Cruddy computers


Bronze Member
Nov 10, 2010
North Carolina
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my big puter got a virus. I sent to my bro who is VP of a computer company. He is fixing it.

my wireless just stopped today cause the modem died. So charter cable is sending a new modem. 2 laptops are useless.

bro sent fixed desktop and I am on that cause it works! :)

honestly I am starting to hate puters. More trouble then they are worth somedays. Why is technology so great and so HORRible AND A PITA when they break....getting things fixed just is annoying as you know what.

oh well just ranting at computer for the heck of it.

Modems and other crap made in China. What do we expect? I work on this stuff every day. They're built to last a year or two, to keep us coming back.
One poster mentioned a surge protector. Very important, but if your other telephone/data devices aren't surge protected, a power surge will backfeed through your cable/phone wiring and damage these things regardless. Good anti-virus protection is important also.

oh yes definitely a surge protector. got them on tvs also

yea modem is crappola :laughing9:

worse thing is I called. they are mailing me a new one free. Got the box today. NOTHING in it but a ethernet cable.

I called and moaned. oops they forgot to put the modem in. They are overnighting me a new one tomorrow.

I tell ya, I just tell ya --SMACK them all LOL

Even a cruddy computer is better than none.. Once you've been on a computer for a while and become a regular user, you will need your fix.. Yup, the internet is a very addicting drug... Try and do without it for even a few hours and you'll start have withdrawal symptoms :laughing7:

I hear you. necessary evil for me :laughing9:

I was down 3 days and by the last day I was foaming at the mouth needing to check banking online etc. I tell ya it is always something that gets you. :laughing7:

I have three towers and a laptop sitting in my home office waiting for me to get around to fixing them.

A friend of mine would say buy a mac next time, they don't get viruses. But I don't believe him. I think that it used to be true, but now that they have a bit more market share, I bet they do now, or will soon.

And when a Mac breaks, you are paying a lot of money to get a "certified" Mac repair person to look at it.

A friend of mine would say buy a mac next time, they don't get viruses. But I don't believe him. I think that it used to be true, but now that they have a bit more market share, I bet they do now, or will soon.

Macs get viruses :laughing9: theyre just not as common as regular pc viruses.

Red James cash said:
A friend of mine would say buy a mac next time, they don't get viruses. But I don't believe him. I think that it used to be true, but now that they have a bit more market share, I bet they do now, or will soon.

Macs get viruses :laughing9: theyre just not as common as regular pc viruses.

Mac OS X, with its Unix-based file system and kernel, is harder to infect with a self-replicating program.

With about a 4% market share what's the point or the profit in it for them.

I use a mac. It just works. Period. I have a excellent firewall and virus system.

I don't think viruses are caused by bad computers, just bad people? We have free anti-virus protection. It's rated 5 stars out of 5. Java rated 4 stars, avg rated 3. Avg so bad a virus giver got thru, pretending to be avg, so couldn't tell the virus giver from avg anti-virus.

Avast will sometimes say something is unsafe when it isn't, but that's better than the other way around & free, too.

We have Yahoo for mail & they've become overly protective, have to sign in again maybe every 15 minutes while reading e-mail. Best wishes, George (MN)

I do suggest if you have an extra Thumb drive or flash card laying around with enough room on it that you do download the free version of Avast, and Malwarbytes it and keep them handy.

I actually just finished fixing someones old XP laptop and it had a nasty little bug. Not only did it mess with their e-mail, web browser, turn off their out dated virus protection, and turned off their firewall. It even went in and changed the registry to make it so that you could not open .exe or .lnk files.

So more or less you could not open any programs at all. It was pretty frustrating.

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