New, puh-leeze don't mis-quote me, please..? One other misquoted me as saying "twice as" too, but I didn't say that, he did.
I didn't say "pick up a dime", I don't do that, and I never have said that either, not in all my life. (I) pick up a coin, but coins don't pick up coins, and neither do metal detectors, if I could design one to do that I'd be a millionaire.
In PURE SILICA soil (silica is mild soil, it is nothing but pure "white sand" found on freshwater base areas with no iron it it at all), there is nothing to stop a detector from using its full radiating magnetic field power, period. Silica is basically almost clear glass when melted, do you think that pure glass has Fe (iron) in it without it being added in the mix? In other words, shouldn't it get the same depth in the ground as it does in air? Metal detectors are not phased by white sand even in the most miniscule way, but it like other bases are soils too. And yes, both the Tejon AND the foreign machine above get very good depth in many mild soils, but nobody hunts in (only) mild soil as is seen in the video. When I hunt black sand salt beaches my CZ beats the F70, the F75, and the F5, and the Omega 8000, etc, but inland the opposite happens, the F series beat it, and considerably too.
So my next question is, do you know the guy who was doing these "tests"

And do you realize he is pushing that foreign machine line? And did you check his "settings?" I've seen this video before, and was not impressed, especially when he claims it's undisturbed soil. It is not, it is disturbed (changed) so much that it might as well not even be there any more because people don't normally find that type of situation anyway, the magnetic soil polarity has been disturbed, period, and every time he swings to t=his right each detector, each coild is affected in a different way that the others.. The magnetized soil molecules have been rearranged magnetically. The magnetic soil polar molecule strata has been completely disturbed, as if when magnetizing a nail. His "test" would be no differently (although not intentionally) misleading than if he had poured cement in there instead and tested through it. This is a rather poor and foolish test, at best, every detector behaves different than others because of the air gap or the dirt having been dug around the spot. . Let me put it another way, don't always believe what you see. My Tejon got the same air depth, at 15-17 on a nickel (it was designed to do that) depending on interference factors, but in the real world it sucked BIG TIME in bad soil, and was dramatically affected in average soil.. My CZ70 gets the same depth as a CZ3D, but an F70, F75, or T2 blows the door off of it and the CD3D and CZ 5 in most soils with mild to moderate mineralization, because it simply has more power, better circuitry, and the soil places fewer limitations on its power, and I've seen it prove to be true. I don't need a sales push to try to make me think I was hallucinating when I witnessed it either..
Personally, and although I was impressed initially, neither the Blisstool nor the Deep Tech are good enough for me and my wide range of soils I hunt in. They lose their depth severely if the soil isn't wussie-style. In eastern Europe though those two work just fine because it can, but I don't see people running around trying to get priority franchise dealerships on it here.. And what about repairs? Or customer service?