From the same album....
in fact, the next song.....
When I reached my duty station, I was glad that I knew jewelry repair, watch repair,
locksmithing and how to kick a**.
I was much in demand for my "skills."
I remember one night, about 2 am,
A private came running into the barracks screaming that some of our fellow G.I. 's
were being "abused" by local drunk German punks in a disco in Mosbach, about 15 clicks away....
The call was put out to load a deuce and a half to go.
I grabbed the bottom half of my weighted pool cue and away we went!
Well, nobody was killed, but the next morning the German Police came to our barracks
and the end result was that G.I.'s were not allowed at the club in Mosbach anymore.....
I broke a perfectly good pool cue that night....
Ah, the American Aristocrats of the '70's in Europe.....
I still have a book of matches that I picked up that night.....
Maybe you've heard of the club...the "Yo Yo"...
the good times.....