Delta 4000 VS Fisher F2

Hi all,
I have had and used the F2 for some time now and in general it is a decent unit for the price.
To sum my experiences up I would say it is a very good starter dry unit that can be adjusted to suit most situations, I have found some deep coins with it on dry sand and land BUT if you intend to use it in wet sand...forget about it, you can adjust sensitivity and discriminate iron and foil to stop it chattering but will lose a lot of depth and still you will mainly get false signals. I can vouch for this as I dug all signals while trying to find a solution to wet sand issues (even Fisher couldnt solve this issue and claimed that with the right adjustment it could be used on wet sand, I advised them that a shovel or scoop dont need any adjustment and can be used on wet sand and you would have a better chance of finding gold or coins in wet sand with these over the F2...needless to say when challenged that they were making false statements about this unit the dialogue came to an abrupt end) . For wet sand a detector with manual ground balance seems to be part of the solution.
I am not familiar with the Delta 4K but if it is better in wet sand according to those who are using them ( dont believe the sales hype put out by the manufacturers ) , I would opt for it. Take time to do more research and listen to the experienced users on the forums.

Pullringking.....Good review........... :icon_thumleft:....That is what i ment by Fisher & Minelab there service is more on the down side ............Than on the upside most of the time any more.


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Ok, so after sorting through the long list, it's looking like delta is edging out the f2 if only slightly. Now, has anyone used with great success in the wet sand. The majority of my hunting is done in below normal mineral ground conditions, but like stated, now and again I will be on the wet and dry sandy beaches of oregon, and I will want to hunt to at least 6in depth when I get there. Does the 4k work well for this? :)

if one wants to wet sand hunt -- with any preset ground balance type unit, that i know of to prevent mineral falsing -- a lot of times your going to have to "down the sen/ power" thus losing some depth -- if one wants to hunt wet sand areas or other high mineral areas on a steady basis the ability to manually ground balance is a "real major" issue -- if so got to up grade to the gamma* unit it has that ability .

Hopefully as time gets closer (less than a month tell my birthday) I can find a used gamma. it's lookin more and more like the teknetics are better than the fisher's.

my suggestion is to save your money on both machines and find a nice clean used fisher cz5. you can find them in the 300.00 to 350.00 range usually and it will work great on the beach also. the cz5 is built like a tank and most are still going strong after all these years. I have pulled dimes at 10 inches with my cz5 in an old picnic grove I hunt and I doubt the other detectors mentioned will do that although I don't have experience with them. read some reviews on the cz5 and decide for yourself..... it's a killer on old coins and loves nickels. another plus is you can hipmount the cz5 to lighten it up even more.


Don't want to stir the pot here but one thing [depending on your age and/or eyesight] that really stinks about the Garrett Ace and AT Pro machines is the small display. Gotta like the big VDI numbers on the Delta and the F2. Personally , I like my X-terra 305 that I picked up gently used for $270 shipped. Take your time , research and most of all keep an open mind because there are alot of choices and alot of good machines on the market today. You decide what features suit YOU ,not what suits someone else regardless of how long they have been md'ing or if they are brand specific.

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ADV Delta 4000

1. 1 9v vs 2
2. Volume Control
3. Lighter
4. Higher Freq
5. Larger Display

Fisher ADV

2.Only 2 search modes, so less confusing.
3.Color is cool
4.They are made by the same company as Teknetics

My sister uses the F2. The Fisher to me is decent for someone starting out. It will find coins, not very deep from my experience but I did watch my sis dig a 52 rosie at about 4-5 inches. The only thing I don't like about the F2 is it seems really cheaply built. The housing seems like really generic plastic and the coils seem like really cheap plastic as well. In my opinion a Tesoro silverUmax, Compadre, or Cibola crush any of the other detectors in this post. For around the same money, you can't beat a Tesoro in my opinion.

To answer the Original Posters question, F2 or Delta 4000 ? as far as depth, and ease of use it doesn't matter much they are about equal in those departments, Delta has an AM mode, and looks a little better. Both can be swung about as fast as you like. No problem there.

They will both find coins and jewlery deeper than the 4 or 5 inches mentioned above, I assure you, here is a youtube channel of a friend who uses only F2, see for yourself what is possible,

As far as the garrett aces being dragged into this discussion, should have never happened, they don't fit the OP's criteria, "target ID" so who are the shills ?

John Eddmonton had his AT Gold before dealers did so we know he gets his garretts for free, therefore his opinions are pretty much biased, AND WITHOUT comparrisons, apparently.

The AT Pro was out of the OP price range, and also should have not been mentioned.

I don't think John Tanner was Garrett bashing, pretty much presented facts to which there was no rebuttle ?, outside of a service remark, which was also not part of the Original Posters requirements.
BTW Minelab still has a long way to go in the service dept., 3 calls this week to which there has been no reply ! I'm not Garrett bashing either, I like AT Pro, in it's price range, gets great depth, and is water proof, it's in a class of it's own, how can you beat that ?

Another poster mentioned a repaired Delta, states that 10K gold reads a certain ID#, well that is just wrong, 13,000 posts or not, Gold IDs depend on it's size not "K" . would he say a 90% silver half dime would have the same ID as a 90% half dollar ? I think not.

