Darlas pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button


Full Member
Mar 26, 2004
Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button


Here are the pics you have been wanting me to post, I am using BRD'S computer and am not liking it very much so if I get them posted it will be a maracle.

1) 1899 Barber quarter
2) Victorian Brooch
3) Briarfield Plantation servants button circa 1852 (date and servants initials on back)
4) Louisana infantry cuff button circa 1812 so I have been told( It is suppost to be rare, I han't find a pic of it on the internet, please help me identify) it has a cannon and pelican on the front with no woords, button is flat like a coin and their is no back mark
5) Brantley Texas mercantile trade token circa 1886 to 1890

Went detecting today the best find to report is a 1924 wheaty and some clad coins.

Will go back out tommorow, I will let all of you know if I find anything worth writing about.

hope these pics turn out, HAPPY DETECTING!!!



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Re: Pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button, Louisana

Hi ya, BRD...
Them are some greart finds, any idea what the servents button is made of? Looks odd coloered, don' it?
Good luck & Happy Hunting~

Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button


Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Maybe pewter on the servants button, not really for sure.


Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

cool finds.

Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Exciting finds! Thank you for sharing! Keep up the good work!

Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Great finds, Darla! Lookin' forward to seein' more. Best of luck and HH!

Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Way to go BRD keep it up and HH

Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Beautiful finds!

This history all ways gets me!

Thanks for showing them.


Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Great stuff Darla, keep it coming!

Re: Darla's pics you have been waiting for, Victorian Brooch, servants button

Great finds Darla and thanks for posting the pictures, makes it nice to see a pic with the description. HH

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