bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Here's a tribute to Tom Petty by Choir! Choir! Choir! - Free Fallin.
Here's a tribute to Tom Petty by Choir! Choir! Choir! - Free Fallin.
45, I think there should be a "hospitality visit" you and I should get together and go see Scotts mountains and then we'll "kidnap " Scott and the 3 of us drop by Uncle Bills, nab him. Grab RC and the rest of the Wolfpack and raid OV's house!!!!! I got the beer!!!!
You are all a bunch of great guys, and I enjoy our visits. Catch you on my next rounds.
Morning Glories, I am up before noon had my first cup of coffee-n-chicories and I am off the the bank for some spending cash. Catch you latter.