Silver Member
Welcome to Mav! Good to have you aboard! Does your cat have a name? If she/he wants to be welcomed to the welcome list we would be happy to have her. No new positions at this time. However, I have been toying with the idea of giving RelevantChair 5/8ths status, anybody second? Also, accepting recommendations from the floor for Mav's appointment in cabinet.
Updated list:
Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President, Zen Master of Music)
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair (NRA member, Ambassador to the NRA)
Barb alias Squiggy (Minister of Equality)
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
BBcamay (Admiral of Models, Minister of Sass)
Davest (Secretary of the Interior)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War, Ambassador to Zombies)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Chief Chef and culinary advisor)
KevinInColorado (Provisioner of Libations)
Dejapooh (Minister of Commerce)
Hvacker (Chief of Civil Service)
Au24K (Ambassador to the Wolf Pack, Asst. Minister of Music)
Dano Sverige (Black-Ops Coordinator)
Ammonhotep (Captain of the Homeguard)
ReconDigger (Antiquities Recovery Specialist)
# 24: Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend (Ambassador to NASCAR, Ambassador to NFL)
LordDean13 (Ambassador to Robot Citizens)
IvanSalis (Head of ex-military C&R Firearms Dept.)
Bum Luck (Ambassador to AARP)
MoonRover (Director of Space Exploration)
1/3 of Kayden
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Mascot List: Eva, Squiggy, Wasaya, Abby, Clop-eye, Norman the SpongeMonkey, My Sweet Honey Badger, Bella, Otis (in memory).
Who is next? Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose...
I second and extend a warm welcome to Mav. and avatar cat!