Dents Run Show and Tell all Invite, Oct 1-2

SWR said:
"After detector readings indicated that gold and iron were 6 feet below the site, Finders Keepers workers were ready to dig. But that's where things got complicated.

"The state doesn't want it dug up, that is basically where we're at. It appears they are stalling from every direction to prevent us in digging anything up. For what reason? Maybe -- at a later date -- so they can dig it up and claim part of it," he said.

Parada said the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources told him he will be arrested if he digs at the Dents Run site. Officials with the department's Bureau of Forestry said Parada isn't following the proper process.

"He could actually get a bond to do some specialized testing that wouldn't have any impact to the land itself. In other words he could do stakes, put out stakes and do testing with specialized equipment with radar that would go under the ground and give him a better idea of what's under there," said Jeanne Wambaugh of the bureau.

However, Parada said he has already found objects at the site including a bottle and a bullet that he says are from the Civil War. Bureau officials said the artifacts are from around World War I and said they need to see more evidence.

"If he would fulfill the bond and go ahead and do the testing and if there is something there, the ground will be dug up," Wambaugh said.

Parada said that would be too expensive because it would cost several thousand dollars for a bond and $500,000 to dig. For now, he said he will keep trying to get approval from the state to dig at the site."

Found it... but, didn't dig it up

old article

Posted: 1:42 pm EST February 14, 2008
Updated: 12:15 pm EST February 15, 2008

The state doesn't care about the hard work and money you spent period!
They are stupid because they don't even respect your professional tools of the trade to identify treasure.
They are 'tin men' without hearts, Lions (brawn) without a brain, and a scarecrow without courage (name that movie).

They got no respect for a human being trying to make a living because they got cushy jobs for life (the opposite end of the spectrum).
All they know how to do is write nasty unprofessional, demeaning and threatening letters to a business man like yourself
who pays their salary. All they know is how to persecute and prosecute someone trying to make an honest living.

Anything more than that is just too much to ask.

I see someone posted a old post and I will do a update .
1, The bond is the first one of its kind made up just for us, Ted Boriski from DCNR made it and we can not get anyone to bond it the way it is and Ted won't make any changes.
2, Radar O Ya, that was the best lie they made back then :laughing7:. We had Radar on site at a cost of $2,500 for 1 day and DCNR change there story and wanted more, each time we do what they want they change the rules of the game. Early this year they wanted to see gold or silver on our 3/4" drill bit and in Aug we had them on site to check out our drill bit and they changed the rules again. They said we could of faked the gold before they came and drop some down the hole :icon_scratch: and yes that was possible but that was what they wanted . Now they want to see 1/2 lb to 1 lb of gold or silver then if I faked it I would lose it. Ya, we agree to the new terms but we needed to use bigger core drill bits to get that amount and we were having them made up when someone came in and dug the site.
3, The Bullet and Bottle and 16 other artifacts that DCNR has are on our web site under the photo gallery, click on photo to enlarge. DCNR said these artifacts are junk and of no value, and they are right , but they prove our claim. They are in a new metal file safe, in Jeanne Wambaughs office behind her desk for the last 7 years :dontknow:. They will not return them to us.

O Ya, Dig :laughing7: That is what DCNR wants us to do and NO WAY will I dig. IF we dig we lose everything that we been working for and more.

IF you dig and get caugh :help:
1, You will not be allowed on any state game lands and I have more sites on state game lands.
2, You could lose your car and all tools used to dig, all of your metal detecting equipment and they can come into your house and remove anything that looks like it was dug up, rocks, metal objects, coin collections and they take your computer, phone, and more.
3, You lose any chance to a reward and at the time we filed a claim it could be up to 50%.
4, Forget movie rights or book rights DCNR gets them all.
5, Everyone in the group will go to jail and to get them out everyone has to sign off on this find .

Don't forget this is Federal Gold and to remove it from state land is not like any other gold site, here you will deal with the FEDS.

