CW Soldier Found

IronSpike said:
Thanks for posting the story. Very interesting indeed.


Is it close to areas you hunt?

No, I have not hunted in Franklin. I live and hunt about an hour south of Franklin mostly.

I have hunted at Shy's Hill (Battle Of Nashville), but didn't find anything. The battle of Nashville is covered in subdivisions.

I'm sure someone will correct me but the battles at Murfreesboro and Franklin have almost been taken over by commercial and residential development. I believe both are at the top of the list of most endangered battlefields in the US.

I agree with the above responces about how these pieces of hallowed ground are being overtaken by progress. The quest for the almighty dollar is greater than their will to preserve an important piece of our countries past. After all, if we don't have these places to see and to learn from, we are all prone to make the same mistakes again due to history's nature of repeating itself.

Some people may wonder why is it important that we preserve history. History reminds us where we came from, what struggles we had to overcome, and how difficult everyday life once was. We are blessed to have things as easy as we do today. By forgetting our past, we take things for granted. We become desensitized. We become a people less grateful for what we have, and become a people that simply just want more and more and more. Simplicity is always best. It's funny because I see or world becoming more and more like that 70's film Logan's Run. A society that does not remember it's past, and walk around just like cattle because everything has been so easy for them.

some men carried id disc --issued by "insurance" companies --hopefully he had one -- if he was of high engough "rank" that too might aid in finding out who he was --from the buttons ---the type of unit and what state he was from can be pin pointed -- say if he was" officer" from a NC group of say artillery men -- that by "working" the numbers can cut way down on the possible matches . -- I hope hes IDed and put to rest in a decent manner.

ivan salis said:
some men carried id disc --issued by "insurance" companies --hopefully he had one -- if he was of high enough "rank" that too might aid in finding out who he was --from the buttons ---the type of unit and what state he was from can be pin pointed -- say if he was" officer" from a NC group of say artillery men -- that by "working" the numbers can cut way down on the possible matches . -- I hope hes ID ed and put to rest in a decent manner.

They are talking about a separate incident. The soldier unearthed yesterday was a union soldier...They said nothing of any identification on the therefore, I would assume that there will be no way he will be ID'ed.

the buttons from the uniform and the uniform itsself can be a form of ID * in themselves * --- by the type if there are say "north carolina" state seal design --you can look at the union troops in that battle from the state of north carolina (cuts wat down on the possible people) -- if its a "say" artillary design (that too will cut way down on the possible numbers)-- if its an "officer" or nco type uniform --by its "rank" that cuts even farther on the number of "possible matches"--- so looking for a north carolina artillary officer killed in battle about ---- day in ---- .1864 lets say ---look up the union list of battle dead or lost /missing persons ---from union north carolina artillary units that took part in the battle who lost officers --bingo you got your "possible" person

they say well preserved buttons *were found -- if they are the proper type of button it might very well tell s who its owner was -- a officers type state seal button of a certain branch could assist greatly -- it could tell what state --what type of unit and by rank if it was a officer * --say union north carolina state seal of the artillary corp design --officers type -- look up the union units engaged in battle that were from north carolina that were artillery and that lost an officer * -- in a case like that theres a good chance for a "match"up.

I note that someone must have produced an American flag pretty quickly once the remains were found.

I wish I knew who that person was. He or she needs to know people are thankful for that act of respect.

mickk said:
I note that someone must have produced an American flag pretty quickly once the remains were found.

I wish I knew who that person was. He or she needs to know people are thankful for that act of respect.

my thoughts also.

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is very sad about development covering hallowed ground. Here in Chattanooga at what is called Braggs reservation on Missionary ridge at Braggs camp they just built condos. The condo people want to know what you are doing when you are there reading the plaques by the cannons and monuments. They think it is now theirs cause its their front yard. To many in my generation are clueless of the past and its all about the mighty dollar. Here is a new way we are trying to help battlefield preservation in Tennessee.

If you live and hunt in Tennessee it is a must see video. Hopefully every state will do this.


ivan salis said:
they say well preserved buttons *were found -- if they are the proper type of button it might very well tell s who its owner was -- a officers type state seal button of a certain branch could assist greatly -- it could tell what state --what type of unit and by rank if it was a officer * --say union north carolina state seal of the artillary corp design --officers type -- look up the union units engaged in battle that were from north carolina that were artillery and that lost an officer * -- in a case like that theres a good chance for a "match"up.

