Curt Gentrys book "Killer Mountains" ...

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

Cubfan64 said:
I'm probably going to regret this, but...

BB - what do your last couple posts have to do with anything related to the subject at hand?

And for what reason did you post a photograph of one of many "Peralta" maps from the History Channel and then delete it 5 minutes later?

the book your talking about stated many facts and showed the other ruth map (one of two main ruth maps ) not the real map i showed here ... magill devoted many hours trying to solve a map that was a poor copy at best ...

i posted it in responing to the ruth map reality of two very close maps yet totally diffrent when veiwed side by side ..i have both maps but at the time i felt it was best not to misled the topic of this post away from your given path ,after rereading the replies to the topic , i delited it and left ...

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

the blindbowman said:
Cubfan64 said:
I'm probably going to regret this, but...

BB - what do your last couple posts have to do with anything related to the subject at hand?

And for what reason did you post a photograph of one of many "Peralta" maps from the History Channel and then delete it 5 minutes later?

the book your talking about stated many facts and showed the other ruth map (one of two main ruth maps ) not the real map i showed here ... magill devoted many hours trying to solve a map that was a poor copy at best ...

i posted it in responing to the ruth map reality of two very close maps yet totally diffrent when veiwed side by side ..i have both maps but at the time i felt it was best not to misled the topic of this post away from your given path ,after rereading the replies to the topic , i delited it and left ...

Thanks for the explanation, however I had thought a discussion of the validity, accuracy and comparison of the numerous Peralta maps fit just fine within the current topic - not sure why you would think it doesn't.

The posts that don't seem to have anything to do with the subject are your last few.

I'm here on this forum so that I can begin to understand more and more about the LDM legend and am trying very hard to keep an open mind in every case. I'm honestly curious what your reasons are for visiting this forum? Are you looking for information, trying to share information, confirming information, passing the time...??? It's not clear what your purpose is.

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

i was doing research untill a few ego's got out of control...

it dose'nt matter anymore ,we made a discovery .and we need to wait to prove the discovery is real and file our permits ..

dont let anyone tell you " you wont find anything ", we did ! ...

if you are researching one thing ,dont just focus on that one thing , other things around it could be part of other legends you dont know about at the time ...

we started out trying to define one site and now we have 39 sites . our last discovery went well over the top ...

cub ......never give up dude , there is finds to be made out there , they are real and have yet to be discoverd ...

i know i am not like most people i have been a recluse for 19 years and i am self paced ...

dont let those other guys do your thinking for you ...each of us see things from a diffrent piont of veiw and and our insights are not the same ...

this well be my 3rd trip to the mts and we have already made a historical & valueable discovery ...dont try to focus ,just be alert about everything and you'll do fine !

real de tayopa has a good under standing of early spainish treasure simbolics and native indain sign .. sorry about that ..

you guys take care ...

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

I have not read Gentry's book, but will make an effort to locate a copy. Just because any particular Dutch-hunter might have failed to find the mine, does not mean (to ME) that we ought to ignore the research and legwork done by that person. It is quite possible that person might have some key element or "clue" that one is missing, or has not yet found.

On the other hand, I do not put faith in any of the "maps" that purport to lead to the Lost Dutchman mine, since it is fairly well known that Jacob Waltz never made any maps. Supposedly his partner Jacob Weiser did make a map, but all we have today is a copy made by someone who saw the map once, and drew up a copy solely from memory - so is likely fraught with error. Also, Weiser had only been to the mine on a few occasions before his death, so his own hand-drawn map might have un-intentional errors. Then there are the "clues". I put that term in "quotes" because there are over 100 (at last count) and these "clues" have been used by literally thousands upon thousands of hopeful people to search for the Lost Dutchman (or the lost Peralta mines or the lost mine of Dr Thorn etc) over the past 100+ years without ANY success, so the value of such "clues" is highly questionable. Just my opinion, but a person whom is relying on "clues" to find the LDM may well be ham-stringing their own efforts by trying to find a site which will "fit" - and in the process bypassing what might be the true site!

