The problem is I want all the boats! Lol!
I'm looking to "steal" a boat, I just thoroughly enjoy buying something for pennies on the dollar. I'm in no hurry so I'm just enjoying the hunt.
I hope you are able to narrow down your own search for a pickup. I'm glad I'm all set on vehicles at the moment (hopefully many,many moments) I thoroughly LOVE my old dodge! If you want a full size truck I would suggest a older dodge diesel like mine. They still sell for good money though, not uncommon to see a 22 year old truck selling for $10,000 or more. Worth every penny if you ask me, I've got well over 400,000 miles on mine!!
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
My locksmith Friend and I went to Arcadia,
Georgia last week to make a key for an early 2000 model Lexus SUV.
Dude had bought it at an auction, without hearing it run for it had no key to start.
He took a chance. A BIG chance.
The body wasn't damaged, the interior clean.
To make a key for this model, it had to be "Flashed" to accept a new key.
That involves removing the control module behind the glove box.
Not "In" the glove box....
The first 2-3 I've ever removed were a pain...
They are now getting easier....
10 minutes and this one was in my hand!
We "flash" it, I reinstall it, plug all the wires back in,
Cut a "chip" key to factory specs, program it and within a total of 30 minutes,
The Lexus started, sounded good and ran!
Our fee?
I think $225.00.
That included everything, even the mileage of the "Service Call."
Oh, What did dude pay for this $8000 vehicle at the auction?
I offered a grand right there.
Should I have offered more?
He smiled and I told him that I was looking for a truck....
He said that he has one I'd like that he's putting a new motor in
and to check back with him in a week or so!
Best Wishes,