Just when you think you know somebody. I just got back from the bank. My banker is really cool. Also a Vet. Served 92-96 with the 82nd Airborne. So he's always nice to me. First name basis. So I handle business he says " do you want to see a project I'm working on? I said sure. He has a wife couple kids, I'm thinking he's restoring a Harley or something. He pulls out his phone, says he's been working on this for years........I see clear bulbs, wires copper, colored ping pong balls what the????? I think I heard the word flux capacitor......he says it's a time machine. You can travel from here to Australia in 2 seconds by reproducing your plasma there...... I SWEAR he said that. Then he says this information was just released to earth! Once he gets his plutonium he'll be able to reproduce matter...... So I decided to play along. I said like gold? You can reproduce gold? He said yes anything on the periodic chart..... And he was so excited and into it........ I just listened and smiled. Then he he said it again " This information has just been released to earth. I said brother you must feel real special being one of the few that know this. Once you perfect it, try to get a government contract make millions! He said oh no. I can't trust the government I only tell a few people. Don't tell anyone you know ok? I said brother........ I didn't see a thing....... Hehe so how was your day ? Hahaha. While I was up north I had 5 kids from 2-15 riding the Kawasaki Mule one night. I'm the good, funny grandpa. One of the older grandparents (real boring) came outside she said ( it was dark) she said where are you taking all the kids......god she stayed on our azz...... I said " ask the 2 year old" Bigfeet hunting" WHAT Yeup you all stay inside boring we are going hunting for Bigfoot!!!!!! Now you know that's not real........ And all the kids laughed as we rode away that night. I keep life fun and funny for the kids. I did get in trouble for having the 2 year old Bigfoot hunting at 10:00 but she slept well........ My boys have been Snipe hunting now too........ Have you? [emoji15]


I'm thinking your bank manager is kind of loosing touch with reality.

Glad you had fun with the kids though.

Regards + HH


He really had me there Uncle Bill!

I too have returned from the mountains with some funny stories and some enlightenment. I'll leave you tonight with a quick funny one, pics later. My boys and I were riding a Kawasaki mule and I found myself on a Razor with my great nephews 17 year old friend. Hardly any roads. He says " are you afraid of speed?" I said " Nope" in seconds on a 1 lane dirt road I glanced over we were slipping and sliding around every curve. I yelled" hey where's the seat belts...... Thinking I somehow missed some sort of 5 point racing harness....... He looks at me as our back tires slide over an embankment " don't matter....... They don't work" reminds me of the last thing most Rednecks like me say right before they die " hey y'all watch this" hehe pics later. I revisited where I parked my Chevy blazer I told everybody about when I was a homeless 16 year old. Place has grown up a bit, but still saw a few rabbits, squirrels, fish and 3 flocks of turkeys!!!!


And you didn't think to invite me?

I wish that I was there and will eagerly await all photos that are "safe" to post!

So Good to hear from you this "Rainy Night In Georgia!"

Best, Always,


Just when you think you know somebody. I just got back from the bank. My banker is really cool. Also a Vet. Served 92-96 with the 82nd Airborne. So he's always nice to me. First name basis. So I handle business he says " do you want to see a project I'm working on? I said sure. He has a wife couple kids, I'm thinking he's restoring a Harley or something. He pulls out his phone, says he's been working on this for years........I see clear bulbs, wires copper, colored ping pong balls what the????? I think I heard the word flux capacitor......he says it's a time machine. You can travel from here to Australia in 2 seconds by reproducing your plasma there...... I SWEAR he said that. Then he says this information was just released to earth! Once he gets his plutonium he'll be able to reproduce matter...... So I decided to play along. I said like gold? You can reproduce gold? He said yes anything on the periodic chart..... And he was so excited and into it........ I just listened and smiled. Then he he said it again " This information has just been released to earth. I said brother you must feel real special being one of the few that know this. Once you perfect it, try to get a government contract make millions! He said oh no. I can't trust the government I only tell a few people. Don't tell anyone you know ok? I said brother........ I didn't see a thing....... Hehe so how was your day ? Hahaha. While I was up north I had 5 kids from 2-15 riding the Kawasaki Mule one night. I'm the good, funny grandpa. One of the older grandparents (real boring) came outside she said ( it was dark) she said where are you taking all the kids......god she stayed on our azz...... I said " ask the 2 year old" Bigfeet hunting" WHAT Yeup you all stay inside boring we are going hunting for Bigfoot!!!!!! Now you know that's not real........ And all the kids laughed as we rode away that night. I keep life fun and funny for the kids. I did get in trouble for having the 2 year old Bigfoot hunting at 10:00 but she slept well........ My boys have been Snipe hunting now too........ Have you? [emoji15]

View attachment 1343652
"Tell me more of your "Banker Friend," Please!



Think that I may go on a hike this weekend, deeper into the mountains; A direction and place that I have never been.

