Welcome Kevin! New areas for discussion: Spart is officially being offered the position of presidency which would then move me into Attorney General. There is a motion to demote Big Bird (the yellow one) permanantly to the bottom of the list. Does anybody second the motion? Lastly, Jerseyben has been appointed Secretary of State.

Updated list:

Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President)
Big Bird (the yellow one)
Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair
Barb alias Squiggy
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Chief Chef and culinary advisor)

Mascot List: Eva, Squiggy, and Wasaya.

Who is next? The train has not left the station.


Hey! you left out my ambassadorship. and I move we appoint rebgirl (bbcamay) as official model

Hey! you left out my ambassadorship. and I move we appoint rebgirl (bbcamay) as official model

LOL! TOLD YA! Female Body Inspector... FBI.

Blowing YOUR "cover" NOW... Special Agent 43!

We DO need a SPY as Ambassador...

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We all know bbcamay/rebgirl is super we have to give her a job she can sink her teeth into to use those skills....heck she can multi task and have the model job also....probably handle both blindfolded.

Regards + HH



We all know bbcamay/rebgirl is super we have to give her a job she can sink her teeth into to use those skills....heck she can multi task and have the model job also....probably handle both blindfolded.

Regards + HH


yeah watch her teeth, they are sharp

Invasive species are a very serious matter we all face in the world today. Due to the lack of global food resources and the prolific danger invasive species pose to our habitat, I propose we eat them.

BackBacon's (aka BackStrap) Bacon Wrapped Invasive Scallops With A Apple, Garlic, Champagne Reduction

Take the cleaned, pesky, invasive little buggers and marinate them in a cup of Champagne for 15 minutes. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Wrap those Scallop heathens in your favorite type of bacon, securing them with a tooth pick. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. While the commie Scallops are in the oven, heat a non stick sauce pan over medium to high heat. Once the pan is heated thoroughly add 4 tablespoons of butter or margarine and saute until it is melted. Then add 3 cloves of freshly chopped garlic and 1 finely diced (Granny Smith or a bitter flavored apple) apple. Saute the ingredients (about 5 minutes) until they are cooked through. Then add the Champagne to the pan and simmer for another 5 minutes or until the sauce has reached the desired consistency. Now there are 2 options remaining for the completion of this dish. Option 1. The scallops can be placed in the pan to be tossed and totally covered in the reduction. Option 2. The sauce can be served on the side as a dipping sauce.

There, that will teach those evil invaders who's boss. The Snakehead fish that is currently invading the Southern waterways of our friends in the US, is next on the list. If anyone in our collective would like any culinary advice or recipe ideas feel free to send me a PM.

BackBacon (aka BackStrap)

Ooops, sorry about that. I will correct the error in the next update. I'm not sure if BBcamay wants to be official model. If she applies for it then the position is hers.

Ooops, sorry about that. I will correct the error in the next update. I'm not sure if BBcamay wants to be official model. If she applies for it then the position is hers.

' if she applies for it?' who's in charge around here anyway? YOU have the power to appoint her. ( I guarantee she won't object)


"There, that will teach those evil invaders who's boss. The Snakehead fish that is currently invading the Southern waterways of our friends in the US, is next on the list. If anyone in our collective would like any culinary advice or recipe ideas feel free to send me a PM."

I'm looking forward to what you'll come up with as a side dish.....maybe some southern grits would hit the spot.

Then there's always the burmese pythons in Florida......maybe some nice marinated steaks and Crispin can throw a barbeque for the crew with you as grill

Regards + HH


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All this crazy talk about a government take over has made me hungry for some reason. Usually it just makes me anxious and paranoid.


"There, that will teach those evil invaders who's boss. The Snakehead fish that is currently invading the Southern waterways of our friends in the US, is next on the list. If anyone in our collective would like any culinary advice or recipe ideas feel free to send me a PM."

I'm looking forward to what you'll come up with as a side dish.....maybe some southern grits would hit to spot.

Then there's always the burmese pythons in Florida......maybe some nice marinated steaks and Crispin can throw a barbeque for the crew with you as grill

Regards + HH


I can't see why they shouldn't be good using any old perch recipe. Same texture and flavor from what people have told me.

I can't eat that stuff...have you sen my picture?

You can add me to that list too...

Being a believer in due process, I must now put a motion on the floor to our Secretary Of War. G.I.B., do we have permission to engage all invasive species in our future culinary endeavors?

Backbacon said:
Being a believer in due process, I must now put a motion on the floor to our Secretary Of War. G.I.B., do we have permission to engage all invasive species in our future culinary endeavors?

Burmese python burgers for our friends in Florida? Snake be gooood eatin - just like chicken!!

Nutria stew, feral pig BBQ, etc.

Being a believer in due process, I must now put a motion on the floor to our Secretary Of War. G.I.B., do we have permission to engage all invasive species in our future culinary endeavors?

Wait, let me put my coat on first...



I, G.I.B. Secretary of War for the Crispy Critter Army, do hereby and forthwith declare open season upon any and all invasive species declared tasty upon the issuance of a suitable recipe by BackBacon.

All able-bodied Critters shall immediately arm themselves with one suitable knife and a bottle of either Tabasco sauce or BBQ sauce (as appropriate) for said invasive species.

Go forth and slaughter, eat well and prosper minions of Crispin.

I further decree that the elusive Shaved Beaver shall forever be declared a Protected Species and NOT subjected to this Declaration of War.

Shaved beaver.webp


Burmese python burgers for our friends in Florida? Snake be gooood eatin - just like chicken!!

Nutria stew, feral pig BBQ, etc.

Something about serpent that stops me from eating it,although I have eat wild hog,just gotta cook it good,all the crap they eat,parasite city!

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