I asked myself,
"Self, What would you like for your Birthday dinner?"
Some HOT chicken thighs. With Uncle Bill's Habenero dust!
It's preparing now!
Thanks, Bill!
I think back to a birthday when I was maybe 5 or 6.....
My Grandmother came by with a new outfit for my older Sister.
My Mom said, "It's Scott's birthday."
My Grandmother didn't care; My Sister was "The Chosen One" to her.
Scotty? Yeah......whatever.
(Kids see and remember this stuff, Dig)
After my Grandmother left, my Mom took the outfit back to the store for a refund and bought me a Birthday Cake with a wooden train on top. I loved trains!
When the first slice of cake was cut and plated, I gave it to my Sister and said, "I love you, Penny!"
Penny now receives disability assistance for mental problems.
I haven't communicated with her for several years.
It is her choice.....
I've tried.