First of all,
I'd like to apologize again for my comments the other night.
Especially to Jeff.
Not to make an excuse, but to provide explanation,
I've had a bad marriage and was always on the defensive.
Factor in a "hair-trigger,"
somewhat of a "persecution complex,"
And, well,
Hope all accept my apology.
(I'm actually getting better....)
I sent reply that I'd be interested in helping the 15 year old to the best of my abilities.
I'm now awaiting a response.
I've always been following the thread but perusing other topics such as currency collecting,
"What Is It?" etc.
Thanks to all for putting up with my foibles.
I don't "bait" for anything but catfish!
And, I don't suffer from "multiple personalities,
no more than someone who would constantly change their avatar.
My Best Wishes,