Based on the feedback from Minelab I have created a batch file to auto backup the Xchange 2 data
Hi Jerry
Sorry for the delayed response, I have been on carers leave this week and got back today.
The file they need is “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\XChange2\mldata” note replace <username> with their own windows username.
If they would like to keep any images saved then they will need everything in the “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\XChange2\Attachments” directory as well.
If they install XChange 2 and then copy the mldata file into the location and overwrite the old one and the contents of the Attachments folder then XChange 2 should just work with the original data.
There no official way of performing backups. You can copy all of the contents to the File folder and export them to a file. I have put this into our system as a possible new feature so it may happen in a future release but cannot guarantee anything
Customer Service
Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd | 2 Second Ave, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095
I have modified the Xchange 2 desktop short cut to auto back and save a copy of the mldata in the event that I need to restore the data. The update will auto backup the data upon exit of the Xchange 2 software
Note set the directory locations where you want the backup then replace them in
step 3
Step 1 create a auto-backup.bat file in a location that you want to store you backup
Example: D:\Minelab-backup
Step 2 create an attachments folder — this is where any saved images will be stored
Example: D:\Minelab-backup\Attachments
Step 3
Using notepad create your backup file and note replace
<username> with your own windows username
cd C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\XChange2\
start XChange2.exe -d'.\' -n'mldata' -r
Copy C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\XChange2\mldata /Y
XCopy C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\XChange2\Attachments\*.* D:\Minelab-backup\Attachments /Y /S
Step 4 save the notepad file as xchange-auto.bat in your D:\Minelab-backup directory
Step 5 copy the original desktop xchange 2 shortcut file to D:\Minelab-backup
As a backup in case anything goes wrong you can recover the original desktop shortcut
Step 6
On the desktop right click your mouse on the xchange 2 short cut and select properties
Select the Shortcut Tab at the top of the properties window
And replace the target field with D:\Minelab-backup\xchange-autobackup.bat
Replace the Start-in field with
Then click apply and close
Now your desktop icon for starting Xchange 2 will launch Xchange 2 and upon exit will backup your data. If this does not work then simply copy the backup shortcut from step 5 to restore the original shortcut and start over.
If you for any reason need to restore your backup re-install XChange 2 and then copy the mldata file into the location and overwrite the old one and the contents of the Attachments folder then XChange 2 now your backed up data is restored.