Lastly, if the wet sand you are talking about is salty, then yes, it will be noisy, but manual GB will NOT fix all those problems. I live in a high mineral environment, and surrounded by ocean, there are hot rocks in pretty much every swing, but that is another discussion. Be sure that no knob on a detector will eliminate ALL hot rocks, (It is best to learn them, ignore them.) just ask ANYONE on a prospecting forum. NOTE: Only possible exception is if you turn SENS down so low you might as well stay home. Lucky those who live without hot rocks.

BTW, I've used them all. Up to F75, Garrett 2500, and Explorers.

before its "repair" i had folks at my club annual hunt bring their rings over and hold them in hand and would wave my delta 4000 by it and tell them its "k" value --10 k , 14, or 18 k by the numbers it displayed--after the repair * it was no longer able to do it * they recalibrated it --and in my veiw --they screwed up a great lil machine * when i complained they had me send it back and they returned it saying it was "within specs" ie at the "loose end" of them I bet. --while a 90% silver dime and a 90% half are of thye same metal silver content --the readings will be differant numbers wize due to size / volume of the coin -- even thought they have the same metallic content (90% silver) due to the size of the metal item = differant numbers

Well, I've never used either of the Aces but as far as Garrett goes I have an older GTAx500 which would definitely be within your price range if you could find a used one. This will pinpoint absolutely perfect on coins, and I have dug wheaties at a measured 8". It has a display which includes depth and once again on coins it is deadly accurate.

when you don't know "anything" about a service department, you have a good product

This was a very laughable read. I especially liked it when all the girls quit fighting. Thanks guys, even if it's an old post,:hello2: you just made my day..

I know this is an old thread but I thought to chime in anyway because I have had to make the decision to purchase one or the other myself. I now have a new Delta 4000 and have borrowed a friends Fisher F2 to do some testing. I purchased the Delta 4000 on the recommendation of a very experienced metal detector hobbyist who said it is the absolute best unit in its price range. Recently I did extensive testing and found that the Delta 4000 was able to detect most everything about 10%-20% further away(example:Quarter 8"vs10", Gold ring 7"vs9") than the Fisher F2. What I have found is that I like the varying tones in the pinpoint mode on the Delta, the 2 all metal modes in addition to the discrimination mode, the volume control(lacking on the Fisher), the single battery, the 8 sensitivity modes compared to 5 on the Fisher and the 8 target categories on the Delta vs 7 on the Fisher. The Fisher is a really great unit and would be my second choice but I believe that the Delta 4000 is notably superior. The Delta is also newer technology(2010) vs the Fisher(2008). The decreased sensitivity & lack of a volume control on the Fisher are the deal breakers for me and the advanced features on the Delta 4000 make it an easy choice.

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I know this is an old thread but I thought to chime in anyway because I have had to make the decision to purchase one or the other myself. I now have a new Delta 4000 and have borrowed a friends Fisher F2 to do some testing. I purchased the Delta 4000 on the recommendation of a very experienced metal detector hobbyist who said it is the absolute best unit in its price range. Recently I did extensive testing and found that the Delta 4000 was able to detect most everything about 10%-20% further away(example:Quarter 8"vs10", Gold ring 7"vs9") than the Fisher F2. What I have found is that I like the varying tones in the pinpoint mode on the Delta, the 2 all metal modes in addition to the discrimination mode, the volume control(lacking on the Fisher), the single battery, the 8 sensitivity modes compared to 5 on the Fisher and the 8 target categories on the Delta vs 7 on the Fisher. The Fisher is a really great unit and would be my second choice but I believe that the Delta 4000 is notably superior. The Delta is also newer technology(2010) vs the Fisher(2008). The decreased sensitivity & lack of a volume control on the Fisher are the deal breakers for me and the advanced features on the Delta 4000 make it an easy choice.

Agreed the Delta 4000 is much better unit than the F2 and competes with Eurotek Pro. It is better than the ACE 350, i like Garretts myself but i must admit this. In its price range there is no better unit, unless one chooses to buy used. I bought two Delta 4000 about a year ago when overstock deals hit, bought 2 for $160 love those Deltas one is in my trunk always.

I'm a new member here as well, contemplating the purchase of my first MD. From a price range perspective (and of course functionality and performance) the Delta 4000 has been at the top of my list. I haven't purchased yet. The ground is so cold I'd need dynamite to dig.

I'm a new member here as well, contemplating the purchase of my first MD. From a price range perspective (and of course functionality and performance) the Delta 4000 has been at the top of my list. I haven't purchased yet. The ground is so cold I'd need dynamite to dig.

For a new comer the F2 is good for the price because now they are giving a 4" coil and pinpointer as a good package deal for $215. This, mainly, as a prelude to the new F11, F22 and F44 that will likely take the place of the F2/F4. But the extra money for a Delta is a good choice as well. The Delta is deeper seeking, has AM mode(s) and uses the Greek coils that can be kept if you decide to move up to say, an Omega.

To justify the extra depth of the Delta, it also is noisier than the F2. This is common in Teknetics all the way to the T2. Not a bad thing. But just be aware as a newbie. You can reduce the sensitivity, but then, you have the same depth as the F2.

I am partial to the Delta because I can handle a little noise after many years of detecting with the F5. I like controlling if I want noise and depth or not. With the F2, you crank it all the way up, and it's stable for 7" targets. But that's all you get.

Have you also looked at the BH Landranger Pro it has a manuel ground balance. Also it the same Price point as the Others is the quickdraw pro. all made by first texas.

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