🏆 HONORABLE MENTION curious mountain stick ? THE FINAL CHAPTER !

Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !

Here's the scoop - They are having a big meeting at the Historical Society tomorrow night - Friday , 5/4 . I'm bringing the stick . I'll let you all know what they say . There is a nice little museum there , hopfully they'll want it !


Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !

Just make sure they put it under glass and don't handle it too much!

Good luck!

Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !

mojjax said:
Here's the scoop - They are having a big meeting at the Historical Society tomorrow night - Friday , 5/4 . I'm bringing the stick . I'll let you all know what they say . There is a nice little museum there , hopfully they'll want it !

I'm glad I found this thread, because I've been travelling all summer and forgot about it. What's the word on it? I've also enjoyed this thread. Just don't put the stick up for auction on eBay and then pull the listing shortly thereafter... ;D

Also, did Elyse Luray ever come into play here?

Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !

hiya MiddenMonster! Welcome back!

I'm a little (lot) curious too!

Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !

I have hunted the mt. washington hotel before. It is HUGE and they have turned the grounds into this giant golf course. Gotta tell ya, if you are ever within 100 miles of this place on the 4th of july it has the BEST fireworks display, It echos off mount washington and they run for a long time. this place used to be the playground of the rich...vanderbilt style...there is definately stuff to be found although the property has been reworked. They are restoring in phases and I havent been there in years (I went last time to see the remains of the old man of the mountain featured on the NH quarter shortly after it fell off the mountain and now live in nc)

Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !

Back in June I noticed this article in our local newspaper . 90 year old Huston Dodge was going to give a talk on his ancestors .
My girlfriend and I arrived at the meeting early , with the Curious Mountain Stick . I leaned the stick against the wall in the back of the room where we took our seats . We watched as the room filled with over 50 people . Huston Dodge arrived and began a fascinating talk about the early styles of architecture of many old buildings in the local area . After about an hour he began talking about his early ancestors' . Many people in the audience were asking him lots of questions . I kept raising my hand , only to be interrupted by a non-hand-raiser .... It was getting late .... Huston asked "Are there any more questions about my family" A lady up front pointed at me and said " that man in the back has a question . I stood up and stated that I had a Show-and-tell type question . I went to the wall , got the stick , and took it to the front of the room and stood next to Huston . One of my biggest fears is speaking in front of big groups of people , but I took a deep breath an began telling the audience how I acquired the stick , and how I discovered the names on it as I was about to cut it for a tool handle . I then read inscription , then the names .....George W. Brown , Emma brown " They owned the house my mother was born in! " exclaimed Huston . Lizzie Huston .... "That was my aunt !" Ester H. Huston "That was my other aunt !
Every name I said was either a relative or a good family friend . Finally I said " Who was Joel P. Huston ? " Beaming from ear to ear Mr. Dodge said " That was my Grandfather ! The room was dead silent , and I said " Well Mr. Dodge , this stick now belongs to you " The room erupted with applause , camera flashes . I made my way back to my seat .
A few minutes latter the meeting ended . A line formed in front of Huston , to shake his hand . Another line formed in front of me , to shake my hand . One old gent told me that presenting the stick to Mr. Dodge was the Grand Finallie of the whole meeting . The Historical Society President told me that what I did , Is what these meetings are all about . An elderly lady showed me a picture on her digital camera of Huston holding the stick .
Since that meeting I have been trying to find out who the lady that showed me the picture is . I called Peter Hope (the president ) and Mrs. Collins (secretary) to see If they could find out who she is , they said they would look into it , haven't heard any thing yet .
Anyway this is the final chapter of the Curious Mountain Stick !



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:'( What a great story - a great ending like Gypsy said... and a great freaking thing to do! Man thats just about as cool an ending as i could ever imagine mojjax!

Well done...


man that is awesome! very well done! ;)

Man! I actually had tears in my eyes when I read about you giving him the stick. That was the best possible outcome, made all the better in that he didn't know it was coming and didn't know the stick existed. Hopefully, he has children and grandchildren of his own to whom he can pass it on. But I would also add that the true ending for this story is when you post the picture of him holding the stick. This is the kind of thing that the local paper should write up--it's true history come full circle with a good ending, as it should be. This thread leaves the Beecrock thread in the dust. Easily my favorite thread here. It should be made into a sticky thread and classified under "Essential Reading". Congratulations, Mojjax. I'm sure we all felt like we were experiencing this vicariously through your posts. If you think you might see Huston Dodge again, print up a copy of this thread for him. I'm sure he would enjoy it.

Wow wish i was there to see that 8) AA

I've been looking for this post but couldn't find it. Anyway this is the best story I've read on T-Net, this belongs in the Treasure Net magazine. I could imagine Mr. Dodge's face when you said "Who is Joel P. Huston?" and when you handed the stick to him. This has all the makings of a good family movie, with the ending of it as you described. Thanks for posting and letting us members research this for you I'm honored to be a part of it.

Sincerly , AOSDC

Wow! I enjoyed reading this tale many months ago, but the ending was just great. Well done mojjax.

Thanks for giving us all closure..I just love happy endings :D

Perfect close to a perfect story!

Like MiddenMonster, I had (and still have) tears in my eyes over this one.

Sometimes, things work out "just right!"

so glad you shared it - many thanks,

so glad you were able to return the stick "home"
and congratulations on a job well done....
people like YOU make the rest of us VERY proud!
awesome story with an awesome end!!!!

GADZOOKS! I did not discover this thread until just now!

How cool is that?

Major congrats on your find, and the resulting return to it's rightful owner!
Absolutely amazing.

You know, even though the stick was not found with a metal detector, this hobby is the only one enjoyed by yer average joe that allows people to be reunited with family items decades or centuries old!

This is a great story. Job well done!

Oh my Lord?!! I almost forgot about this thread... that is absolutely astonishing that you were able to bring the history of that cane and that man, whose family owned it, back together once again. I would've been more stoked about that, if I were him, than any other moment in my entire life!! Congrats!!! That is amazing....

Bran <><

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