A simple, yet lengthy "Day Hike," begun early in the day, certainly with map and compass, and with 3 days provisions......
If necessary....

Let's see what the weather might be....(But, Does that really matter?)



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In the meantime,

First thing tomorrow I have to duplicate 100 ILCO 1137 blanks....
Perhaps an hour?


OK.. Next?

Make a set of working keys for a "T-Handle" lock.


That's what? 20 minutes? Maybe 30... Next?
Ah! A re key of some storefront mortise cylinders, some auto key makes and programming , and maybe lions and tigers and bears, Oh MY!

Love your work and you will never feel that it is work!



Glad to be runnin' with my locksmith Friend again! :thumbsup:

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Jimmy Cliff - Many rivers to cross.

Regards + HH



Lol! TGF, I don't think I could have contained myself listening to your banker! I would have asked for a demonstration!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Earlier this week, I was planning on camping another night or two this weekend while hiking in the mountains before Fall sets in....

Then, I learned that the Husband of a Very good Friend of mine had died.

I saw her tonight and Donated to the fund for funeral expenses and said that if there was anything that I could do to let me know.
She said that she might want her house locks re-keyed.
I told her that soon would be best and that I'm available this weekend.
No fee, charge or worry. Just call me.

Holly is the sweetest woman that I've met in the last 10 years but,
Don't be fooled. Dig?
She's a retail clerk and provides me occasional collectible currency that I have taught her to be aware of.
I have purchased Mint Year Sets for her on ebay to give as gifts for her Children and Grandchildren for Birthdays and Christmas.

I made a promise.
I'll be available.

Perhaps I'll putter about the house this weekend~~~Get an early start on preparations for the Fall Season...
Might even do some laundry! :dontknow:

Sorting out items to post for sale on the various sites that I peruse? Including taking photos?
It's really "tedious" work for me....

But, done right,


Y'all enjoy yer Weekend, Hear?




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"To know the heart of a Man is easy to see.
Ask anyone who knows me.

A simple man who lives day to day.
Never forgetting my path to today.

When my day is near end,
I'll wonder if I have made a new Friend.

Until later, when I find the time to tie up loose ends,
And again find myself here with ALL of my Friends!




Decided to fire up one of my old metal detectors today.


First of all, need fresh batteries.

Now, think of where I want to go....:dontknow:

OK. A schoolyard it is.

After a coupla hours, I said, "That's enough."


Holly never called.....

I'll see her again this week and offer my Locksmith Service once more.

Hope all have a quick and productive week!

Best Always,


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Who's gonna be in the World Series this year?


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Hey Scott, I went camping!!
Well just overnight on my boat with my son and his buddy. The next day my wife and another one of my sons buddy's joined us. We launched after dark and navigated by gps on my phone. It was foggy, and my led lights could only do so much. We ate brownies, drank soda, watched YouTube videos, watched shooting stars after it cleared up, and listened to the loons all night. The next day we towed the tube all day and burned a small fortune in gas! Lol! It was a great time with them and very memorable

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

View attachment 1345693

Scott is getting feeble...Perhaps he is ready for a Nursing Home ???
(OH LORD! Help the staff who has to deal with him!)

He's been a looking at last month's calendar for the past week!" :laughing7:
No damned wonder he's been confused recently....

However, things are looking up!
Green Jelly for everyone!



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Hey Scott, I went camping!!
Well just overnight on my boat with my son and his buddy. The next day my wife and another one of my sons buddy's joined us. We launched after dark and navigated by gps on my phone. It was foggy, and my led lights could only do so much. We ate brownies, drank soda, watched YouTube videos, watched shooting stars after it cleared up, and listened to the loons all night. The next day we towed the tube all day and burned a small fortune in gas! Lol! It was a great time with them and very memorable

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

The time spent enjoying Life, Friends and Experiences is NEVER time wasted!

"Whether in the mountains or at sea,
Enjoy life, For it 'tis much too short, believe me."



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The time spent enjoying life, Friends and experiences is NEVER time wasted!

Whether in the mountains or a sea,
Enjoy life, For it 'tis so short, believe me.



Right you are Scott! Looks as if my old friend I posted about reconnecting with will be coming for a visit soon! And I have found a sailboat I'm going to try to take a good look at this weekend, man I want one! I think weekend sail trips would be awesome!!! We shall see!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Perhaps something more cerebral, in line with my mien this evening,

I offer....

"Fear not, my Friends! The weekend will soon be here!



And a tune that permeated my thoughts all day...

What a pleasure to hear it again....

Ain't the interwebs great or what? :thumbsup:

(A Rickenbacker Bass? Why, Yes! Yes it is!)


Reached #44 in 1978.


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Perhaps a visit to the VA is warranted:
I have no appetite and all familiar foods tastes bad.

I haven't eaten in 3 days....


Yet, first thing in the morning,
I'm to visit a sweet elderly woman to make keys for her filing cabinet. :thumbsup:

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