Went to the Memorial Service last Friday....

One can only think of their own mortality....

And think of past services of other loved ones, leaving one in a "disarrayed" state of mind.

Then, I went to the VA for medical consultation.

The Physician poked, prodded, pulled and poked again on my foot.

X-rays were ordered.

3 x-rays, top, left and right were taken.

I was issued a prescription, supposedly for swelling and pain, Diclofenac, a generic replacement for "Voltaren."

B.I.D. After meals. For a week. Damn! I hate meds!

The rest of the physical shows that I'm as strong and smart as a mule.

I guess that's good....

I'm supposed to receive notification of the x-rays this week, either through a phone call or by mail.

I can see a return visit in my future....

The prescription has helped the pain, but the swelling remains.

It's hard to not feel down, but
I will work through my difficulties to be able to help others.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts at this time.


Best Wishes,

As Always,


you have a bit of arthritus! Go catch a few bees and make them sting your foot and within a couple of days it will be better and likely stay better for a long time. 6-10 stings then a week later another bunch. I did that with my hand ten years ago and it has been pain free ever since. Bee venon is becomming popular again for any inflammitory type afliction.


I've always had a soft spot for Southern Rock + Southern Country Rock....

This one fits the bill.....Joe Ely + The Crickets - Not Fade Away.


you have a bit of arthritus! Go catch a few bees and make them sting your foot and within a couple of days it will be better and likely stay better for a long time. 6-10 stings then a week later another bunch. I did that with my hand ten years ago and it has been pain free ever since. Bee venon is becomming popular again for any inflammitory type afliction.

When I was a kid, say about 5th grade, during recess outside,
I would capture honey bees to let then sting me.
All part of my curiosity of Nature....

Sure, it was painful, but the benefits may have properties of medical inclusion....

Thanks for the idea.

Shall I capture honey bees for their suicidal sting?



Released in June of 1982 on the album, "Eye in the Sky," the 6th album of
Alan Parsons,

I offer the lyrics.
(Thanks, RC for the tune!)

"Eye In The Sky"

Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
You've taken lots of chances before
But I ain't gonna give any more
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
'Cause part of me knows what you're thinking...
Don't say words you're gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
I've heard the accusations before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more
To know that I can read your mind, I can read your mind

Don't leave false illusions behind
Don't cry 'cause I ain't changing my mind
So find another fool like before
'Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the signs are deceiving




Did you guys know this? I'll bet some of you did......:icon_thumright:

Alan Parsons (born 20 December 1948 is an English audio engineer, songwriter, musician, and record producer. He was involved with the production of several significant albums, including The Beatles' Abbey Road and Let It Be, and the art rock band Ambrosia's debut album Ambrosia as well as Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon for which Pink Floyd credit him as an important contributor.

well sure, I hired him at Apple records

When I was a kid, say about 5th grade, during recess outside,
I would capture honey bees to let then sting me.
All part of my curiosity of Nature....

Sure, it was painful, but the benefits may have properties of medical inclusion....

Thanks for the idea.

Shall I capture honey bees for their suicidal sting?



yes if you have a problem deserving of the sacrifice of their lives. I collect old books and bought a book many years ago wrtten by a doctor cause he wasd mad at the ama for promoting cortisteroids for inflamatary disease like arthritus. He wss my age in 1947 when he wrote the book and claims to cure most form of arthritus if caught in the early stages and bad mouthed the cortisteroids cause there use kill many people every year and bee stings don't unless you re alergic and if you are you carry an epi pen so there is no issue.

well sure, I hired him at Apple records

Well then maybe you know a couple of these guys... I don't know if any of them ever made it in the music business....:laughing7::laughing7:


yes OV, I was the blonde curly haired backup singer for ELO

yes if you have a problem deserving of the sacrifice of their lives. I collect old books and bought a book many years ago wrtten by a doctor cause he wasd mad at the ama for promoting cortisteroids for inflamatary disease like arthritus. He wss my age in 1947 when he wrote the book and claims to cure most form of arthritus if caught in the early stages and bad mouthed the cortisteroids cause there use kill many people every year and bee stings don't unless you re alergic and if you are you carry an epi pen so there is no issue.

Not a honey bee, more a paper wasp/large version as far as looks but different specie than a yellow jacket, nailed me last year and arthritis subsided a couple days.
A friend, gone now,was offered bee venom or it's extract from his doc with the caution it could make him sterile.
The old man laughed and said give it to me;and it helped him greatly.

Did you guys know this? I'll bet some of you did......:icon_thumright:

Alan Parsons (born 20 December 1948 is an English audio engineer, songwriter, musician, and record producer. He was involved with the production of several significant albums, including The Beatles' Abbey Road and Let It Be, and the art rock band Ambrosia's debut album Ambrosia as well as Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon for which Pink Floyd credit him as an important contributor.
Musical knowledge....

I stopped on my way home this evening at my local grocer and as I was checking out, I told the cashier that if she could name the song title and artist of the current "Muzac" selection, I would give her a $1 tip.

She was half my age and an African American.

She got the title correct, but couldn't name the artist.

I gave her the dollar anyway.

I watched her put it in the donation jar for St. Judes!

The tune?

Stay young, my Friends!



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Not a honey bee, more a paper wasp/large version as far as looks but different specie than a yellow jacket, nailed me last year and arthritis subsided a couple days.
A friend, gone now,was offered bee venom or it's extract from his doc with the caution it could make him sterile.
The old man laughed and said give it to me;and it helped him greatly.

A few years ago, I was building a deck and had an open can of soda setting aside.

After a while, I went to the soda and took a giant swig.

A yellow jacket had sought to investigate the syrupy goodness and I unknowingly swallowed him in a thirsty gulp.

He found himself captured in my throat and proceeded to sting away.

I immediately put my finger to my throat to induce vomiting and expelled the insect.
After the damage was done..

I then determined a "break" was in order and waited for any signs of anaphylactic shock.

None came about, though I felt quite strange because of the stings....

This may be discussed in detail later.....

Thoughts of flight and such......strange "relevations."



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wow, never heard of getting stung in the back of the throat that could be dangerous even if your not allergic to the wasp venom. Most of the time there is swelling which is not an allergic reaction just your body responding to the sting. But if stung in the right place swelling of the epiglottus could make breathing very difficult.
Wasps and bees are totally different and I'm not sure the venon would have the same attributes as apis melifera<honey bee>

Sweet! You made the Rockeria so special..


You surely have this album, my favorite, "A New World Record."


Or perhaps you know me very well....

Then, it follows, that you know my favorite tune from said album....
"Cut 2, side one....

The tune playing when my '67 Galaxie 500 tape player ate my favorite 8-track tape.....

Such good times, yes?

My Best Wishes,


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Jeff, my Friend.

Hope you have been well.

I wish for you and all of my Friends,

My Best Wishes,


For you, a full album of Jeff, Bob, Tom, George and Roy...


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