
Somehow I messed up with the link....this techie stuff confuses this old

Better luck this time....Chris Martin - Let her go.

Regards + HH



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It's an age thing....welcome to the club....I don't know how many times I've walked up stairs for some reason or another and forgot why....I get half way back down the stairs and the light comes

Regards + HH


Ah, my Friend, Bill,

You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to say the magic phrase....

Groucho win.webp

Thank You! :notworthy:


Song by Joe Walsh

Standin' in the runway
Wavin' at the plane
There goes everything you own
You called home collect
And they didn't know your name
Starin' at the telephone

You thought he was a doctor
Now he says he's not
But the voices seem to tell for sure
And according to the symptoms
It isn't all you got
A shame they haven't found a cure

Didn't know the reason
You start to feel the rub
You know it isn't easy
Well, welcome to the club
Well, you thought they'd take it lightly

They're actin' kinda rash
Caught you in a loadin' zone
So they smile very politely
Relieved you of your cash
Suddenly you're all alone

You play the double agent
You bug each other's phone
You got the place surrounded
There ain't nobody home

It's gettin' hard to please 'em
You start to feel the rub
You know…

IT Isn't Easy!
Welcome to the Club!

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Here we are again, Friends, Critters...

Another page.
Another day....
"Turn The Page."

Hope you've faced minor or no difficulties of recent.

The struggle that you may face is always different from another who struggles.
We ALL struggle.

Yet, we all can help another.

In the way that our special knowledge can provide!

Who did you help today?

My Best,


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"Somehow I messed up with the link....this techie stuff confuses this old"

Yeah, we're both old, and surely we enjoy the same music...

Whether you sing along or write your own feelings....


(at 1:37 it looks like the drummer hits Willie in the head! :laughing7:)

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I have a funny story about Wasabi. Many years ago I went out to dinner for the first time to a Japanese restaurant with a senior NCO and 2 LT Col's. We had been on a long mission trying to understand why 2 rappellers were killed from a Blackhawks at Ft Campbell. Anyway one 0-5 tells me. " hey why don't you take a great big mouthful of that green stuff it's like avocado with your rice?" And he smiled.......,remember this was my first time ever eating Japanese food. I was a young E-6 really just happy to be on the team, but angered because of the 2 deaths ( actually equipment failure) so I grab a great big spoonful of Wasabi and rice and throw it in my mouth........then it hit me.... I thought I had swallowed LAVA...... I'm spitting, and choking, they are rolling laughing, I am slamming down the pitcher of water on our table..... No help, Satan himself has made this concoction..... I can't breathe.... I start running from table to table taking their pitchers of water pouring it in what's left of my mouth.... The officers are dying laughing.... I'm stumbling falling by now everyone in the restaurant has caught on and is laughing.... I'm grabbing ice out of water pitchers and out the front door I go......... FINALLY RELIEF ....., the officer who tried to kill me says " I'm sorry sarge but that happened to me in Japan...... I've been waiting for 15 years to get some one. I said "Sir with all due respect...... I'll see you in hell" thus began my lack of trust for ALL officers hehe he turned out to be a great friend of mine. I use to take him out on the range and taught him long range shooting....... I mean LONG range......

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Your story reminds me of a good friend. His girlfriend was told by doctors she could never have children so they used no birth control. She became pregnant 2 years later, they went to doctor and he told them it was a miracle birth, that she should never have been able to have a child.

Well they got married and 18 months after birth of their daughter she was pregnant again, this time twin boys...

He got a vasectomy....


Thanks for the

Regards + HH


Treasure Hunter that's funny. Real funny. I haven't spoken about that for a couple days but EPT said pregnant. My wife convinced her to see her doctor. Blood work and Doctor said NOT pregnant! A false positive...... Think what anyone may of me, but I said a prayer!

TH I told my son the best birth control in the world is simply say......,"No"......... Hahaha

Looks like I'll see my Friends at DRC tomorrow after helping my locksmith Friend for awhile.

