Found off the coast of South Carolina on a CW ship wreck. Any idea what rifle this butt plate came from? I need to clean thorou
ghly but I do see the following letters “25MA” on large portion.
I personally have never used it on my relics, but I have used it clean brass fittings and stuff at work and it will change the patina, often to an (in my opinion) ugly, pale, matte pink look. I’d look further before attempting it on that killer buttplate.
Thank you for the welcome! I will post more for sure. I do some metal detecting too. DIved a shipwreck called the Hebe. Find beer bottles from South America and some pesticide bottles. One guy found some cool ampules. The Hebe sank in a collision with another freighter (St. Cathan) during WW2 in dark out conditions due to Uboat activity on east coast