Tuesday is the next session of Veterans Court.
I just called the Director of Mentors and he mentioned ANOTHER Vet who needs a mentor.
I said, "Bring him to me. I can show him how to be a valued member of society by volunteering."
Tuesday, I will meet with the Court Clerk to finalize my ideas of Vet service to several organizations in the community.
I have established many personal connections....
When America cannot support America's Veterans,
It is up to other Veterans to show the support, compassion and help that is needed to welcome our Heroes back home.
I am that Vet who is there to Welcome you home.
What say you haters?
(Don't make me say names.....you know who you are.)
Tell us how you are beneficial to Vets and Humans, in general.....
Keyboard jockeys.
Talk a good game.
Fold up like a cheap suit when the final call is on you.
And you have hate for me?
Show your support for Veterans!
Would you give your life for a Family member?
Would you give your life for a Friend?
Would you give your life for a stranger?
A Vet would.
A Vet would give their life to save even you.
I know because I pledged to do so....
Time to get serious, Dig?
Sitting in a bunker, in Germany, below zero, I wondered, "Who am I protecting?"
And then, it became apparent....I am protecting YOU!