Peyton Manning
Gold Member
Welcome Kevin! New areas for discussion: Spart is officially being offered the position of presidency which would then move me into Attorney General. There is a motion to demote Big Bird (the yellow one) permanantly to the bottom of the list. Does anybody second the motion? Lastly, Jerseyben has been appointed Secretary of State.
Updated list:
Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President)
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair
Barb alias Squiggy
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Chief Chef and culinary advisor)
Mascot List: Eva, Squiggy, and Wasaya.
Who is next? The train has not left the station.
Hey! you left out my ambassadorship. and I move we appoint rebgirl (bbcamay) as official model