I'll pack up and head to the mountains for one more trip of the summer before classes begin this Fall Semester.



Yeah, I'll take my camera with me to DRC!

Always looking ahead,

The FIRST class that I want to take (Spring Semester?) after I receive my Associates Degree and work towards my Bachelors is,

"Abnormal Behavior."

Now, Folks,

I've seen enough abnormal behavior in my life that I'm certain I'd get a good grade....:laughing7:

Then, what to go with that course? I'll have to look. By Myself.

I have found little assistance from my "prescribed" Academic Adviser.

We seem to have a "failure to communicate...."

cool hand luke.webp
Perhaps my Adviser can be changed? :icon_scratch:

"Perhaps, Son.
And, perhaps one day, pigs might fly. But not today. Make your move....."

(Bonus internet points!
Name the movie based upon the picture. The words are mine....)

Perhaps. A change.
To one who appreciates my passions, knowledge and experiences.........

I have my suggestion....

You can be assured that I have many questions, on my list,
to find answers, once that damned "School Bell Rings!"

Hope Y'all Been Well!



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Anticipating the upcoming semester, I find myself thinking of our Friend, Crispin,

And Hope that he is well.

Tucked away on a well deserved vacation, no one can really say where, a Guinness in hand, living comfortably!

Always thinking of you, Bro!

(Kinda "grows on ya," don't it?)

Best Wishes,


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Cool Hand Luke........

Cool Hand Luke........

"That's correct, my Friend."

View attachment 1196748
"Now for 'Double Your Winnings,' Name that actor. You have 30 seconds....."


"Oh, I'm sorry."
"The answer is Strother Martin."

"We have one more opportunity for you to 'Double Your Winnings.'"
"Are you ready?"

"Name the 'Emcee' pictured above and at least 2 shows that he's hosted......"

"30 seconds...."

"Shh..No help from the audience, Please...."

My Best Wishes and Thanks,

To all who play along with Scotty and his whimsies....



Any ideas what "this" show might be called? :icon_scratch:

ron burgundy.webp
"How 'bout, 'Some Half-Hour suck trivia crap show?'"
"I'd bet I could blackmail some sponsors...."

"Prime Time? I like it!"

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Scotty, your mind amazes me!!

Oh shoot Will Ferrell something...... Dang it......... No google........ Oh yeah Anchorman Ron Burgundy ha..... I have a picture of an Aussie vehicle in Afghanistan I'll have to try and find and post for ya..... You'll get a kick out of it

Oh shoot Will Ferrell something...... Dang it......... No google........ Oh yeah Anchorman Ron Burgundy ha..... I have a picture of an Aussie vehicle in Afghanistan I'll have to try and find and post for ya..... You'll get a kick out of it

"Ya big fool. Ev'ry one knows Wink Martindale!"
"From 'Gambit' and 'Tic Tac Dough.'"

"You must be a Yankee."
"Jed, Fetch me my shotgun."



rod serling.webp
"For your consideration...."
"I present to you a man, a Human, called, 'Scott.'"
"An old man, one who has learned from age....."

"A mind, yet bent upon helping others, when he may himself be the one in need."
"Sometimes Sane, in an insane world,
And sometimes,
Sane In the 'Twilight Zone.'"

(You have no idea....)

Long late nights await me again for studies this semester....

Remember my desire of a future course, "Abnormal Behavior?"
Yeah....About that....

Is all of this Genius or Madness?

I'm still alive, aren't I?

Certainly you are also, reading this post.
We both live!

And I will continue to live.

At least, as long as I can help others, right?
I think that I am helping others.....
Every day, in even a small way...
Are you also?

(Full Screen here, Folks.)

I see a
Fender Bass, a Gibson 6....

And, Do I see an Ovation?!?

Whom do the Doctors seek when they are sick?
What knowledge will guide you?
Will you continue your passion to satisfy your curiosity?

And find a way to help another human?




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