The buttons found were all general service union eagle buttons and didn't look to be in that good of shape to me. With the amount of sheer activity in the area as well as the fighting that went on, there will never be a way to identify the remains.....UNLESS...there were some form of ID tag found. The news didn't report an ID tag, so I am assuming that one was not found. Even if it were found it would take an act of congress to get the insurance companies to turn over the information and that is if they even had the information on file.

Thousands of men died at the battles of Nashville and Franklin....there is no possible way to narrow down the man's ID without an ID tag.

if the buttons are run of the mill union general service buttons from a lower ranking type person -- you are correct --the chances of finding out who he was are slim to none without a ID tag . --- pity ---hope he had one in his pocket for his sake.

yep funny thing most of the insurance companies did not go out of bussiness they"blended" in with with one another over the years --- in some cases -- soldiers bought "insurance" from "drummers"--- traveling "imsurance" salesmen types --just before a major battle and were issued ID disc --that were to be "processed " if they died in battle --many men got killed and the ID disc in thier pocket got buried with them ---so it was never sent for "processing" for payment to the "family"---and a"claim"for payment was never put forth by the family since they did not "know" he had "insurance" :wink: --- the insurance company in effect kept the familys death benefit of say $100 dollarsthat should have "paid out" in say 1864 --- thats $100 for 145 years at say 3 % compounded interest per year--- you do the math -- year one = 103 -- x 3% year two = 106.09 ---x year 3- 109.27 and so on for 145 years !!! the insurance company has made a bundle off this "unclaimed money "-- and they do not want to release the info --be cause the living next of kin could the file a "legal" claim --for payment. they just want to keep the money --now go away --shoo--you bother me boy.

MiniMe said:
That's sad :( . I hope they give him a proper burial, like they said in the article.

They will.

The soldier will likely receive full honors and an 18-gun salute.

My mentor found the body of an Ohio boy on the Cloyd's Mountain Battlefield (private property) back in the 1980s. The body was re-buried I think in Arlington.

that is amazing, wonderful flag ceramony well deserved for the time he has spent in that unknown grave all those years.....

That is an Amazing story, Than You so Much for posting it.


Thats cool and nice of them to remove him and rebury him but I guareentee you that they are still gonna build on that site, they wont worry about what else MIGHT be there. But thats just my opinion. Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:


Interesting story,thanks for sharing that with us. I wonder if they worked the area over with a metal detector in case there WAS an id tag buried with him?

wonder if the burger king will --have a "union --hurrah burger " and "rebel yell burger" on thier menu ? to remind folks of what the store was built on? :'(

ivan salis said:
wonder if the burger king will --have a "union --hurrah burger " and "rebel yell burger" on thier menu ? to remind folks of what the store was built on? :'(

Nice thought Ivan but you know that will never happen. They will want to forget the "incident" as soon as possible and get it out of the publics eye. All they care about is how many parents will bring in thier screaming kids for a spongebob squarepants toy (so the screaming will stop) and drop $20 on crappy food.

plehbah ----a real southerner would never just shoot ones self (what and waste that valuible bullet?)-- you use that bullet and powder to shoot a yankee and make those union forces shoot you down in return thus costing him 1 yankee and most likely a number of bullets in exchange --- now thats southern stubborness for ya. :wink:

I might have to go to hell -- but I'm taking some company along for the ride.

I'm sure the dead soldier would have liked to live in peace rather than died in war too -- who wouldn't -- be they north or south -- but men fight and fuss --its the nature of the beast it seems.

I remember about fifteen years ago remains were found of a Union soldier on a plantation site along the Mississippi south of Baton Rouge. It took about a year or so, but they were able to identify the soldier and actually tracked down some of his descendents The descendents decided to have him re-buried in the original location. There was a proper military burial done by the local veterans organizations and a headstone provided by the V.A. There were a couple of hundred people who attended, including some of the descendents. I was lucky enough to be at the ceremony. I hope the same can be done for as many of these soldiers that are found.

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