Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
hmmm, who do you think it was?
Wasn't me... Bill...? Does he wanna be PREZ?
hmmm, who do you think it was?
I don't recall the last time I was sick,of course I use Colloidal Silver,more so when Chem trails are active,which is most of the time! GodBless Chris
This is the first day I have taken off of work due to sickness in 8 years. Normally, I load up on Dayquil and tough it out. I just can't see patients when I'm throwing up every 30-60 minutes. Not healthy for any of us.
Yuck. Get well Crispin.
More likely cart handles at penny saver before a hex.
Well, I hope you feel better. I think throwing up is about the worst feeling in the world. 8 years without a sick day is pretty amazing .
wishsomeonewouldtakeover. placeisamess.
This is getting a little weird...
I have the flu or a really bad virus. I haven't been able to move since yesterday afternoon. Finally got the Tylenol to stay down and break the fever. Now I'm trying to keep some Gatorade down. I don't mind being sick...but I had to cancel all my patients.![]()
Help !! No more nekit guy pictures.
Help !! No more nekit guy pictures.
Jeff please don't take this the wrong way as it is all in good fun. I believe this picture would fit the said criteria?
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Well I guess the patients could have insisted he come in and puke on them. Gad that was gross but had fun typing it. <lol>