I'm up early (5 am)
Chomping at the bit to cut the grass.
I wait until a reasonable hour to start the mower.
Once finished, I make a fire....
The stump is about to go!
Using my favorite camping tactics, I soon have a nice fire over the offending stump.
I kept it smaller than a bonfire; no larger than say, a basketball.
Whoever has the odds on my making rain, increase my bet to $50.
A couple of hours after I started the stump burn, the clouds rolled in and it started raining.
The rain deities were mistaken this time; I was not camping!
Tomorrorow, I'll push the ashes into the adjacent depression, fill the remainder with soil from a corner of the yard and throw grass seed on top.
For a moment, I felt like I was camping.....
Fire skills come easily to me...
What can that mean?