
Re: Seeing with your skin

Mike(Mont) said:
Many people carry a quartz crystal with them to enhance their energy field and increase the dowsing response. It's not uncommon to double the size of your aura. Natural quartz is best. Marcel Vogel developed his Vogel cut and this is considered the best you can get. Some cost thousands$$$$. Only a very few people in the world were trained to make the Vogel cut. The crystals are tuned. You can get an imitation Vogel on internet auction site E--- for less than $20 or just shop around rock shops for a natural piece. Probably a good idea to wash it first. Some people use distilled water, or just tap water. Don't use salt water on a Vogel cut. You can read up on how to clear and program a Vogel cut on several internet sites.

Thanks for this whole thread Mike. Found it very interesting. Not sure what AF's contributions to dowsing are......

Re: Seeing with your skin

Yen, Yang. Light, Dark. Cold, Hot. Miller, Michelob. af1733 is merely a necessary opposite to keep balance. All things in the universe have an opposing force and thus balance is maintained. If all were dowsers there would be no need for teachers or no treasures left to find. If all were non dowsers there would be nobody for af1733 to bash and all would be good with the world but that is not balance. Negativity prevails but does no conquer. There is always open mindedness and balance is maintained ;D

Re: Seeing with your skin

Hey Mike…Do you know if our old friend is still with us? Hasn’t been around for a while…Art

Re: Seeing with your skin

Hello af1733. haven't seen you around lately...thought you'd fallen off a mountain. ;D You doing alright?

Re: Seeing with your skin

I don't know squat about the concious mind. Never really thought about it or cared. Don't understand Mike or you but I thought it was a good thing to say at the time. Not all beers are created equal.

Re: Seeing with your skin

Learn what? I can dowse, just have to figure out what my targets are and where exactly and how to discriminate :D

Water lines are easy. Maybe I'm stuck on water but the magnetic locator won't signal on water. Maybe it's a metal pot. Hmmm. So if I learn Art's way and get it down, then will I be a dowser? Or do I have to learn how to see with my skin and carry a special crystal too? Maybe if the metal pot is full of gold coins I will be a dowser but not a real dowser because I also used metal detectors? Hmmm. I went searching for a silver coin today and found an old aluminum top from a flexi spout off a five gallon pail right on the target. Must have been thinking of my old DFX that also thought aluminum was silver ???

Re: Seeing with your skin

af1733 said:
Cache Crazy said:
Hello af1733. haven't seen you around lately...thought you'd fallen off a mountain. ;D You doing alright?
Hey CC! I've been around, but I started in a new position about a month ago and I'm only now realizing exactly how much free time I had at my old job! :D

That would explain the aimlessness and reactive posts then. Its great to have limits on our time; that way we can focus our limited time on constructive activities!! Like treasure-hunting. All that angst can't be good for you. Get some fresh air into you; grab a pair of dowsing rods and hit the trail. :P

Re: Seeing with your skin

I think it was defective. Said a lot of stuff was silver. I've owned and used three other White's that were good but the DFX was the most expensive and the biggest liar I ever saw :D Back on topic though, can one dowse successfully with eyes closed? With rods I mean. Anybody ever tried?

Re: Seeing with your skin

ArkieGold said:
I think it was defective. Said a lot of stuff was silver. I've owned and used three other White's that were good but the DFX was the most expensive and the biggest liar I ever saw :D Back on topic though, can one dowse successfully with eyes closed? With rods I mean. Anybody ever tried?

I could be wrong but I think that Art or Dell covered this topic in another post I read. Way back. Blindfolded, with target locked on, the rods would move. Will dig up the post. It was described as an experiment if I remember correctly. Blindfolded, not double blindfolded....... for all the skeptics who are trespassing in a dowser's forum javascript:void(0); :icon_pirat:

Re: Seeing with your skin

Please AF…Tell me what your post has to do with “ Seeing with your skin”…

Re: Seeing with your skin

Posting on TN while working? What kind of job you got? Maybe I'm in the wrong business :D

I'm thinking like somebody else posted somewhere something like..."the dowsers and skeptics like to argue or they would post in their private forums"...

I used to see the skeptic view as negative vibes but any more I find it rather humorous. It's just like a guy I used to work with. He didn't have anything better to do than whatever to get under people's skin. He got off on it I think. Or maybe the guy in the Stephen King movie that kept on saying "Give me what I want and I'll go away"! Why all this effort to try and gain proof of something one does not believe in? It seems to me that if one doesn't believe in something they tend to focus on what they do believe in.

Let me ask AF, do you have a religious preference, a faith in a god? If so, do you waste your employers time and money equally trying to convince those of unlike faith that they are wrong? Just curious.

Re: Seeing with your skin

af1733 said:
An Ri Rua said:
af1733 said:
Cache Crazy said:
Hello af1733. haven't seen you around lately...thought you'd fallen off a mountain. ;D You doing alright?
Hey CC! I've been around, but I started in a new position about a month ago and I'm only now realizing exactly how much free time I had at my old job! :D

That would explain the aimlessness and reactive posts then. Its great to have limits on our time; that way we can focus our limited time on constructive activities!! Like treasure-hunting. All that angst can't be good for you. Get some fresh air into you; grab a pair of dowsing rods and hit the trail. :P

Uh-oh, here we go again. It's post dissection time!!

Once-off post as a retort to your pointless posts: -

That would explain the aimlessness and reactive posts then.
I give you the same challenge I've given every other dowser here, none which have ever been met. Prove it. Show me an aimless post. Show me a reactive post. Then look for the same from your dowser buddies. Just like every other dowser I've spoken to, you are quick to throw stones, Annie. Perhaps a bit too quick. Some would almost call it reactive. ::)

Find the posts yourself. You don't like links to anything else.

Why do you have a fetish-like interest in attacking dowsers? If such thoughts are a big part of your life, why not post such a psychotic venomous viewpoint in your ebay profile? I'm sure your buyers would love to know more about your 'varied' persona.

Its great to have limits on our time; that way we can focus our limited time on constructive activities!!
Like wandering around with coat hangers, eh??

I use a Mermet pendulum, but coathangers are fine too. You don't wander by the way, you focus on what you're looking for. Read some more Assison.

All that angst can't be good for you.
Again, where are you getting your information from, Annie? Angst? Oh, wait, it's the old dowser addage, right? "If you can't find something to insult the skeptic with, just make something up."

Where did you read this adage? Can you link that please? ps its adage with one S, not two, aSSison.

Get some fresh air into you; grab a pair of dowsing rods and hit the trail.
Another assumption from an armchair philosopher. I don't know what time it is in Ireland now, but it's 5:30 in the afternoon here. I'm at work. Since you claim to have read all of my posts and apparently know me so well, you'll already know that I only post during working hours or on the odd Saturday when I have to work, and very rarely on the weekends or after hours or on holdiays. So you telling me to go out and get some fresh air is pointless, isn't it, since I'm never here posting when it's possible for me to be out in the fresh air.

Are we supposed to study your life in minutiae loser? Could you not be working outdoors perhaps? It's in the realm of possibilities, Assison. Could you not have a Nokia E61 or a Blackberry etc so that you could post while you commuted? Hey even while you drove and listened to the radio, you superior human specimen you. That's how I post, even when I'm high up on a mountain. ps I suggested that you get some fresh air, didn't tell you!! Suggested. You're such a teenager. Not surprised to read Mythbusters as one of your favourite shows (got the Teeshirts Assy?) Surprised not to see Nancy Drew on your reading list though!!

I won't TELL you anything, little guy. Would you awfully mind taking a chill pill though? :D Happy New Year, young lad

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