My accepted responsibilities are ever increasing....
There are 200 lockers at work for employees to use.
They are "Master" brand built-in combination locks with a single key "over ride."
No one seems to have the key....or all of the correct combinations....
Greg, the Warehouse Manager, wants me to generate the key over ride and come up with the combinations to all 200 lockers.
So, what does ole Scotty say?
"ABSOLUTELY! How many keys do you want? About 6?"
OK. Now then...What Have I gotten myself into?
(Nothing that I can't handle!

Went to Veterans Court yesterday morning and saw my Vet, John.
He is doing very well in the program and I'm proud of him.
I also saw Stephan McGruder, the Vet Rep from the Department of Labor who helped me in this Volunteering effort.
I also saw a Vet led into the courtroom in handcuffs.
He was once assigned to the program but absconded and was recently rearrested.
He faces serious repercussions....
I wonder if he has a Mentor?
Hope all are well, warm and healthy!