I've heard talk of a contest. I like the idea, however, as you know,
I'll have to disqualify myself.
A contest, hmm?
What topic shall it be?
There's already been a 'Best Liar' topic.
How about this.
Most colorful, interesting, yet true, self written obituary?
Who knows you better than you?
Do you want Aunt Martha to give her obit write-up of you to the paper?
Or rather *GASP* Uncle Scott to do your life in a few words, sentences or paragraphs?
And if this topic is agreed upon, what shall the prize be?
A prize to me would be a week in space,
the opportunity to beat Putin in arm-wrestling or
Diving amongst the aquatic fauna a mere few yards from a sunken galleon...
But realistically,
I collect many different things.
A few items that I could donate towards
a "Prize Pack" include:
US/Foreign coins/currency,
78 rpms/albums/CD's/cassettes,
collectible comic books,
Collectible antique tins,
Collectible this,
Collectible that,
I bet we could have a great contest and a great prize pack put together.
Methinks we need to form a committee,
(when in doubt, ALWAYS form a committee)
and we need a "Contest and Promotion" leader.
Any nominees?
Any volunteers?
Other ideas for topics?
Other contributions to the prize-Pack?

"Now wait! Is this legal?"

"Now, Settle down, Barney. Don't you remember that contest you won awhile back?"
All ideas and suggestions are Welcome!