At any rate, I always find any book on the Lost Dutchman interesting, regardless of the spin or viewpoint. Thanks for the recommendation, good luck and good hunting to you (all) I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...


Very well put.

At this point in time, I believe books are the only thing left to most Dutch Hunters. That name has come to also include anyone looking for treasure in the Superstitions. Some Dutch Hunters had/have the added luxury of knowing people who were in the hunt early, relatively speaking.

There are also folks who have letters, manuscripts and even maps that are not available to the general public. Some have sources who are Native Americans and have their own version to the stories and clues.

For the most part, I believe the closer the author was to the events, the better the clues. Some are, of course, pure b.s., but the prudent thing is to assume they are all the real thing. Over the years, one by one, you may be able to remove some of those clues from consideration, but they should always remain in the back of your mind. In my case, that place is becoming overcrowded. :D

Assuming, out of the gate that any story or clue is untrue, has no positive value to the treasure hunter. Positive value, IMHO, only comes from personal investigation and confirming the worth for yourself.

All opinion, so take if for what it's worth.

Take care,


Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

Greetings mi amigo Joe,

Your opinion carries some weight with many of us here as it is always (or seems to be always) well considered before being offered. I have to agree that SOME of the clues probably ARE of value, the problem then becomes sorting out which clues have value versus those which are of no value or worse, are misleading. (Just my opinion but I believe that at least several of the huge number of clues are in fact deliberately misleading.)


Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

i am a little pist off so , you know before i make this reply .

its not the clues . some of them go to diffrent site and have nothing to do with the dutchman , they got confused with everyone hunting for the dutchman they keep reaching for straws . mixing the sites togather and the cluse started to get confused as well . the kill mts is one of the best books on the dutchman i read it a few dozen times from cover to cover with out stoping . it is well research even if i did find a few missteaks here and there .. the investagation work is sound ..

look at the large funnel i just found . can i see the old miltary trail .yes is it a large funnel shape with a pit at the bottom yes . could it be as rich as he stated it was yes it could be . was it a blowout it very damn sure looks to be one ...dose the setting sun shine in the mouth of the pit yes ...

do i have to climb up to see weavers needle yes i could throw a damn rock and almost hit it from there ...

almost all the cluses i have seen match this site .. and that book is well worth the coin IMHO ..

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...


I don't know about my opinion, but it's clear from my perspective that my feet are carrying way more weight than they should......poor things.

Thank you for the kind words. While I do try to measure and temper my thoughts before posting them, I obviously fail miserably now and again. I can't tell you how many times I have looked back at what I have written and think......what the hell was I thinking???

Rather than deleting those posts, I prefer to apologize to those I have caused grief and leave the offending post as a constant reminder that I am just as much of an ass as the next guy.....not that I won't be reminded by any number of people. :o

I will continue to leave the deletions to those with more tender feelings.

"Just my opinion but I believe that at least several of the huge number of clues are in fact deliberately misleading."

You don't say......Which ones??? :)

Take care,


Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

one throw the damn compass out the wind it next to nothing out there most of the sight of eye maps dont use it anyway ...and the ones that did had poor quaility and have anyone of the dozen missleeding variations that can confuse the best navigational speacalist ... i often saw this on hand drawn maps that the preson drawing them lacked schooling ..or in maps made much older then the modern world as we know it ...

the spainish are easy they used a set of well know markers between them and the same goes for the map code ..even if it is a hard code to brake it has a set of formals as i call them . and it is not hen scraches ....every damn line has a meaning and none were made with out prospective of the mt's and what the goal was ....

even pegleg knew his way around the mt's better then most would beleive ...and he was not dum un schooled maybe not dum...

and yes i do have thin skin and i have to have it or i cant do my work the way i do . if i put up a sheild everytime i wanted to post it would change the sensitive conditioning i have work for more then 40 years ,. it is by far one of the basics of my own religion. to train and condition my self to to make my senses hypresensitive to everything around ,,, how can one focus on the lesser engeries with out a refinement of them self ...

if you believe my nature disrupts this site say so and i will leave now....

but watch what i do after . i will not just go into those mts looking for the LDM . i will locate anything and everything my senses can lock on to .. and you can ask my brother i may be the crazy one out there in that deserted . but as far as my senses go i see 20times what most see out there ...because i dont trust my eye sight more then my other senses . when i was blind i learn that the hard way ...

i dont want to have 50 or 100 million in the bank .i just want enough to enjoy my life the way i want but the modern world dose not have room for people like me i will make room ...

and CJ you were right about jim Hatt...he is what got me pist ...thats all i will say about that...

