Did I kill this thread??

Sorry, Crispin.

BBcamay, it's still alive......

Now go and convert the masses my children. Plenty if minds and souls that need saving.

Quote Originally Posted by Crispin View Post

Stocky: I am not worried about a government takeover. So, please do not use global generalizations like, "Why is everyone so worried..." Clearly, I have just proved that statement false. Theoretically, you could say, "Why is everyone other then Crispin so worried about some kind of government takeover." However, I am not suggesting you say that because I do not believe that.

Crispin, I myself am not worried,what can one do with worry but make yourself sick,physically and mentally. I am VERY concerned where this world is headed though!

This is post 94, copy and pasted from the 22.6173452 million guns thread in Second amendment watchdog forum. You are in the club now! Haha! Too late, we see where your true allegiance is. You are a Pinko Commie Liberal like the rest of us.


I personally worry about NOTHING,concerned,YES,and,my allegiance is not of this world!

Updated list:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
1/2 of RelevantChair

who is next?

Ps. I'm giving RelevantChair half a membership because he was really confusing and I'm not quite sure if he wants a membership or not.
Pps. WorldTalker is our Vice President as he has second longest tenure!
No Thanks,Not Interested.

Did I kill this thread??

Sorry, Crispin.

You didn't kill the thread, people have to sleep. ;)
Now that you and Dave have joined I totally expect membership to explode!

Updated list:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
1/2 of RelevantChair
Barb alias Squiggy

Who is next? Plenty of room.
Ps. Worldtalker has been removed from the list at his request. He has thus surrendered all responsibilites and priviledges associated with the position of Vice President.
PPs. Rebel: You just got promoted to Vice President! Congratulations!

The direction of our govt. wouldn't control the masses. If the majority of the US disagreed they would rebel. It has happened before and will happen again.

Control the masses? How about the threat of Social security and medicare being taken away? How about the take over of G.M. How about we'll turn off your free cell phones. How about the threat about gun's? How about the way you have to teach your kids, what they are suppose to eat? The health care bill. Don't you think we're all controled in some way or another. It's happening and the masses never saw it coming.

No Thanks,Not Interested.

Okay, sorry to see you go. You will be missed. Feel free to return at anytime; however, in fairness to other members your tenure will have to start over at the bottom.

Best regards,

Control the masses? How about the threat of Social security and medicare being taken away? How about the take over of G.M. How about we'll turn off your free cell phones. How about the threat about gun's? How about the way you have to teach your kids, what they are suppose to eat? The health care bill. Don't you think we're all controled in some way or another. It's happening and the masses never saw it coming.

Please don't get my thread locked. I am enjoying it. This thread is dedicated to NOT being worried about the government.

If a government (especially the U.S) wanted to take over, they could. And there is nothing we could do about it. With today's technology there just isn't much we could do.

If a government (especially the U.S) wanted to take over, they could. And there is nothing we could do about it. With today's technology there just isn't much we could do.

Yep..and I personally am not going to worry about endless things I have no control over...

Yep..and I personally am not going to worry about endless things I have no control over...

When it comes right down to it,what DO you have control over? The only thing I see is if you don't control your emotions,someone else will!

When it comes right down to it,what DO you have control over? The only thing I see is if you don't control your emotions,someone else will!

I believe you only have control over your choices not the outcome ...And to experience all your emotions and thoughts but not to act them for me!

Welcome aboard G.I.B! I completely agree with you. The only time our government surprises me is when they actually get something accomplished.

Updated list:

Rebel -KGC
Bill from Lachine
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
1/2 of RelevantChair
Barb alias Squiggy

Who is next?

Okay, sorry to see you go. You will be missed. Feel free to return at anytime; however, in fairness to other members your tenure will have to start over at the bottom.

Best regards,
Knocking him off the list for turning down vice?

I believe you only have control over your choices not the outcome ...And to experience all your emotions and thoughts but not to act them for me!

Choices, I do what I see is the WISE thing to do,sometimes I mess up,then I graciously suffer the consequences blaming no one but myself for my own stupidity! Blame,now there is a strange thing,some one does something that is not with in the realm of being a Human Being and right away they blame some one else for their actions,sad state of affairs,doesn't anyone take responsibility for their actions anymore? Not a personal attack by the way,you set my mind in motion.

Knocking him off the list for turning down vice?

No, not at all. I would love to have him back on the list. I just kind of got the feeling he does not want to be on the list.

1. Worldtalker: Do you want on the list? I apologize if I made a mistake. We can restore you as VP or farther down if you prefer.
2. Relevantchair: Do you want to stick with the 1/2 at this time or should I upgrade your status to full?


Choices, I do what I see is the WISE thing to do,sometimes I mess up,then I graciously suffer the consequences blaming no one but myself for my own stupidity! Blame,now there is a strange thing,some one does something that is not with in the realm of being a Human Being and right away they blame some one else for their actions,sad state of affairs,doesn't anyone take responsibility for their actions anymore? Not a personal attack by the way,you set my mind in motion.

I understand and agree ...

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