Silver Member
Heyyyyyyy brother Johnny, where are you buddy

Thank youI'm in Missouri. Brought here from Colorado when I was a kid.
By the way, I don't think that coach should be cussing around kids.
Missouri, huh?
I've lived in Missouri....KC.
And worked in KC. On the line. State line. Living in Kansas.
At KUMC (Kansas University Medical Center) on Rainbow Drive.
I used to walk to work as a Maintenance Tech on the 4-12 shift.
But would dodge and use cover and concealment on the way home due to the gunfire.....
I wasn't allowed to "carry" at work, although sometimes when I was on break,
I used to go down to the emergency area and many times I saw cars pull in and roll a gunshot victim out of the car and screech off.....
I did what I could do to help and many times I was with someone who didn't make it......And sometimes, I was there to help save their life.
Some may judge me, but they really don't know me....
But it's OK.
I don't want applause. I don't want awards.
All I want is for others to help another.
Be Well my Friend and Welcome to "The Critters!"
Yeah, Let's push the envelope of politics, shall we?
View attachment 1650024
"In a close race for the Georgia gubernatorial post, it appears that Republican candidate Brian Kemp is the winner.
However, we are still waiting for the Democratic precincts of the cemeteries to report."
"And Now, to placate those among the ranks of the dead voters, a song to show that you will NEVER be counted.
As long as American Soldiers patrol "hotspots," as long as American Soldiers volunteer to protect America and,
as long as Veterans still serve after their tour has ended, America will always be
Son of a biscuit eater–URGENT hey friends I just fell for a cell phone spoof. Yeup me. I just had a call from my cell phone carrier. They said there was a problem with my bill. It was in the automated voice too. They ask to input your passcode. I did. Then they said “all operators are busy, they’ll call back” AARRGGGHHH. The scam is they get your passcode, call your cell service acting like you, and file a warranty claim. We caught it immediately.......
An interesting video of how we are preprogrammed.
Excellent video, Bill. We learned some of the more depressing facts in the vid in sociology class at Crowder. People generally remain at or near the level where they are born. This isn't a hard and fast rule however.
I took an economics class and the teacher was great.
But he might as well have been speaking Swahili lol.
Economic theorys are a labyninth of numbers,theory, formulas. One day I'm sitting there and I realized he had been giving the same lecture for every class. So I'm reading the book, going to class. And one day, like the sun breaking through the clouds, I realized I understood what he was saying lol.
Repetition works. Can be dull at times but it works.
Fake it 'til you make it is a good idea.
Well a confirmation of what he's saying in the video has been proven to me again and again in my observation of people.
Case in point my Monday pub outing crowd are primarily inner city blue collar types. Good people overall but they tend to smoke and drink to much, poor diet and pretty much zero financial planning. They get a nice fat overtime check or some other windfall earnings and it's party time.
That certainly doesn't give them much financial security down the road when they reach retirement age. Also quite a few people on social assitance in the Eastern part of the suburbs where I live come the end of the month it's party time then after the first week or so the funds run out and they're looking for handouts and scrounging for the rest of the month and the cycle continues over and over again.
I just shake my head and wonder why they don't get it but it's as if they are caught in a negative loop that they can't break free of.
There's a weighted blanket on the market that is supposed to help people with sleeping problems, not sure how effective it is might be worth checking out.