O Ya, I would like nothing better than to see this dug up and come to a end. :hello2:

Well there you have it then Dennis:
If you were in fact yielding small quantities of silver or gold shavings on the drill bit then that is a big MO/MOTIVE for anyone at all who witnessed it that day. There you have your suspects or persons of interest and it is the DCNR (because we know the only other people there is your team?).
Circumstantial evidence:
The knowledge of witnessing that there is actually gold/silver 10 feet below creates motive and makes them persons of interest.
Motive isn't anything without the opportunity to carry out a plan. Changing the rules midstream to prevent you from digging up the treasure is the motive necessary which created the opportunity for others to act on it. This is hard circumstantial evidence, because there is no other reason for this.

The story is already written at that point because the next day was their time to act, and they did.
This case can be solved very easily just looking at their whereabouts that day (alibi). Also if you retained the purported shavings of gold or silver extracted by the drill bit that would help.

Ya, :headbang: :hello2: The reporters that showed up at the show and tell ran the story in The Cameron County Echo News Paper. The story ran Oct 18 and I will post it as soon as I get it. No matter what they printed I will run it. I have had other people at the site last week and everyone agrees we have located something made of gold or silver and of historical value but what is it , thats the million dollar question :dontknow:
On Nov 5th it will be 7 years since we located it and still DCNR will not allow someone to dig :icon_scratch: :help:.
I am still waiting for the paper so I can read it and post it :dontknow: Sorry :icon_scratch:

Hi Simonds, No Nothing Yet :icon_scratch: I don't think anyone wants me to read the paper. The Echo Paper is holding a copy for me and I plan to drive up on Tuesday to get the paper and I will post it no matter what they print. I been going nutz :tongue3: here to , I want to know what the reporters thought of the show N tell to .

DCNR lets gas drillers mess up the country side :icon_scratch:, coal strippers mess up the country side :icon_scratch:,timber co's mess up the country side :icon_scratch:,what can YOU hurt? :dontknow: What a bunch of corrupt Morons! IMO ???

Big Mike, Yah got to agree with you. What's it going to hurt to drilll or dig a hole 10-20 ft. deep.

Maybe there are some facts that we havent heard? Should consider the other side of the story, before jumping all over the guberment! Be interesting to see what the news paper writes, although getting a copy of it, seems to be harder than finding the treasure.

Problem is you deal with the state and you
always get screwed, period.
You start pushing and they push back harder
and throw you off their land, or in jail.
You are at their mercy, and they have no mercy
to give.

The only thing Dennis got going for him is that
he played by the rules for 7 years and got screwed.
I would be calling every newspaper/TV from here to
California with my story.

There are normal people out there in the real world
who believe that the tools of the TH are scientifically
designed to not only detect but discriminate precious metals
buried in the ground, yes even on state lands.
This data is proven to be verifiable and repeatable in the laboratory,
hence the label scientific. It is a known fact that all Engineers apply
science when designing equipment.

We also know how science is a very hot topic in politics, and that anyone who rejects scientific data,
or even scientific theories for that matter, reject the whole scientific community. This can be used to prove
how stupid the DCNR and its upstream 'food' supplier is.
If nothing else, this can be a landmark case for TH everywhere.

Hi Kudo, Thank You for the post I couldn't of said it any better, you are 100 % correct. Yes we been waiting for the news paper article from Echo News so we can send it out to the bigger papers. On Nov 5th it will be 7 years. We have the news link below if any one needs to use it. We been sending out the old news paper story's from 2008 but a new news story is what they need. As soon as we get the paper we will post. 2 weeks ago the transmission went out of my car and I had no way to drive up to Emporium for the paper but today I bought a new car so we are back to drilling this week.

Check out this Pa. Law. This is what DCNR can do just think what the Feds will do if someone takes the Federal Civil War Gold :laughing7:


  • Chriminal  Law 1.webp
    Chriminal Law 1.webp
    130.8 KB · Views: 1,621
This is a law were you do not have to have posession of a object to file for owner ship. Take a under water picture and its yours. Now they have a law in outer space with space junk, take a picture and its yours to file a claim. So if you can take a picture of a object because you can not get hands on then why not accept a Ground Radar Picture in our case :dontknow: this is part of our fight .


  • Telopession Law 4.webp
    Telopession Law 4.webp
    150.9 KB · Views: 1,487

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