"Ya big fool. Ev'ry one knows Wink Martindale!"
"From 'Gambit' and 'Tic Tac Dough.'"
"You must be a Yankee."
"Jed, Fetch me my shotgun."

"For your consideration...."
"I present to you a man, a Human, called, 'Scott.'"
"An old man, one who has learned from age....."
"A mind, yet bent upon helping others, when he may himself be the one in need."
"Sometimes Sane, in an insane world,
And sometimes,
Sane In the 'Twilight Zone.'"
(You have no idea....)
Long late nights await me again for studies this semester....
Remember my desire of a future course, "Abnormal Behavior?"
Yeah....About that....
Is all of this Genius or Madness?
I'm still alive, aren't I?
Certainly you are also, reading this post.
We both live!
And I will continue to live.
At least, as long as I can help others, right?
I think that I am helping others.....
Every day, in even a small way...
Are you also?
(Full Screen here, Folks.)
I see a
Fender Bass, a Gibson 6....
And, Do I see an Ovation?!?
Whom do the Doctors seek when they are sick?
What knowledge will guide you?
Will you continue your passion to satisfy your curiosity?
And find a way to help another human?