This is carried over from a different thread; however, I think it is important enough to start its own thread. For those of you who did or are not following the previously mentioned thread...this is basically a list of people that are not worried about a government takeover. So far, here is the list...
Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
I will update the list periodically. Take note that the list order denotes membership tenure. If you want to be on the list post here.
The original thread kind of morphed into just a place for people to hang out and enjoy each other's started out as a tongue and cheek exercise by a few rabble rousers and evolved into what it is today.
Regards + HH
A goverment take over of what?
oh yeah them revenuers. Thanks Rebel. you think if them Washington yankees take over the shining that they would be a bit more layed back like us hill folk?
Please remember no politics except in out politics forum...
Product of the streets...I run with a rough crowd. Shoot first and ask questions later...if they start answering the questions....shoot again.
Next Bonus Clue: "No one shall land upon this shore; to sneak, nor peak, nor explore. May he be traveler, or tourist, or sailor lost, back into the sea he must be tossed!"