True enough, I can see in the dark so how about we just hire a good management team to run the sucker for us and we'll just spend the days arrowhead hunting while one of our employees follows us with a 4 wheeler that has a cooler of cold beer strapped to the front rack? :occasion14:

as long as it's a female employee. And I do all the female interviews

Just finished my nightly PBJ, and turning in......tomorrow.......Gary your topknot, Jeff has been unusually quiet lately:laughing7:

I'll put Wasaya on high alert, she can hear what's going on for miles around.

These bacon lovers get lookin alike after a while!

High frequency you know radio waves that bounce off the atmosphere on the hopes that some numb nuts at Bragg is listening when you just broke contact in a jungle far away and need immediate extract, using HF because the PRC 77 has the range as far as you can yell.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet


At least you didn't hold the sign in front of your you can be ID'd.....Looks like you were having a great weekend.

Squig, Temp in low 60's, with 39 in the am when I left the house.....don't worry, you'll be begging for hot weather before too long. enjoy it while you are able......Gary

Hey Gary,
I will never wish for hot way!
Oh, what I wouldn't give for the 60's!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

They had computers and email in 1985? Shhhessh we were still using HF radios!!

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Still using the HF radio too...
'73 de YI9LCA

Good Afternoon, All.

Talk of the weather, eh?
Reminds me of what Mark Twain once opined:
"Everyone complains of the weather, but nobody does anything about it."

I'm feeling a bit exhausted today, I guess it's to be expected with my first exam on Thursday
in addition to other academic obligations.

Perhaps I need to slow down my hypertension and
take a "Nantucket Sleighride" while I
REALLY get down to studying....

I stopped after classes and repaired 3 more wheelchairs.
And, while talking to Sonja at Disability Resources,
I mentioned that I have over 30 years of remodeling and new construction experience,
if any clients needed MINOR work.

I mustn't put more on my plate than I can handle----
I still have to find time for Scott.

Oh, and I'm going to try to get more bike racks purchased and installed on campus.
I already know a couple of past PE Professors to email....

Hope All are
Well and Happy!

My Best Wishes,


PayPal funds clear tomorrow.
A New Charter Membership is in the works!​

Reminds me of what Mark Twain once opined:
"Everyone complains of the weather, but nobody does anything about it."

I found Mark up in Elmira a couple of months ago.



I've heard talk of a contest. I like the idea, however, as you know,
I'll have to disqualify myself.
A contest, hmm?

What topic shall it be?
There's already been a 'Best Liar' topic.

How about this.
Most colorful, interesting, yet true, self written obituary?
Who knows you better than you?
Do you want Aunt Martha to give her obit write-up of you to the paper?
Or rather *GASP* Uncle Scott to do your life in a few words, sentences or paragraphs?
And if this topic is agreed upon, what shall the prize be?

A prize to me would be a week in space,
the opportunity to beat Putin in arm-wrestling or
Diving amongst the aquatic fauna a mere few yards from a sunken galleon...

But realistically,
I collect many different things.

A few items that I could donate towards
a "Prize Pack" include:

US/Foreign coins/currency,
78 rpms/albums/CD's/cassettes,
collectible comic books,
Collectible antique tins,
Collectible this,
Collectible that,
I bet we could have a great contest and a great prize pack put together.

Methinks we need to form a committee,
(when in doubt, ALWAYS form a committee)
and we need a "Contest and Promotion" leader.

Any nominees?
Any volunteers?

Other ideas for topics?

Other contributions to the prize-Pack?

"Now wait! Is this legal?"

"Now, Settle down, Barney. Don't you remember that contest you won awhile back?"

beauty contest.webp

All ideas and suggestions are Welcome!




This is what I call a "Pop Song."

"The sucker just popped into my head....."

It's OK though,
Nine of the ten voices in my head agree that it's a great song.
The tenth voice, well,
There are issues that need to be worked out...


Part of the "experience."



Guess I'm stuck in the early 70's tonight, y'all.

Pardon me as I stroll down the path of my youth and,
hopefully yours also.

Please add or request songs from your childhood or even songs that your parents listened to.

Here's an example of an old country song my Dad used to like.

One my Mom liked.
What genre? Dunno.
Maybe upbeat, positive and happy?

Ah, nostalgia...
Music is as strong of an emotion to remembering as perfume.
It's a fight between aural and Olfaction....

What would you like to hear?




"Be quick about it, I have college exams to study for...."​

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Good to see you hitting the books.......but at this point in my academic,non-career, I'm more likely to hit the water Gary

Just finished my nightly PBJ, and turning in......tomorrow.......Gary your topknot, Jeff has been unusually quiet lately:laughing7:

ssshhh Gary, I'm forming a war party. Being half Blackfoot, half wolf, and half Crow, I intend a night attack.

A salute to veterans who did not return. I never asked what the veteran who played it thought of it, he did play it though.
Sorry Jeff, assault on northern neighbors exempt from tribute.:laughing7:

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Now that's funny right there I don't care who you are......lord I apologize and be with the starving pygmies in New Guinea amen.....haha you should hear the war stories I tell the grand kids fighting the bibbiley , bobboley boobeleys the world over either I tell good stories or I bore them to sleep!!!

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet


Good to see you hitting the books.......but at this point in my academic, non-career, I'm more likely to hit the water Gary

Funny you should mention, "non-career,"
Someone once asked me how long I was going to be attending college, and I said,
"Until my hard work to achieve scholarship funds and the grants dry up."

Does this qualify as a "career?"

My answer is a resounding YES!

A career of learning, advancing human knowledge and understanding.
May it be by Fellowships, Study Grants or what have you, if through my education,
at this point in my life, leads to any goals of Humanitarianism,
or possibly help just one person in their life,
I'll look at my endeavors as a "career" inspired victory!

Thank you for an opportunity to reply and express my desires and intentions! :thumbsup:

My Best,


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