How deep are we talking with the f70? I tried the tesora outlaw it was disappointing it had no depth ....from what i read the outlaw isnt a depth machine its been called a trash hound by many....i would set it up by the dime discrim and still id pull beaver tail after beaver tail so i gave up on the machine ...i hunt with a guy who uses the tesoro vaquero and he was pulling indian heads and wheats at 5-6 inches but he had to have his discrim turned down to foil to get them to you have to run the f70 just above iron discrim to dig coins past 6 inches ?
How deep?
Like everything it all depends on soil and environment conditions so results vary but I have about 30 hors on my new F70 and this is what I have learned in that short time.
I live in NE Kansas and the soil is better than good so that helps.
I have lots of experience with noisy detectors and chatter does not bother me and I have learned to listen through any extra noise and pick out the good tones no matter what I use...I always go by tones first and foremost with my Tesoros, of course, but even using my Fishers with screens and that has served me well.
My F70, like my F2 I used for hundreds of hours before it, can definitely be jumpy and chatty if you turn up the power which I do, but the F series units are so sensitive and overpowered even on start up settings even by turning them down they still seem to hit some amazing depths...but so far I have not tried to do that much yet.
I am curious about depth and on the few hunts I have had I have experimented a lot with different settings and my eyes are opening wide and my jaw is doing some dropping on just about every one.
I dig a silver quarter at about 6-7" deep with the disc high enough to knock out lots of foil that was a problem at this site.
Loud and clear in the tone the F70 was a little noisy and jumpy in this area due to some heavy EMI but stablized when I ran over this coin.
In another area with some EMI, the edge of a park where there was a power line and wifi coming from some houses across the street, I dug my best coin spill ever...a 1915 wheat and 3 Indian Heads from 1879 to 1902 dates.
Sense was set slightly higher than power up settings but nowhere close to max, thresh settings were not all that high either and the F70 was a little jumpy due to the EMI and the multiple signals under the coil but I still heard some clear repeatable tones and found these coins spread out over about a one foot area 7-8" deep...minimum.
In my travels I have come across several targets that had a pinpoint depth with numbers on the screen that flashed 12-13 14" and more but I could not dig them due to frozen soil.
The deepest target I have dug so far was in the middle of a public park where I had the settings maxed out on the thresh, sense and the disc was set low.
Again, a little noisy moving the coil over the ground but I acquired a target that sounded clear and stable and stopped me in my tracks.
On the screen I saw numbers jump from the 20's to the 40's but most of the time 23-25 flashed on the screen more than others.
Depth numbers showed 12-14" and this soil was not frozen so I had to dig this and see if there was actually anything down there.
At a depth every bit of 14" deep, (I measured this one), I did find a target which was the thumb ringer off an old bicycle handlebar bell.
In air testing after I got this out of the ground this thing came in at a solid 23-25 VDI.
All of these targets were found using the F75 11" DD coil which most have stated increase the range over the standard 10" elliptical concentric that comes on the F70 by a few inches and I believe it does just that.
Maybe more than a few inches.
Using the standard coil has its advantages also.
The deepest I have gotten so far has been a beaver tail target at a full 10".
A one way hit but solid in the tone and repeated every time from that one direction, absolutely no VDI numbers on the screen at all on this one.
The F70 and F75 will do this when scanning targets at the very edge of its scanning field, but I have learned that even with the screen the sounds you hear on the deep ones using the F70 are usually more important.
In heavy trash at a few inches deep that 10" coil found me a beautiful gold ring even though it was right next to trash.
Target separation is excellent on this coil...good using the 11" DD but better on this one from my experience so far.
As far as recovery speed the Fishers also excel in this area.
Using that 10" coil on my first hunt, settings not very high and disc not very low moving very quickly near the end of this hunt trying to find one great thing it happened.
In the outfield of a baseball field I heard a high tone even though I was sweeping that coil way too fast.
I went back and examined this target closer and everything stabilized with solid numbers on the screen and a clear repeating tone from several directions.
6" was the depth reading and digging down at exactly that 6" level I found a small silver pendant no bigger than a dime.
The F70 is an amazing machine from what I have seen so far, when it thaws out I am looking forward to putting it through its paces and discover even more about what it can do.