Re: curious mountain stick ? UPDATE !
Back in June I noticed this article in our local newspaper . 90 year old Huston Dodge was going to give a talk on his ancestors .
My girlfriend and I arrived at the meeting early , with the Curious Mountain Stick . I leaned the stick against the wall in the back of the room where we took our seats . We watched as the room filled with over 50 people . Huston Dodge arrived and began a fascinating talk about the early styles of architecture of many old buildings in the local area . After about an hour he began talking about his early ancestors' . Many people in the audience were asking him lots of questions . I kept raising my hand , only to be interrupted by a non-hand-raiser .... It was getting late .... Huston asked "Are there any more questions about my family" A lady up front pointed at me and said " that man in the back has a question . I stood up and stated that I had a Show-and-tell type question . I went to the wall , got the stick , and took it to the front of the room and stood next to Huston . One of my biggest fears is speaking in front of big groups of people , but I took a deep breath an began telling the audience how I acquired the stick , and how I discovered the names on it as I was about to cut it for a tool handle . I then read inscription , then the names .....George W. Brown , Emma brown " They owned the house my mother was born in! " exclaimed Huston . Lizzie Huston .... "That was my aunt !" Ester H. Huston "That was my other aunt !
Every name I said was either a relative or a good family friend . Finally I said " Who was Joel P. Huston ? " Beaming from ear to ear Mr. Dodge said " That was my Grandfather ! The room was dead silent , and I said " Well Mr. Dodge , this stick now belongs to you " The room erupted with applause , camera flashes . I made my way back to my seat .
A few minutes latter the meeting ended . A line formed in front of Huston , to shake his hand . Another line formed in front of me , to shake my hand . One old gent told me that presenting the stick to Mr. Dodge was the Grand Finallie of the whole meeting . The Historical Society President told me that what I did , Is what these meetings are all about . An elderly lady showed me a picture on her digital camera of Huston holding the stick .
Since that meeting I have been trying to find out who the lady that showed me the picture is . I called Peter Hope (the president ) and Mrs. Collins (secretary) to see If they could find out who she is , they said they would look into it , haven't heard any thing yet .
Anyway this is the final chapter of the Curious Mountain Stick !