Nothing calmer than this!

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Dave, if the thread bothers you, there are others to" check in on".

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Wow. How many times have I said this same thing,, only to be totally ignored, and even told " I come on tnet so I don't have to look at this sort of thing".

In all fairness to you Squiggy. You're word is golden. I know you and your beliefs as you have displayed them. Yet you practice what I have been practicing up until now. If it does not agree with you you do not go there. But many here on this thread say it, and do not do it. What should I do now? Should I still stay above the fray? I always thought there was a 2nd Amendment RIGHT. Yet many on this thread attack it like it is an educational debate?

As I said, you are one of the most consistant on here in your beliefs, I will take it under advisement. I am still debating this internally.

Dave etal,

The intent of this thread is pretty much just a place to hang out and enjoy each others company....we try to leave our differences and egos at the door....

The mods insist on it being non political so a bit of a sanctuary if you will for all to kick back and relax....we don't all have the same views on various subjects but that's ok....nothing to stop up from sharing at least what we have in common.

Crispin is taking a well deserved break so I guess I get the trying to keep the peace during his absence.

Regards + HH


To protect the thread from being locked due to political issues please keep politics out of thread.

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Saw the movie the Butler worth seeing,enjoyed it but the end is not the best..

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Thanks Dave for the kind words..why not stick around and join us all in the things we do see in a similar fashion..I have a feeling you have much to offer..
My Best. .squigg

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One of the greatest songs ever written to my's about peace btw.....

Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms.


All this hoo-haa reminds me of an anchorage I was at a couple of years ago.

We were safely anchored in Ft. Jefferson, the Dry Tortugas. It took us a couple of weeks to get here, we had arrived just in time. We dropped the hook as a storm was brewing to our south. (We were west of Key West)

Anyhow, it was a rough night. Lot's of lightning, wind, heavy rain. We bounced on the heavy anchor chain, and in the soft sand, even drug a bit.

The storm was abating in the early morning as the sun was coming up. I was up on deck with my morning coffee. The Admiral (wife) joined me and said, "Hey, nobody's supposed to running a boat in there!" pointing over towards the fort.

That was true, it's an exclusion/protected zone. But there it was, a black inflatable with a 35HP outboard on the back. Had to be 8 or 10 people in that rubber boat.

What the....?

They beached the boat and jumped onto shore. They did a whole bunch of hugging and it looked like a couple of them were crying. That must have been one hell of a storm they survived. They were all dressed in the classic white Cuban pants and shirts.

So, here come the National Park Police with weapons and what not. They took all the people into custody, who seemed pretty darn happy about it.

Once I heard the Cuban words floating across the anchorage I had this figured out pretty quickly.

They had abandoned everything. Everyone else they left behind. Not enough room in the boat for belongings. Probably only a gallon or two of water and some scraps of food. These people left their home with... wait for it... the shirts on their backs. Nothing else.

What hell must they have left? They entered the Gulf stream from Cuba in a nasty storm. It's the best time, the Coast Guard (Ours and the Cuban Navy) don't go out in that kind of weather. And if they do, they don't see much. So, it's a good time to make an escape.

With a compass, in a storm, heavy seas, night, 90 miles, and miss any one of these little islands by a mile or two on either side, and you learn about rationing what little you have left to stay alive while watching your friends die. Unless you are one of the luckier ones and die first.

So, happy they were. Crying, hugging, it looked like one fellow even knelt down and kissed the ground. The biggest problem the US Coast Guard had upon arrival was not getting hugged by their prisoners.

So, off they went, on a USCG boat headed for Miami. Death was risked, and beaten. They were now on the best soil on the planet. Hopes and dreams ahead, agony behind.

I sipped my coffee and counted my blessings for being born where I was.


Thanks Dave for the kind words..why not stick around and join us all in the things we do see in a similar fashion..I have a feeling you have much to offer..
My Best. .squigg

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I don't think of it as kind so much as respectful and truthful. I am glad you like what you see in the mirror!

We may not see eye to eye but I always know you are truthful in your vision of the events before you.

Crispin used to say I should join too. But I disagree with the title. I told him that I do not fear a takeover, but I am watchful for my family and his family, and your family too Squiggy. I don't feel like a gov takeover is remotely in the works, but I won't make fun of the people who think it is a possibility either.

I understand Dave...I think it's always wise to be watchful in life..
We all have had experiences that shape our lives and reactions. I certainly have my own fears to overcome.
I think at one point we discussed changing the name of the thread and I for one would be fine with that. I can see that the name is a bit provocative.
I still hope you might join and actually maybe it is time for a name change..
Wonder what others think!!!!

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thank you for the well wishes and take your messages to heart. hope to be sending out good news shortly.

Wear your leisure suit lucky larry, you will look luscious, and lotsa luck luring the lucrative life.

Leisure! Plllease don't tell him to do that! yikes!

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Good night all, if the creek don't rise will see you all Tomorrow....have a good night ....Gary

I'm hitting the hay as well, night all.

Night all!

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TOO ALL....After I said goodnight I thought about a few things...How much being part of this thread has meant to me..
I hope I did not offend anyone with talk of name changing...this did not originate with me, so I was revisiting the subject...
I probably should not have interjected myself in the issues that arose tonight...
I tend to jump in when perhaps I should not...

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You did not offend anyone here, and you did what you felt was right, and did it good. My impression is that Crispin already changed and shortened the name to read, "....those not worried", and nothing else, and I think hat is adequate, since he is the one that started this thread, it should remain his.....My opinion only, I haven't been here as long as some. You have a fine, and fruitful day, and see you tonight.....Gary


You did not offend anyone here, and you did what you felt was right, and did it good. My impression is that Crispin already changed and shortened the name to read, "....those not worried", and nothing else, and I think hat is adequate, since he is the one that started this thread, it should remain his.....My opinion only, I haven't been here as long as some. You have a fine, and fruitful day, and see you tonight.....Gary

I shortened the title of the thread to take the political implications out of it to protect it, there were complaints it was political...........

I hope I do not offend anyone, but my suggestion would be to rename thread to "Crispin's Critters" in honor of Crispin....

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