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

the blindbowman said:
one throw the damn compass out the wind it next to nothing out there most of the sight of eye maps dont use it anyway ...and the ones that did had poor quaility and have anyone of the dozen missleeding variations that can confuse the best navigational speacalist ... i often saw this on hand drawn maps that the preson drawing them lacked schooling ..or in maps made much older then the modern world as we know it ...

the spainish are easy they used a set of well know markers between them and the same goes for the map code ..even if it is a hard code to brake it has a set of formals as i call them . and it is not hen scraches ....every damn line has a meaning and none were made with out prospective of the mt's and what the goal was ....

even pegleg knew his way around the mt's better then most would beleive ...and he was not dum un schooled maybe not dum...

and yes i do have thin skin and i have to have it or i cant do my work the way i do . if i put up a sheild everytime i wanted to post it would change the sensitive conditioning i have work for more then 40 years ,. it is by far one of the basics of my own religion. to train and condition my self to to make my senses hypresensitive to everything around ,,, how can one focus on the lesser engeries with out a refinement of them self ...

if you believe my nature disrupts this site say so and i will leave now....

but watch what i do after . i will not just go into those mts looking for the LDM . i will locate anything and everything my senses can lock on to .. and you can ask my brother i may be the crazy one out there in that deserted . but as far as my senses go i see 20times what most see out there ...because i dont trust my eye sight more then my other senses . when i was blind i learn that the hard way ...

i dont want to have 50 or 100 million in the bank .i just want enough to enjoy my life the way i want but the modern world dose not have room for people like me i will make room ...

and CJ you were right about jim Hatt...he is what got me pist ...thats all i will say about that...


Are we to assume that you and CJ have been chatting privately?

That is interesting!

El Gato

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...


"and CJ you were right about jim Hatt...he is what got me pist ...thats all i will say about that..."


Are we to assume that you and CJ have been chatting privately?

That is interesting!

El Gato"

I don't know who else you are speaking for, when you say "we", but I am not having conversations with bowman.....private or public. Would it be safe to assume that YOU are? :o

Joe Ribaudo

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

no EG ....cj made a comment here a long time ago about jim hatt and i was refering to that statement ...

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

I knew Glenn Magill...and did a lot of research. Jacob's original map that ended up in Adolph Ruth's hands is in a trunk in Washington DC.
Adolph was a member of a car club, I want to say Thunderbird Club but night be wrong.
Adolph Ruth's son "donated" a trunk to the club for safe keeping and there is lies...
I also believe that the mountains are indeed cursed to all but the Apache's.
Fun reading everyone's opinion on the LDM....
I have studied it for many years and as I said I knew Glenn Magill and had many a lengthly talks with him. He has since died but it seems that our fascination with the prospect of finding a gold mine has not..

Re: Curt Gentry's book "Killer Mountains" ...

desertstar12 said:
I knew Glenn Magill...and did a lot of research. Jacob's original map that ended up in Adolph Ruth's hands is in a trunk in Washington DC.
Adolph was a member of a car club, I want to say Thunderbird Club but night be wrong.
Adolph Ruth's son "donated" a trunk to the club for safe keeping and there is lies...
I also believe that the mountains are indeed cursed to all but the Apache's.
Fun reading everyone's opinion on the LDM....
I have studied it for many years and as I said I knew Glenn Magill and had many a lengthly talks with him. He has since died but it seems that our fascination with the prospect of finding a gold mine has not..

Continental Club, and I'm not sure if Adolph was a member or not - I know Erwin was. So is there any evidence you can provide that would convince us that the trunk actually exists and the map is therein?

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