D2 reactivity zero and a great rehashing!


Jr. Member
Mar 21, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Had this site in my back pocket since last October. Crazy site! Just a small cellar, with zero stone walls, and no well found after being there at least 6 times now. My first finds at this site involved two silver plated shoe buckles. Now that in of itself would give any any cellar hole/cabin site hunter cause for hope! As of today I have liberated 9 large copper coins! I had a small brush pile I wanted cut and remove as it is right off the corner of the lip. So I was thinking if I was lucky maybe a couple of buttons and maybe another copper.... And I was also thinking this would be the perfect site to try reactivity zero. Now reactivity zero is a great tool, but mostly just a great setting to see if I missed anything deep..... and sometimes it will even pull copper out of heavily polluted ground. So I spent yester day killing it on midtones! Check those buttons! I was rewarded with a 1787 left faced horned bust Ct copper, and 1798 draped bust... both took a bath in peroxide for the last 24 hours, and are now soaking in olive oil. Today I scanned away from the cellar and didn't find much, then at the end of the day I moved that pesky pile of brush, and was rewarded! A beat up dandy, and a capped bust large cent... either 1794 or 95. I will post photos upon restoration completion. Other coppers include a 1809 keydate classic head, and 1800 over 1798 draped,

Upvote 15
That's an outstanding day of hunting.
Congratulations on the coppers.

Nice bunch of finds! The CT looks to be in decent shape. Yep, I always hit a site with Reactivity of 0 or 0.5. Not only does it help sniff out those deep targets but it also makes those medium deep on edge coppers and small cuff type buttons jump out.

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