Sr. Member
You could try an MD-20.
If I was to ever be lucky enough to locate a good gold bearing seam or vein, I would do all kinds of testing on it before I disturbed it too much. That way I would be able to help others know what to look for, and also educate myself in the process.My fee is some good pictures when you find those seams viens or pockets![]()
My middle name is research! I even have members of the Laplata Historical society helping me locate old mining records and geology reports. I already have hundreds of such documents from USGS, USG, ICMJ, plus all the documents from visits to county clerks in Telluride, Ouray, Silverton, Durango, Cortez, and Mancos. But you have to remember this are of SW COlorado hasn't gotten the attention that areas in CA have gotten, so there isn't as much material as you might find elsewhere.
I am also hearing from several sources that the geological layers most likely to yield gold have already gone away due to erosion in the San Juans, and that is why gold strikes are not what they are in areas where those layers are still in place.
Oakview2,yes that's it.....The old miner's saying that one never knows what's beyond the point of a pick would also apply to a metal detector.Is it a gold bearing vein or not?No signal from your beeper,so what.Perhaps those species/and or pockets of yellow are 2-3 ft. or deeper inside the vein.Perhaps the vein only contains fine gold with occasional small species.Sample bags and hand tools are inexpensive and easily carried.Expanding and combining your modes of operation may bring you some stunning yellow species.If your lucky enough to find some gold bearing species that's rough,don't leave the smaller stuff and fine gold behind.In most cases it's the real fine gold that made a succcesful mine and more importantly kept it going.The enrichments are rare and do make the stories and legends continue,but the fine gold is the bread and butter of any diggings in most cases....and there may be plenty of that/or not.
That article is informative, but it falls down when it boils down what we are discussing to a single sentence: "1. Find your veins in a known gold bearing area, say on a hillside, road cut, creekbed, flat ground, etc." Okay, but that isn't a one sentence situation. HOW do you find those veins? Visually? How exactly.
No mention is made of that, is is just assumed you have already done so in the article, before it proceeds to further instruction.
Its that first step of finding veins to test that is the real issue.