Johnny, my father did 2 tours in Nam. Once with the First Cav, second tour 101st. He's actually my step dad. My real father POS, died in 1999. My parents divorced AFTER I left home. I was homeless my senior year in High school. I lived in a 1974 -75 ( somewhere in there, Chevy Blazer. I slept in my truck, the school janitor was nice to me. Sometimes he would police up food from lunch, and he and I would share dinner! I hunted with a 22 rifle, and I trapped!!!!! I would do my school studies with a kerosene lantern.......I enlisted at 17, and graduated top 10 in my high school!!!!! I served once in Iraq when the war started and 4 tours of Afghanistan before I got hurt. Probably (as I have heard) like you, I was in Home Depot wearing one of my shirts ( my favorite tshirt reads-Waterboard Instructor. So this elderly man calls me a baby killer at Home Depot. I said "excuse me?" I wasn't bothering anyone. He says it again........ WRONG!!! I said as I picked up an ax, "your damn right I'm a baby killer, too bad I didn't kill your momma's baby! I set the ax down, got in my truck and thought of my 56 friends that have passed away, then I went home...... Thank you for your service my friend and I'm sorry this GD country took so long to thank you!

45, I think there should be a "hospitality visit" you and I should get together and go see Scotts mountains and then we'll "kidnap " Scott and the 3 of us drop by Uncle Bills, nab him. Grab RC and the rest of the Wolfpack and raid OV's house!!!!! I got the beer!!!!

Certainly y'all should come to see Scotty. I'll be your guide to my Mountains.

But first, let me finish this high stakes poker tourney....

All In.webp
Think I'll go, "ALL IN!"

Here's hoping for the Best, Johnny.

Always in my thoughts,


Looks like I won't be able to go in this Saturday to paint stripes in the parking lot. So I told Tristan that he could get some overtime.
I already have over 8 hours of overtime for last week.....

My Wine and Cheese store Friend called and his Daughter bought a house and wants me to rekey the locks and install a lock and key them all the same on Saturday.

I told him that I'd certainly do it!

I have to call her in the morning to finalize details.

Y'all be good, hear?



Yep. Won that tourney. Did anyone have any doubts?

You are all a bunch of great guys, and I enjoy our visits. Catch you on my next rounds.

You are all a bunch of great guys, and I enjoy our visits. Catch you on my next rounds.

The "Critters," The "Wolf Pack," and I are grateful for your Service and am glad that you have found us.

What a motley crew we are. :headbang:

God Bless you, God Bless our Veterans and Active Service Members and God Bless America! :usflag:

Be Well, my Brother!

Always my Best Wishes,


First thing tomorrow at work, I have another riser to replace.
This time, Tristan will assist and learn.
I'll take my camera....
Two risers in 3 days?
It's already on it's side and I've already removed the caster assemblies.

I also told Tristan that I'd bring lunch again for us tomorrow.
A cheeseburger, chips and a salad.
I also told him that I'd give him a fish today and teach him to catch one for himself for tomorrow.
Feel me?

He has many issues including his food budget.
I told him that my Friends will never go hungry.
Yep, Tristan is under my wing.....
I spend much time with him and frequently give my advice, based upon my past mistakes and experiences.
I told him that I'll give him advice.
He might not like my advice.....He can take it or not.
But that I'd never give him bad advice.


Just sent a message to Bill Kokaly, who is Congressman Doug Collin's assistant.
I basically stated that I was an advocate of Veteran's issues and to contact me anytime if I could be of any assistance.

Exact message will be posted later.

Good Night, Friends!



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Morning Glories, I am up before noon had my first cup of coffee-n-chicories and I am off the the bank for some spending cash. Catch you latter.

Hey Dram. Do you know anything about Biodiesel fuels?

Memories of a Dead Soldier:

It was around 2001 and I had been in Group Therapy for about a year and a half, we really had a bunch of great guys and gaining more each week. The group was headed by a young female Phd and her supervisor came in to monitor the session. Everyone signed and the first thing that was asked by the young Phd was "What could be done to improve the group?" They all said "Put Johnny in charge of the group." When the session ended the young Phd came up to me and said "Don't come back again." I headed her wishes and never returned. A few weeks later I went to my appointment with the Psychiatrist. He then told me she had been fired for sleeping with one her patents. I told him "I guess, I should had nailed her when I had the chance."

Next month will be twelve years with out a drink, or a meeting. Five years without a cigarette, but I do smoke a pipe from time to time.


I admire your's amazing what we can accomplish when we put our mind to it.

I still drink beer but quit drinking wine about 1 year ago but only because of allergies from the

I stopped smoking last December cold turkey and haven't touched one since not easy but I refuse to let the habit beat me.

Regards + HH


Hey 45!!! I too have a .45 but not a 1911. Mine is a Springfield. Why Springfield??? Cause it has a " threaded barrel" hehehe. Yepper got the tax stamps too!!!!! Hehehe

Wow!!!!! Wish I was there.

War museum stuff, not sure you can see them all. You should be able to pick out the .45sone.webptwo.webpthree.webpfour.webpfive.webp

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