users Manual and the RC or WS6 (which has a slightly different tree) as it was intended, it's not scary at all.

On the contrary, it makes things much clearer & easier to find & understand, not to mention faster to learn & become comfortable with.

You're down to the same 2 machines I got down to. I've already said I think they're both excellent and you probably won't go wrong with either.

If you're leaning toward Manticore, then by all means, get a Manticore, but saying you're considering a Dēus II and then putting up a smokescreen of reasons why Manticore is better...

Pros & cons can be objective or subjective; both are important. Identifying & prioritizing can help put things into perspective.

I found it annoying when it came to water hunting.
I agree with this, as you have to add a wire from control box to coil so that the wireless setup can "SEE" the coil and get the signals.. why not have a pole with these wires already integrated so that if you do go under water (I don't normally hunt underwater) it would work without having to buy a kit and install extra wires ... :dontknow:

What--exactly--are your concerns? 🤨

Looking at it out of context... sure.

When used in conjunction with the Users Manual and the RC or WS6 (which has a slightly different tree) as it was intended, it's not scary at all.

On the contrary, it makes things much clearer & easier to find & understand, not to mention faster to learn & become comfortable with.

You're down to the same 2 machines I got down to. I've already said I think they're both excellent and you probably won't go wrong with either.

If you're leaning toward Manticore, then by all means, get a Manticore, but saying you're considering a Dēus II and then putting up a smokescreen of reasons why Manticore is better...

Pros & cons can be objective or subjective; both are important. Identifying & prioritizing can help put things into perspective.
Smoke screen ??? lol, no just here get help in deciding which one will work best for me. Not trying to blow smoke. After looking at the menu tree you presented, the menu on the deus 2 is not what i'm used to but very helpful information in my dissision. I'll get on line and watch some video as well.

Thank you everyone for helping with my decision on which machine to buy. I like the Deus wireless features but having to install a wire to use it under water, not so much. The charging of the coil design I do not like. (it sounds like the battery on the coil does not last as long as the control box) Also, the menu tree seams cumbersome to me.
I am however familier with Minelab machines and like the Manticore larger color screen. The wire doesn't seem to be a big deal to me and I believe Minelab has the advantage in multi-frqueancy engineering. With that I'm going with the Manticore. Start throwing the rotton tomatoes!! lol

If anybody can recomend a good Minelab dealer let me know. I would rather not buy from a large retail store. Good Hunting!!

I think either is a fine choice. I love the deus 2, but think I'd be just as happy with a manticore.

Couple things the deus 2 has over the manticore that I like is more custom program slots and having iron audio while running discrimination. I have also grown to like the PWM tones after enjoying the tones of the etrac. Ergonomics is just a plus.

It seems from my reading is that the manticore may be a tiny bit deeper in mineralized ground, can be run hotter, and also handles EMI better.

I've been impressed by the D2 target ID on clean targets, it locks on very well and stable. But like any detector, if you introduce co-located targets or very fringe depth then it will get jumpy.

With time, the menu has become pretty intuitive and easy to use. The battery life is rated to last 2 hours longer on the D2 than Manti(9-10 vs 12). I like being able to have an extra coil as backup battery. I'm more bothered by having to charge in general every 1-2 hunts, than the clip itself. Battery life of the Manti headphones is much nicer though, 40 hours I think? Vs 17.

I don't water hunt, but I agree having to deal with that antenna would be cumbersome.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the manticore. Big boys hobbies and high plains prospectors are both good vendors and supporters of this forum. Hit them up and ask if there are any deals.

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