I have some in my folders and thats what I use for avatars. Just don't know how to get it here. billy bob would call me a goob about now


hope that's it. that really is me a couple years ago in custer state park SD

wow I learned something new

oops should have cropped the text (just ignore that I'm not steve martin)

thank you very much Rover, but I only have a laptop and even that is over my stone age head
I finally got one but it took forever

<img src=""/>

hope that's it. that really is me a couple years ago in custer state park SD

wow I learned something new

Hey Jeff,
I hate to tell you and maybe it's just my phone, but I see a big square, but NO picture! Anybody see it?

was waiting for the squigg's reply, but alas I am hideous and she's probably retching in the litter box

OK, if you are using an iPad, start a message then look for the "advanced" button on the upper right to the left of "send". Maybe iPhones have the same feature. Anyway if you do see the advanced option, click on it. Up pops another screen with more options, and one being "attach photo". ... pick the one that says "from photo roll" (or something to that effect). It opens up the file where you have stored photos. Pick the one that looks like the image you see in the mirror most days.

Go back to the message and "send". Note that the photo will not show up on the screen where you are typing the message, but it will go out with the message.

Whew ... I hate to type instructions and later learn that I screwed it up. Here comes a picture that looks something like me. I'm the one with feathers.


Hey M,
That's a nice picture. .I can't make it larger but is that an owl with you?

"Slickness" is over, Sir.

The consensus is a POSTED picture, not some avatar crap....

You must comply or I will raise a motion for your dismissal and banishment.

(Ah, Scott's just playin' his games again. Right?)



do you not see it either? i do. and to be honest Scott with you I never am certain

was waiting for the squigg's reply, but alas I am hideous and she's probably retching in the litter box

Oh, that post made me laugh!!!
No I do not see about everyone else?

well it shows up on my post on my screen and that's all I know how to do. So I guess Scott, Ill shove my chips and say I'm all in if you want to ban me so be it. Guess I'll be with picker for a while

Jeff-Gordon, if it is not past your bedtime, I'll make a deal with you....

I will have a photo taken of me TONIGHT if you do the same.

I can have it posted within 10 minutes.

And you?

Time to "man-up? Shirley....

(Haven't I said that before to you, guy?)

Additional info is being compiled as to your mien, Sir.
Previous diagnosis are being reviewed....

As such, this is a privately held website and forum and thus thread, and also due to professional ethics,
I will not proclaim you an idiot. Yet.

Prove me wrong.



Hmmm what to do with this.
I cannot technically get that done Scott.
The only thing I can do in ten minutes ( or less) is sex
what is 'mien' ( sorry smarty pants not all of us are as smart as you)
and again you may proclaim me to be anything you like, I know who I am and rely on no one else for validation.
I'm not upset but I am beginning to think you have something against me and I don't know why.

see? Moonrover sees it. can you send it to squig? she'll pm you her phone number

Came through nice and sharp on my iPad. Can even enlarge it. Not that I really wanted to, however. When you see one mountain goat, you pretty much have seen 'em all.


Oh you all are so bad!

Hmmm what to do with this.
I cannot technically get that done Scott.
The only thing I can do in ten minutes ( or less) is sex
what is 'mien' ( sorry smarty pants not all of us are as smart as you)
and again you may proclaim me to be anything you like, I know who I am and rely on no one else for validation.
I'm not upset but I am beginning to think you have something against me and I don't know why.

I thought it was all in fun!

yeah me too, I don't see Moonrover getting challenged

Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 9.22.48 PM.webp

Since were talking about photos...

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