The Confederate Treasury train followed Davis and Cabinet from the flight from Richmond.
April 3,1865 the train left Richmond to Danville,Va, April 8 onto Charlotte,NC, and on April 12 to Chester,SC , where it was loaded onto wagons. Between April 19 and May 3 it went back and forth from Marshall's White Hall Plantation in Abbeville,SC, to Washington ,Ga.
On its journey to Dionysius Chennault's plantation in Washington,Ga, it was attacked by an unknown band.They fled with what they had stolen, claims place it at $250,000, and it has been rumored that some it was buried on several locations near the plantation,and a larger cache was buried where the Apalachee and Oconee Rivers meet.
On May 24,1865,the Union army descended on Chennault's and recovered the remaining CSA treasury-boxes, barrels, crates of gold and silver coins, gold and silver bullion, and jewelry donated by Southern ladies for the Cause.
Not believing that part of the treasury was taken by bandits, the Union soldiers tortured members of the Chennault family and members of their household to no avail, because none of them knew or divulged the location of the rest of the missing treasury.