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:dontknow: Why not Lynchburg/Bedford County, Va.? It IS the "source" of the BEALE PAPERS/CIPHER(S)... BUT! Peter Viemeister (RIP), author of @ THREE books on the BT, passed away a year ago or so, and OBVIOUSLY could not be interviewed; there ARE SEVERAL other authors, who COULD have been interviewed. Philly had TWO, Ron/Ronald & Brad, so... :wink: I will do R & I on Sherman, here in Lynchburg, Va. PV wrote in HIS second book about the Jean Lafitte "theory"... it IS possible, yet, NOT PROBABLE. General Jackson DID come through L'burg, Va. after the War of 1812, and he met with TJ; L'burg, Va. had a parade for General Jackson in 1815, I think, and he stayed at the Western Hotel/Nicholas Tavern on 5th Street, I think; it is NOW, for sale... a Virginia HISTORIC "landmark". :(

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Franklin said:
bigscoop said:
Here's something that I thought was really odd about the episode:
The show was about the DOI = Thomas Jefferson = The Beale Papers
"Why did they choose to stay away from Bedford Co., Virgina?"
In all fairness to the local researchers & writers there, I thought it was rather odd that they didn't go to where the story originated and where the treasure was said to be? :dontknow:

I thought so much of the show DECODED---------I did not even watch the show.

It is true that you have to keep in mind that the show is an, "entertainment based production".

Certainly won't argue your point Franklin. Fact's, and perhaps reasonable unknowns and possibilities to explore, but no fiction. :thumbsup:

Like you, I’m a big believer in following/trusting the facts, or those things that we know exist. And, like you I have researched every Beale theory that has come down the tracks. Of these countless theories nearly all of them place their trust on a great deal of unsupported hope and speculation. However, there is a document out there that provides a conclusive connection between the Laffites and a Thomas Beale, and of course, the Laffites had access to large quantities of gold, silver, etc. There is also evidence that supports their need to move a large quantity of gold and silver overland back to the east during the same period in question. So of all the theories out there, in my mind this one obviously presents the strongest documented evidence in support of the Laffites being the real source behind the two Beale deposits.

It’s also not that unreasonable to assume that Sherman wrote the Beale Papers, but perhaps not for the same reasons or with the same motive that was presented on the History Channel, and here’s why, (which is why I posted it earlier):

“I recommended to Mr. Hall, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Sherman, and those of Bolivar to keep our promise and distribute the gold to the indicated places…..”

Now this was a quote from Laffite’s memoirs and the statement was made just prior to Lieutenant Kearney’s return to Galveston Island in 1821, well past the date of the first deposit but well ahead of the second deposit. Could be this Sherman Laffite makes mention of passed certain documents down to the Sherman who was editor of the newspaper? So it’s not unreasonable to assume that the editor of the newspaper wrote the Beale Papers, he just may not have written them for the reasons people think. On the cover of the Beale Papers is the word “authentic” and it just might have been?

The only snag, there are a couple of pretty good sources that place Laffite and his brother other places during the time of the transfers and the two deposits?

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :wink: Deposits made in 1819 & 1821 per the BEALE PAPERS :wink: "Beale Ciphers - WIKI" :icon_thumleft: "Click" on images, to ENLARGE! :coffee2: :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D WOW! REALLY windy out! Going back to the Lafitte Bros.; it IS a VERY plausible that there IS a "connection", and here's why... Lafitte Bros. had LOTS of "treasure" to "hide". General Andrew Jackson & Jean Lafitte "worked together" to defeat the Brits in New Orleans (War of 1812... over by 1814). Paschal Buford was Captain of an artillery in THAT war (Montvale, VA "area"), and MAYBE, TJB was one of the Lafitte Bros. (likely to be Jean). HOWEVER, MOST of the "treasure" was PROBABLY left behind in New Orleans, and LATER deposited in the US MINT in New Orleans. :o NOW! MOST interesting part is this... Did the Lafitte Bros. "buy" their pardons? Is THIS why Gen. Andy was wined & dined in Lynchburg, Va.... on his way to DC, after the war was over? He DID meet with TJ in Lynchburg. "Fast-forwarding" to 1861, the REBELS took over the MINT in New Orleans, and it became CS MINT. :o Was SOME of the CSA $$$$$$$$$$ deposited in it? IS the "Beale" connected? Gen. Jubal Early lived and died in Lynchburg, Va. after the CONFEDERATE WAR... AND! According to LYNCHBURG AND ITS PEOPLE by W. Asbury Christian, p. 403... "Lieutenant-General Jubal A. Early died at his home here March 2, from the effects of a fall previously received.... After the war, he made Lynchburg his home. He was connected to the Louisiana State Lottery for many years before his death." ??? Was the CSA Treasury in THAT MINT lsm.crt.state. and being used for LOUISANA STATE LOTTERY? And the '"BT"? :dontknow: :coffee2: :read2: It is NOW known as the Louisiana State Museum, OLD US Mint... "google" it.

I have also been researching and working on the Beale codes for years. I have my own theories about these codes and their manifestation. I also believe TJB had acquaintance with Jean Laffiite in New Orleans where he traded an amount of gold for jewels for easier transport. These jewels would have come from a pirates chest and laffite was operating as a pirate during that time. From my research I have found out that TJB was not from the Bedford area, but he was well acquainted with it. He had stayed at Bufords tavern many times in the past and was known there. This being a regular stop for TJB, he would have to have been involved in some kind of business further east, possibly on the coast. Pirates would not have been so brave to enter the James river section of Va at that time because of the bounty offered for them, so he must have been involved in some other venture. He was possibly a middle man for the pirates who made deals to unload some of their cargo underground. In the end I think he and his group of men were killed by the Commanches or Apaches out west while mining gold and silver. The west was a wild frontier at that time and few other than the few Mexicans and Spanish treasure trains were seen in the western states. The Commanches and Apaches both hated all other people and slaughtered them whenever they had the chance. Many trains never made their final destination because of the onslaught these tribes unleashed on the intruders. I do think the teasure is still in Bedford county, even though the government has been using super computers to try and decipher the codes. Only a few have ever deciphered more than a few words because of its complexity. He calimed without the key it could not be broken, and so far, as far as I know, it has not. It is one of those enduring mysteries that may never be solved, but someone someday will find the treasure, of that I am sure. Good Luck. rockhound

One of the biggest misconceptions about Jean Laffite is the pirate stigma. Even the History Channel played up to this mistaken identity. Laffite "was not a pirate" he was a privateer and smuggler with many very influential connections all along the southern and eastern seaboards and even into the mainland. If you look deep enough you will find sources including documented first hand accounts of Laffite by some of the country's most influential people of that time. This list includes Secretary of States, Secretary of the Treasury, American Generals, Ambassadors, and so on and so on. "Money, Motive, Means",....Laffite maintained them all. His smuggling empire was huge and well organized so moving a couple of shipments across the country would have been something he was probably capable of pulling off. He was adept at the application and use of secret codes and considered the DOI to be the most sacred document of them all.

:icon_thumleft: AGREE with "bs"; and "rh", YOU may also be "correct". Try "over-lapping" St. Louis, MO with New Orleans, LA; sounds familiar? "Cast" is different, yet "story" is the same? :dontknow: Was Beale Expedition utilized to bring SOME of the Lafitte "loot" back to Bedford County, VIRGINIA? :dontknow:

(SMILE) Here's to you, "Scoop"... "Catch-up TIME"! Put the babes down... NO MO mud wrasseling for YOU; gonna cut you off, now! (WINK)

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