My wife has told me a thousand times “You are not the man I once knew.” Yeah well she isn’t the woman I married either. I’ll tell you why Vets end up homeless, Nobody gives a damn about you in the real world. The only thing that matters out here is money. Without money, you are worthless. Everything is profit motivated, everything is dog eat dog. The people that you thought care for you, only exist on the Internet with some flag wrapped sentimental Facebook meme, or if you are lucky, a magnet purchased from the gas station to show their "support". You just spent your entire adult life learning to depend on the team, the mission above all else, sacrifice. Overnight everything changes.
You find out that all your extensive training isn't worth the paper they printed your diploma on. Nobody has a need for a machine gunner, a mortar man, a tank commander, a pilot.
It takes a lot to get re-acclimated to the real world. Some don't make it. Those people become disenfranchised, and they just check out.
They just check out.
We go from: Been around the world twice. Talked to everyone once. Seen two whales ****, been to three world fairs . And I even know a man in Thailand with a wooden cock. I pushed more peeter, more sweeter and more completer than any other peter pusher around. I'm a hard bodied, hairy chested, rootin' tootin' shootin', parachutin' demolition double cap crimpin' frogman. There ain't nothin' I can't do. No sky too high, no sea too rough, no muff too tough. Been a lot of lessons in my life. Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet. Drove all kinds of trucks. 2by's, 4by's , 6by's and those big mother ****ers that bend and go 'Shhh Shhh' when you step on the brakes. Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards. I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a Combat diver. I'll wine, dine, intertwine, and sneak out the back door when the refueling is done. So if you're feeling froggy, then you better jump, because this frogman's been there, done that and is going back for more. To nobody and we check out.......just check out.