Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
I agree S.D. The connections I have became aware of are the ones to the colleges that were established by these gentlemen and then their presence on the board. In Michigan's case, the Governor and several of his cabinet members sat on the University's board. A lot of these particular gentlemen have been implicated as being involved to some extent with the K.G.C. Transylvania U is another example of these same sort of gentlemen doing the same thing during that crucial time of secession discussion period and young men at V.M.I. were already starting to choose sides in an impending Civil War. As we Masonic Brothers know, our organization would come to and end if it were not for the newly initiated young men coming into the brotherhood. On the same hand it is easy to see that certain individuals with specific traits of character and personal knowledge and desired capabilities (and perhaps coincidentally the loss of there father at a young age....) were selected for special positions in the United States Government and it's Judicial system, local city and state governments and any other position that the K.G.C./ O.A.K. desired control of for what ever purpose. They also wanted to control the placement of these colleges and especially to gain control of the allotted government funding for those institutions. The proof can be easily verified with very little research once you know who the Knights were.
Well, in Virginia, there were a few RICH BRIT FreeMasons in Jamestown; NO Lodge, tho. LATER moved "up-land" to Williamsburg, Va.; Lodge there and William & Mary College with a FEW Illuminati-influenced Professors, ONE who GREATLY influenced Thomas Jefferson (from 1620's on); LOTS of early "Free-thoughts" history down in Williamsburg, Va. FreeMasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati... WHEW! State Capital of Virginia in the early days before Richmond, Va. LOTS of Bro/Sir Francis Bacon "influence"... NEW ATLANTIS
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