
Tom Jones + Van Morrison - I'm carrying a torch.....I actually saw Van smile a couple of times so I guess he likes this version of his song.


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Good luck with the interview Monday and hopping that chicken with the hot pepper flakes hits the spot.....btw way if you ace the job at the seniors residence it's right up your alley as you'll be working with veterans of life whether or not they had military service.

Regards + HH


You make me sweat!
From my scalp! :notworthy:


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Does current life agree with your view?

How do you live?

Oh, damn, here we go...

Do you live your life to help others?
Perhaps you live to hate.

Why hate?

Sometimes, we all need a sweet kitty to hug!

And hear the purr....


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My Passion is now sent; my goal is known.
I have posted my final missive..

Now it is up to you to be your best. You are the only one to show your goal.

You will be....

The Best....


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Today I received an email about my charter membership dues. To the person(s) that paid my dues for me before, I thank you!!!!!!! I paid it this morning because I kind of like you fine folks. Someone paid it for me before without knowing me........ I thank you!!!!!! I am appreciative of anything that someone does for me! I thank you!!!!![emoji106][emoji4]🙃[emoji39][emoji39]

I went to the interview this morning....

This morning I met with Dana for a face to face interview.
I think it went well.

I was directed to a conference room and to have a seat.

After a couple of minutes, she came in.

As a gentleman, I stood and waited until she sat before I sat again.

I'm sure that made an impression.

Not to mention my suit. And tie.

We briefly discussed the position, I completed a 5 page maintenance test and had a quick tour of the facility.

She said that she had a couple more interviews and would let me know by Thursday one way or the other.
The facility is about 2 years old.
It has about 95 units of one and two bedroom apartments.
The units are all currently full and a waiting list of about 100.

Sounds like a good fit for ole Scotty!

The downside is that I will be the only maintenance tech on site and will have to be on call.

No more camping, I guess....

I left and spent some older currency at the grocery store to make some chicken and dumplings, mashed taters and peas for dinner.

I've always known that a full stomach before retiring at night leads to peaceful sleep and a great new day ahead!

I'll continue my search, in case this position fails to pan out....

Hope all have a great week!



While at the grocery store, I noticed that I was treated differently because I was wearing a suit and tie.
I felt that women flirted with me.
From other customers to the check-out clerk....
Just an observation of one who always is aware of psychological situations.....
I still feel amused.....

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A renegade? Scott?


Yet, always true!
A man whom you count upon his word.
When others waver in the face of death,
I am there for my brother.
Follow me. We'll live to see tomorrow!

Vet Strong.
Wolfpack Strong.
American Strong!


Time to clean and oil my weapons again......
They are now perfectly sighted in.....

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Scott puttin on a shine.
Non mountain wear ,but kinda a mountain day.

My Chicken and dumplings dinner is nearly ready.
All that is left is to peel a coupla taters, boil 'em for mashed taters. Heat up the peas and splurge!

I've all night to make my dinner......

But, Thinking of my future. Remembering my past, I wonder what will become of Scott in the future...

Then, I see that dinner is almost ready and righteous and I look forward to filling my plate!


What was the question?

Ah! Seconds?




Name the Author.....and Win a prize...
Scott's treasure you will surmise.

Like special clues where my treasure is laid....
Pay attention to what is said.

"Come one, come all! Try your luck, how can you fail!
Follow the clues and you will prevail!"

"You think I'm stupid I surely guess,
But your little heart I'll certainly bless.

"Don't think I'm lost in the mountains and such,
I'm into hiking, camping and so much!"

"A treasure awaits your find,
Follow the clues I must remind."

"Into the mountains and a path this way,
We have certainly before hiked this way."


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A bluesy number for you - Bruce Willis - Devil Woman.


My Chicken and dumplings dinner is nearly ready.
All that is left is to peel a coupla taters, boil 'em for mashed taters. Heat up the peas and splurge!

I've all night to make my dinner......

But, Thinking of my future. Remembering my past, I wonder what will become of Scott in the future...

Then, I see that dinner is almost ready and righteous and I look forward to filling my plate!


What was the question?

Ah! Seconds?




Name the Author.....Win a prize...
A treasure you will surmise.

Like special clues where my treasure is buried.....

"Come one, come all! Try your luck, how can you fail!
Follow the clues and you will prevail!"

"A treasure awaits your find,
Follow the clues I must remind."

"In the mountains and a path this way,
We have certainly hiked this way."


Author of??? Oliver? Charles Dickens ( Oliver Twist author anyway) , the musical had Lionel Bart's touch after David Merrick brought it to the U.S.A. to produce.

" Consider yourself ,at home.."


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Man o man I love chicken and dumplings!!!!

Author of??? Oliver? Charles Dickens ( Oliver Twist author anyway) , the musical had Lionel Bart's touch after David Merrick brought it to the U.S.A. to produce.

" Consider yourself ,at home.."

You are the man!
You are in tune to my soul.....

Love you, Brother!


A special clue will soon be PM'd to you of my
buried treasure......


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You are the man!
You are in tune to my soul.....

Love you, Brother!


A special clue will soon be PM'd to you of my
buried treasure......


Ahh. But I already have a better , intangible , treasure from you.

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Ahh. But I already have a better , intangible , treasure from you.
Tell me more!


Perhaps you realize that I performed professionally.. Yeah It don't matter Does it?.....Dig?

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Sorry, folks.

When I feel hurt or a need to be strong,
I reach for my Taki.

I play my guitar and hope to not break a string.

Tonight, I feel a passion to play smooth.
Songs that I feel of love.

Songs that I'm composing.

Lyrics from my heart.....


And I play and the music flows.....

Play on, my Friends!


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